Very good day yesterday 1st July with 3 members attending. Had 8-9 excellent conversations with one American calling back. Handed out around 30-35 Q&A leaflets and several others, about 5 Socialist Standards given out and 2 SOYMB.
Hopefully, if the weather holds out on the 5th August we'll be able to make a start on the filming the responses to the questionnaire.
Another good day on the 5th August. Four members turned up to man the stall. Had a party sympathiser drop by who picked up the latest Socialist Standard, and a back issue, plus a leaflet. Several conversations with people stopping at the stall and handed out about 30+ leaflets.
4 members in attendance for another good day in Cardiff. 20-30 leaflets distributed, 3 pamphlets, 4 Socialist Standards and one SOYMB. Several conversations and our stock needs to be replenished.