Brand and Paxman

July 2024 Forums General discussion Brand and Paxman

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  • #97241
    steve colborn

    Cracking link Alan, well done mate. everyone please read this link. Enlightening as to how messages are disseminated. YFS Stevie C.

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I can tell you  that, according to a facebook  status, a member has managed to stuff a Socialist Standard into Brand's hand at a demonstartion last night. 


    jondwhite wrote:
    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I can tell you  that, according to a facebook  status, a member has managed to stuff a Socialist Standard into Brand's hand at a demonstartion last night.


    Yes, it was Jim North. However, a lot more needs to happen before I start wetting my knickers… 


    Here is a post on the New Satesmen website. I hope this is not a typical interpretation of what Brand is saying. Perhaps as revolutionaries  we are the only people interpreting it that way. "Please please Russell form a political party!Put up a few dozen candidates – all of whom are dedicated to public service and would have the time and ability to be a constituency MP.Make the ethos one of scientific rationalism, dedication to public service and a refutation of the work-work-work culture.Have a manifesto that challenges in detail the staus quo – but for the sake of practicality limit policy areas in detail to two or three that are ripe for revolutionary reform – e,g, the systems of education and benefits."


    Has anyone already posted this? Q: Should I call you a 'lefty'?    Brand:  I don't think so! "Capitalism rewards selfishness"  


    I hope this is not a typical interpretation of what Brand is saying It's just one person's comment. chill.


    Following the various interviews by Brand and Paxman, the PM programme on Radio 4 has been presenting items relating to democracy all this week, and this looks set to continue for the next few weeks.  Would it be possible for the party to get a representative onto the programme? 


    Send the programme producer an email requesting that he or she should invite us on to the show. Post the email address and others can also join in and make it a small campaign for the oldest socialist party in Britain calling for revolution to get some air-time. 


    Apparently Paxman himself did not vote at a recent election (but then instantly regretted it) said to be the last general election: for him but, as he himself recognises, it would have been better to go to the polling station and write "None of the Above", as Brand's friend's 15-year old son told Brand too. Best, of course, would have been to write "World Socialism".


    I cannot find a direct contact for the production team, but below is a link to a contact form for the programme.  I think we should bombard them with messages telling them about the party, and suggesting that they invite a representative to appear on the programme.


    Done…lets have the others on this thread doing the same now. We might not succeed in getting a voice but at least somebody at the other end will be asking "who the f**k are they?" and checking us out. "Having followed your recent coverage on Brand and revolution and voting i wondered why it had not occurred to your programme to elicit the views and opinions of the oldest existing socialist party in the UK that has been advocating revolution by the ballot box since 1904. Paxman has not considered its members worthy of interview and the BBC has deemed that they are not deserving of air-time so perhaps your programme could put things to right. They are easily contacted through their website."

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Done…lets have the others on this thread doing the same now. We might not succeed in getting a voice but at least somebody at the other end will be asking "who the f**k are they?" and checking us out. 

     Alan, I have tried sending an email but get an error.' not supported' Is there a way around this problem? Anyone having the same problem? Also, when contacting these programs I think it is important to point out that we were around before the Soviet Union, Labour Party etc and that they have distorted socialism and revolution.   


    Go to PM's home page:  and use the email contact there.  No problem.

    Brian wrote:
    Go to PM's home page:  and use the email contact there.  No problem.



    Sent this message  "Further to your recent, and ongoing coverage of democracy, in particular in relation to the ideas expressed by Russell Brand, I feel it would benefit your listeners hear the views of the Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB).  The SPGB have been advocating the use of the ballot to gauge support for a revolutionary movement against the current political system since 1904.  The politicians that have appeared on your programme do not seem to grasp that there is an alternative to the current system of exploitation, and an alternative view would broaden your listeners outlook on democracy."

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 246 total)
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