Burning Pink

October 2024 Forums General discussion Burning Pink

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  • #217113

    Burning Pink Manifesto

    I could almost get behind this candidate for London Mayor.(no, don’t send me my form F yet). However, in the absence of any So-calledist candidates on the ballot, she might actually pick up a few protest votes, and a strong showing for citizens assemblies a a seat of power might actually go somewhere. Otherwise, there seem to be an awful lot of union flags going round on the mayoral election booklet.

    The London Mayor job does need to go, and I’m glad that someone has managed to get on the ballot to say something other than “police and housing”


    She does seem to be only one of 16 candidates standing to talk of “class” and “revolution”. But I think she has some link with XR.

    But otherwise what a bunch of self-publicists who have up to £20,000 to spend (£10,000 deposit and up to another £10,000 to pay for the election booklet delivered free to all households).

    Then there’s Piers Corbyn. I wonder if he will pick up votes intended for his brother. As a one-time member of the IMG he may be the only ex-Trot standing.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by ALB.

    Just checked. She is XR.

    I also looked up what we said at the time of the referendum on whether or not there should be a directly-elected mayor of London. This is what we said in the editorial of the April 1998 issue of the Socialist Standard which was also printed as a leaflet entitled “Who needs a City Boss?”

    Particularly relevant in the context of her proposal to replace the present structure of local regional government in London by citizens’ assemblies is this passage:

    “We in the Socialist Party are well aware that in the end whatever arrangements are adopted for local government in London won’t make much difference. This is because such arrangements are to be implemented within the context of the profit system, whose economic mechanisms require all levels of government, however structured, to trim their spending so as not to endanger profit levels whatever people may want–or vote for.”

    In other words, citizens’ assemblies might be more participative but that won’t make much difference under capitalism.


    Corbyn also has Heiko Khoo, of speakers corner fame, on his list… latter day Grantite.


    So that will get him expelled from the Labour Party or have the “Socialist Appeal” trots decided to bore from within anti-lockdown groups? Or maybe he thought Piers was his brother.


    We now have the experience of the French climate assemblies and their realisation that their recommendations were ignored by the government, despite prior guarantees that it would not meddle with the assembly’s consensus.


    The splendid manifesto of Count Binface:


    Val The hammer of the banks


    London mayoral candidate for political party Burning Pink, Valerie Brown, 68, was among the women arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.
    She said: “Investing in fossil fuels is murder. More and more people can see that clearly. Why can’t you?
    “We will not stand by whilst you [HSBC] invest in runaway greed, whilst people’s lives are being shattered by the fossil fuel industries,” she added.


    Joke candidates like him are presumably trying to make some serious point: I don’t know, but that politics is a farce or that political promises are meaningless or that elections don’t change anything or something like that . It’s on that basis that they get votes from who agree with their point.

    But what about this stunt by the Monster Raving Looney Party? Putting up 13 candidates for one seat in this council by-election in Kingston on 6 May.

    Is this beyond a joke as they are no longer seeking protest votes but turning an election into a farce?


    Postal votes have already been cast in this election.

    Copies of the sticker are available on request from spgb[at]worldsocialism.org

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