
July 2024 Forums General discussion Borders

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  • #124347
    ALB wrote:
    Isn't Capitalist Pig writing from the USA (I could be wrong on this), where there are no borders from one side of the Continent to the other? And isn't the USA famously " a nation of immigrants"?

     The only ones that are not immigrants

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    what about the rights of the local people to know who is coming into their town or city? their rights do not matter if the majority thinks otherwise?

    Well, currently no such right exists within a country: for example, there is absolutely nothing to stop Anglophones moving to the Welsh speaking parts of Wales, nor for Welsh speakers colonising a patch of London.  I migrated from Yorkshire to London, and no-one could stop me.  So, within the UK there are four official languages, and plenty of otehr non-official ones which local authorities take cogniscance of: there's no reason we couldn't expand such and treat the wold as one polity.


    Satisfied, Capitalist Pig?


    Workers kissing the ass of the capitalist class

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