Cannabis legalization

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Cannabis legalization

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  • #173660

    The Party was invited to contribute something on this to this online magazine edited by a one-time member of the Socialist Party of Canada. Here it is:

    Contributors were also asked to write a rebuttal to one of the other contributions. It’s here:
    Unfortunately they were unable to rebut a rebuttal, so not this one from a “libertarian”:

    Interesting – Paddy described as anarcho-socialist.

    I often use this Dietzgen quote:

    “The terms anarchist, socialist, communist should be so “mixed” together, that no muddlehead could tell which is which. Language serves not only the purpose of distinguishing things but also of uniting them – for it is dialectic.”



    Another contribution by us to Poliquads digital magazine, this time on the anti-fascist group Antifa:



    Once again we are described by the term anarcho-socialist.

    In regards to this other topic

    WPNZ Open Letter

    Is it a description we should embrace?

    I know some on Libcom would challenge our credentials but so would many anarchists such as egoist Stirnerites challenge them.

    Maybe even to be more provocative and spark debates we should call ourselves anarcho-Marxists

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