“Capitalism unfair and corrupt”

October 2024 Forums General discussion “Capitalism unfair and corrupt”

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    I don't think this pro-capitalist think-tank got the result they wanted:


    I know you have to payto read  the whole article but the headline and opening paragraph are significant enough. Perhaps someone else can find another link to a fuller and free report.

    The report does also say that people are more concerned with dealing with poverty than reducing inequality, whatever the implications of that are?

    Doubts about the importance of tackling inequality, rather than addressing absolute poverty, also emerge. At least six out of ten people in each country polled agreed with the suggestion that poverty was a bigger problem than inequality and unemployment was a bigger problem that some people being super-rich.

    Actually, quite damaging, so long as people are more concerned with dealing with the very worst absolute poverty (and believing that, comparatively, they're OK), then we're not going to get much traction.  Our key message is a demand for practical equality.  Absent that, then reforms and safety nets are a workable answer.Food for thought. 


    Haven't found another link to the Times article but here's a recent damning indictment of capitalism from The Institute for Policy Studies, an American think-tank based in Washington DC.

    To the followers of Ayn Rand and Ronald Reagan, and to all the business people who depise government, 'community' is a form of 'communism'.  Even taking the train is too communal for them. Americans have been led to believe that only individuals matter, that every individual should fend for him/herself, that "winner-take-all" is the ultimate goal, and that the winners have no responsibility to others.To the capitalist everything is a potential market.  Education, health care, even the right to water.  But with every market failure it becomes more clear that basic human needs can't be bought and sold like cars and cell phones.  The pursuit of profit, when essential needs are part of the product, means that not everyone will be able to pay the price.  Some will be denied those essential needs.Capitalism hasn't been able to control runaway global inequality.  For every $1.00 owned by the world's richest 1% in 2011.they now own $1.27.  They own almost half the world's wealth.  Just 70 of them own as much as 3.5 billion people.

    And so on – read the whole article.http://inequality.org/capitalism-verdict/


    Ah, but beware Times spin, and look at who founded the poll:http://www.li.com/

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