Bono (U2) – “Capitalism lifts more people out of poverty than aid”

July 2024 Forums Off topic Bono (U2) – “Capitalism lifts more people out of poverty than aid”

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  • #95312

    The cranky left – Bono reveals his colours – true blue


    The non-profit organisation,ONE,  set up by the U2 frontman received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent).The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries."From the comments above article

    Keymaster Bono clearly has no time for us – why on earth should we cling to him?


    Punch line from the counterpunch article…"Does Bono’s work serve the purposes of some of those who seek financial and ideological domination over the poor world and the rich world alike, and whose interests differ profoundly from those of the majority of us? He may not know the answer himself, but we had better."


    Thanks for this post. I was unaware of Bono's complicity."However, I've yet to meet anyone who holds Bono in high esteem'I did a quick search but couldn't find a CV for "Irish scholar Harry Browne". Could someone provide? ThanksUnfortunately there's a deceased libertarian with the same name.


    Not sure if this link has been posted before but it bears repeating:


    Has this got something to do with Bono?


    Bono's collaborator , geldof, has been adding his tuppence worth promoting capitalism.  " You do need massive inward investment from the Chinese and the West. And you do need a social glue. In Africa's case, that's the mobile phone. "There's very little infrastructure here; this became a virtual infrastructure. Once you had the money available to trade, they began trading through this and you got lift-off on the African continent so that seven of the 10 fastest-growing economies in the world today are on this continent." Geldof  may cite growth as evidence of capitalism's success but our African blog Socialist Banner has over the years exposed the growing inequalities and the lack of benefit to the poor of those supposed growing economies.  However as a gloom and doom merchant, Geldof is on the ball.  "if you seriously think you will escape this century without horrendous wars, without awful plagues, without deadly famines, if you think you'll escape that, forget it." [about the perils caused by climate change.] "There's no avoiding it now, so now you have to offset the effects. The poorest people, the most vulnerable, those who contributed the least to this, they will be affected the most. Some of the countries out there won't even be here in 20 years." Yet he keeps going on about the same old failed solutions…DUh!! 

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