Chinese Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Chinese Tensions

  • This topic has 424 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by ALB.
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  • #210588

    This economic report shows that China export increased in the middle of the US trade and that most of the medical equipment and accessories were supplied by China, therefore, the so-called Make America Great Again or America First is not working


    Here is an example of deluded thinking…that Chinese capitalism is unlike all others and is wholly beneficial to the world.

    China’s Economy of Peace | Dissident Voice


    Well, nothing new, Lenin said that state capitalism was beneficial for the Russian working class


    The US military has warned US ships will “accept calculated tactical risks and adopt a more assertive posture in our day-to-day operations,” …calling China “the most pressing, long-term strategic threat”…the US Navy will also be more visible in the Pacific…it will “detect and document our rivals’ actions that violate international law, steal resources, and infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations”.

    US Navy to be ‘more assertive’ in countering China in Pacific | Politics News | Al Jazeera


    Once again i have come across an argument that i thought would been jettisoned long ago.

    “… China is leading a process of combined development as part of a long transition to socialism…”

    China’s Rise in the Context of Global Capitalism | Dissident Voice


    That is what the Maoists used to call the Four Modernization of Chinese socialism initiated during the reign of Teng Xiao Ping, and they were: Agriculture, Industry, Military,  Science and Technology, and the coup against the gangs of four, the other side of the Maoists called it the coup against the gangs of five because it included Mao Tse Tung when he was alive. When it was proven that it was all  state capitalism the stampede started within the same movement


    I read this BBC headline “US blacklists companies with possible military ties” and went WOW…Lockheed …Raytheon…and in the UK BAE etc to lose the US government armament contracts…then i read the text

    ” 00 Chinese and Russian companies with alleged military ties…”

    Oh,  so it was “theirs” not “ours”

    US blacklists companies with possible military ties – BBC News


    Just who really is the military threat in the region?

    The US has five major military bases in the Philippines, 40 bases in Japan and Korea, and its 7th Fleet–based in Yokosuka, Japan–is Washington’s largest naval force.

    The alliance of the US, Australia, Japan, and India called the “Quad” coordinates joint actions. These include the yearly Malabar war games that model interdicting China’s energy supplies by closing off the Malacca Straits between Malaysia and Indonesian island of Sumatra.

    US military strategy in the area, titled “Air Sea Battle,” aims to control China’s south coast, decapitate the country’s leadership, and take out its nuclear missile force. China’s counter move has been to seize islands and reefs to keep US submarines and surface craft at arm’s length, a strategy called “Area Denial. The Americans claim that the modernization of the Chinese navy poses a threat, YET it was US actions in the 1996 Taiwan Straits crisis that frightened the PRC into a crash program to construct that modern navy and adopt the strategy of Area Denial.

    Think about how Washington would react if China held naval war games off Yokosuka, San Diego or in the Gulf of Mexico.

    China’s Sea of Conflict


    Two U.S. carrier groups, the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group and the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, conducted joint exercises in the South China Sea.

    The US accuses China of militarising the South China Sea to intimidate neighbours such as Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, who have claims that overlap with China’s in the resource-rich area.

    But who is intimidating who?


    Ominous signs

    A French nuclear attack submarine recently conducted a patrol in the South China Sea.

    Defence Minister Florence Parly tweeted “striking proof of our French Navy’s capacity to deploy far away and for a long time together with our Australian, American and Japanese strategic partners.”

    Defence Minister Parly stressed that France intends to conduct patrols every year in the region. And in the next few weeks, Paris should deploy, as part of its Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) mission, “an amphibious group that should operate as far as Japan”, said the Defence Ministry.


    In yet another challenge to China which risks resulting in a confrontation, a U.S. Navy warship sailed by islands claimed by China in the South China Sea.

    The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said destroyer USS Russell “asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the Spratly Islands, consistent with international law.”


    Chineses are being physically attacked. It is a product of the propaganda made by the USA government that China spread the Coronavirus


    Biden’s nominee to be director of the CIA, William Burns, told a Senate committee on Wednesday that he saw competition with China – and countering its “adversarial, predatory” leadership – as the key to U.S. national security.

    He called China “a formidable, authoritarian adversary,” that is strengthening its ability to steal intellectual property, repress its people, expand its reach and build influence within the United States.

    Burns said that if he were a U.S. college or university president, he would recommend shutting down Confucius Institutes – Beijing-funded campus cultural centers that many members of Congress see as propaganda tools.


    Germany gets in on the act

    “We welcome Germany’s support for a rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific…” the US State Department said.

    Is this the transformation of a possible potential conflict into NATO one

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