Bob Crow on trade union tactics

January 2025 Forums General discussion Bob Crow on trade union tactics

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    Personally I have always thought that Bob Crow was an example of an effective trade union leader and defender. Anyway, here he is crossing swords with Andrew Neill yesterday lunchtime (just under 6 minutes in for a quarter of an hour):

    Of course his politics are crap (and some of his assumptions as to how capitalism works are dubious). He announces at the end that he will be heading the petty nationalist No2EU list in the London Region in the Euroelections in May, but he does denounce the three main parties for not representing working class interests and calling for a party that does (unfortunately that's TUSC which his union bankrolls). Bit surprised to learn that the RMT also give indirect financial support to Green Party MP Caroline Lucas. 


    Today's Times reports that Bob Crow's union, the RMT, has given him £35,000 to stand as head of the No2EU list (a sort of leftwing UKIP) in the Euroelections in May. I have to confess to having to agree with the Tory quoted in the article as saying:

    Trade union leaders should be using their money to defend members' interests, not for their political hobby horses.

    I dare say quite a few non-Tory RMT members will agree too.

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