Brand and Paxman

July 2024 Forums General discussion Brand and Paxman

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  • #97271
    Keymaster Ouch…with friends like these, Brand better watch himself. Brown-noser extraordinaire, Geldof, sticks his oar in.   The current democratic system "may not be viable for much longer". He also praised Brand for his "articulacy and expressing the anger of the moment. We have to change and it needs to be in the context of how we live now rather than with some old-hat political ideal," He went on to condemn capitalism as a failure. Banks, he says, have been allowed to go "out of control", while pure human greed has led to the invention of "completely spurious" financial products. "They ceased to [give money to others] and gave it to themselves through fraud, outright international global gangsterism," he claimed. "That's what it was," he continued on the subject of the recent banking crisis. "Mispricing of products, fraud. Mis-selling of products, fraud. Fixing the interbank lending rate. Fraud. It was fraud on an unprecedented scale! They sucked billions out of the world economy, destroying individuals, companies and countries. Russell is completely right. That model cannot sustain us as we saw, it bankrupted Greece, almost Italy, almost France and almost Ireland. It just can't work."However, he didn’t agree with everything Brand had to say. Replacing the current political system with anarchy, for example, is "not viable or plausible"."You can't just have a free for all," Geldof added. "It just won’t work because we will form structural organisations within that as it's the kind of thing we do.""When you have these supposed masters of the universe averaging more than 248 times the average worker's pay, you have a serious problem of inequality. Inequality stops a society functioning and so it has to stop." "I do think the version of democracy that we have been living with just may not be viable for very much longer. We will have something where we have proper freedom and elected representation."We all co-operate in the knowing lie, which is that everybody promises more and that the economy will inevitably grow. what does that mean? It means more, more of what? That's not viable in an unsustainable and finite world."Nor can you in a four year electoral cycle put into place programmes that would help to ameliorate the effects of that. If the economy is affected in that way by definition politics are so that the politics that we've grown up with in a different economy cannot work in a new one, there has to be a newer type of politics."You will see a change in the type of politics. It'll still be our government, it needs to be otherwise you'll have problems and it still needs to be a more coherent economy."Perhaps Gelfof has in mind the Thai Yellow shirt suggestion  – no elections and an appointed 'peoples council' made up with the likes of himself and Bono.Actually i think Geldof may be more in tune with the Pope's anti-capitalism than Brand's…its not the system…its 'human greed', its the flawed frailities of men and women and their 'materialism'. 


    Note that Geldof is only endorsing the idea of a "revolution" in politics, not in the economy. In fact he takes the view that private capitalism is the only game in town and that the best that can be hoped for is some sort of "responsible" or "caring" capitalism. Last November he expressed this view when he addressed the assembled businesspeople at the National Business Awards ceremony. Here is what he was reported as saying:

    National Business Awards 2013 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London – Sir Bob Geldof delivered a riveting and passionate speech which reinforced the needs for private companies to take responsibility for future growth in the UK.


    Bob Geldof, former Boomtown Rats singer and anti-poverty campaigner, spoke about the role of business in society at the National Business Awards in London last night.Geldof did not appear to feel pressured to play to the audience, saying that the leadership of the business community was vital, "when it was not at its filthiest self, as we've watched in the last four years."

    Yet more here.He is of course a successful businessman himself.


    Paul O'grady having a go at the political elite and calling for rrrrrevolution! 

    steve colborn

    After the ffing, cursing, ranting shit that came out of Geldofs mouth, to get pesos from peasants, for other peasants in Ethiopia, what does he have planned for the near future? Oh thats right, the loony has paid 125k for a 5 minute flight to the edge of space, in Barmy Bransons soon to appear new "spacecraft". I suppose he has fucked the poor and starving over, to enjoy the wealth that band aid and the dying in Ethiopia afforded him. Loser to user. Who says the starving don't have their uses!


    I remember we took some stick in the 80s for our attack on God-dof and his band of parasitic merry men for using hungry children to boost their fading fame and  their already fat bank balances. 'At least they are doing something about it' we were told. They certainly were! –   Getting rich!We have been proved right. but  I feel no satisfaction, only sadness.      

    steve colborn

    As do I Vin, as do I! By the way Vin, I had better ask you here, as my email is'nt working.Have you been able to get back on the Party facebook site? (Sorry for the off topic)

    steve colborn wrote:
    Have you been able to get back on the Party facebook site? (Sorry for the off topic)

     Aye, nee problem. I sent you an invite :) 


    This from last night. Apparently Russell Brand is an "anarcho-populist":


    Now it's Brand and Owen Jones: go and watch in Kingston. You don't have to be in London according to the list of cinemas.


    I might watch this in Liverpool too.

    Darren redstar
    Darren redstar

    Brands book launch was cancelled apparently after Tatchell refused to share a platform with a nazi

    Darren redstar wrote:
    Brands book launch was cancelled apparently after Tatchell refused to share a platform with a nazi
    Tatchell wrote:
    I knew nothing about Laurence Easeman and far right allegations until yesterday. I won't appear with him based on evidence I've seen. I raised Easeman with Russell Brand. As a result of the allegations against Easeman and my concerns, Russell Brand has cancelled tonight's debate with Easeman and he is investigating him. He has done the right thing. The debate should not go ahead, given the far-right allegations.
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