A typical leftwing interpretation of the Chile election result.
Left-wing Victory in Chile
No easy predictions can be made since Chile has entered a radically different era, one in which major decisions will be made not by a politically unhindered ruling elite presiding over a passive population but by multiple social forces who have just regained their agency. Thus, in the current conjuncture, we need to show solidarity with the Chilean project so that it can find its way through the open-ended dynamics of history.
For ourselves, the prediction is a rather easy one, regardless of ideological slant, capitalism cannot be permanently reformed for the benefit and interests of the working class.
The IWW was once a significant force in Chile.
From its Preamble
“The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.
Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organise as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.”