Brand and Paxman

October 2024 Forums General discussion Brand and Paxman

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  • #82413

    Why didn't you tell us he was talking about revolution? I didn't bother to look at it until now because Brand has always struck me as a self-publicist and a clown, but actually he's not too bad here. He even commits himself to seeing the outcome of the revolution he thinks is coming as some sort of "socialist egalitarian system". Listen to it. It's only 8 minutes.


    Compare Paxman's fawning treatment with Saatchi, who 'feared' Marx could be right about cartels and for whom freedom consisted in amassing even more wealth, a couple of days before.Fast forward to about 30.20 mins.

    steve colborn

    Someone get Brand a supply of Socialist Standards. Blow away the fog of reformist pap and maybe, just maybe, we'd have a Socialist on our hands.Steve Colborn.


    Would be very useful for publicity to have a celebrity on board.


    Just watched this. FUCKIN BRILLIANT! Has to be the most real thing I've seen on telly. Wish to fuck it was me. I applied to get in the audience for the Question Time game show but no such luck!


    I'd like to know what plans the Party's Media and Campaigns committees are making to take advantage of this golden opportunity…  or will the boat be missed once again?


    I just watched it again. Ok at one point he starts going on about reforms but I would say he's 75% there. He just hasn't read a Standard yet. Maybe he never will. Bet all the pseudo Socialists wish they could get their hands on him. Last year I bumped into that arsepiece Billy Bragg on Sauchiehall St. I said "Improve your Standards of Socialism" and gave him an old Standard which happened to be in my bag. It was wasted on the cunt. Wish it had been Brand I had bumped into. Fuck I'd love to meet this guy. So would most members of the SWP though. Would like to think Brand would see through them. There is a stirring going on and it's been bubbling for the past five year now. You can feel it. Brand is voicing it. Ok he's confused but I'm excited.


    I second than Gnome, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Need to get in quick as the buzz won't last long. 


    Here's the article he wrote as guest editor of the New Statesman. Rather long and not so good but he does make some good points in passing. He seems to be into "spirituality" too much. A latter-day George Harrison who even looks like someone ftom that era !


    This link is to his New Statesman article where his point i find to be most in line with my own thoughts is  "But before we change the world, we need to change the way we think. ..Total revolution of consciousness and our entire social, political and economic system is what interests me, but that’s not on the ballot."  Apart from that , all i really find is pub-talk. And all the kudos Brand is receiving is simply from his fame…goodness…a clown who has political ideas…as if that is even something unique. You and i and every member and sympathiser must have met and drank with Russel Brands of the world. Usually, their politics disappears when something more interesting comes on TV or becomes the fashion. I'm such a cynic. New Statesman and  BBC Question Time know how to milk publicity with a personality so that boat is well and truly missed, Gnome.


    Total revolution of consciousness and our entire social, political and economic system is what interests me, but that’s not on the ballot. Is utopian revolution possible? The freethinking social architect Buckminster Fuller said humanity now faces a choice: oblivion or utopia. We’re inertly ambling towards oblivion, is utopia really an option?

    Billy [Connolly] eyed us both, with kindly disapprobation. “I’d like to be a nuisance,” he said. “I want to be a troublemaker, there in the gallery in parliament shouting RUBBISH and PROVE IT.” Who am I to argue with The Great Trickster Connolly? I will never vote and I don’t think you should, either.

    For those who think the Campaigns Committee to do a follow up try the contact for him Russell Brand John Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London, NW5 3ED  


    Billy Connolly…who became the Royal's official court jester with Elton John as the official court minstrel…Connolly had plenty of opportunity…erm… Connolly's 60th birthday party "The VIP guest list included not only Charles and Camilla, but Prince Andrew and a slew of variegated celebrities such as Sir Bob Geldof" .nawww…still a cynic


    More on Brand's views and where he's coming from here:

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