Biden’s Presidency

October 2024 Forums General discussion Biden’s Presidency

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    The lesser evil looks like Barrack Obama part 2 or the third period of Obama. Who are the real champaign socialists?  I wonder what Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and Bob Avakian are going to say  about Joe Biden


    Straight from the horse’s mouth, leaked audio of Biden telling civil rights what to expect…or not what to expect

    Inside Biden’s Meeting With Civil Rights Leaders (


    Biden is going to find it increasingly difficult to deny M4A demands after this authorative  analysis of its costs but he will.

    ‘Seems Like a Good Policy!’ CBO Shows Medicare for All Could Cover Everyone for $650 Billion Less Per Year | Common Dreams News


    At times you just have to feel “sorry” for the Republicans. Without very many policy promises, Biden campaigned on his integrity and character compared to Trump’s.

    Now as i think we said previously the Biden media went softly-softly on Hunter Biden (and Biden’s brother) trading off his father’s name and position.

    Now it seems Hunter was under investigation by the FBI prior to the election which was hushed up in case it influenced the election. And no doubt the nitty-gritty details of the devious dealing will become clearer but probably declared technically legal.


    The Republicans want to apply the 14th Anmdement on January 6, 2021, against the presidential nomination of Joe Biden but it is not going to work either, it has been tried before and I did not work either, the Republicans tried to object John F Kennedy nomination and it did not pass

    The objection against  Biden must be done at the House of Representative, and most of the member of the lower chamber they are democrats, and the objection of the vice president is going to be made at the Senate if there is not a unanimous objection the candidate with the higher electoral college votes is the winner.

    Some Republicans senators have said that they are not going to object the nomination of Joe Biden, therefore, Donald Trump is not going to be the winner for a second term. He must leave on January 20, 2021, otherwise, he is going to be escorted from the White House as a trespasser


    I don’t foresee any let up in the campaign to de-legitimise Biden as the Trump’s appear determined to make their family a political dynasty, like the Kennedys and Bushes

    Lara, Ivanka and Don Jnr. are all being viewed as future candidates for Congress. If his health prevails Trump himself may make a running for 2024.


    Where is AOC?

    Jimmy Dore is the radical wing of the progressives and he exposes AOC’s capitulation


    “If his health prevails Trump himself may make a running for 2024.”

    Assuming he’s not in the slammer.


    I do not think it is a matter of health, he might be facing some criminal proceeding after he loses his presidential immunity. A judge authorized the New York District Attorney to place a subpoena on his company records, and there are many powerful peoples who want him out of the way. That is only the beginning of the many lawsuits that he is going to be facing, also one of his lenders is willing to take his properties if he can not pay their loans. The IRS has also a potential lawsuit against him for fraud. I do not think he is going to be able to come back, he is a one-time president. If they find him guilty of all his criminal charges he is going to be wearing an orange suit for many years


    Let’s not forget that Eugene Debs ran for president from a prison cell… 😈


    He must leave on January 20, 2021, otherwise, he is going to be escorted from the White House as a trespasser.”

    It would be a good thing if this happened and was filmed as this is what will happen to the last capitalist government if they refuse to accept a socialist electoral victory.


    You mean they won’t be given squatters rights

    Perhaps as Sue Townsend imagined her majesty being re-housed to a council estate, the occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue  and 10 Downing Street just as some of the Russian aristocrats in 1918 will find them sharing these homes with the homeless.

    I recall someone i knew who worked for a housing association telling me that when the right to buy was introduced, his association moved junkies into the more desirable tenements to discourage other tenants who were thinking of buying.


    And we can move rapidly. Yesterday Rees-Mogg, the Minister in charge of the business of the House of Commons, pointed out that in 1936:

    “… Parliament managed to pass the legislation to remove a king emperor within 24 hours,” Mr Rees-Mogg said. “So Parliament can act very quickly when necessary.”


    Another critique of AOC’s newly found real politik


    Let’s not forget that Eugene Debs ran for president from a prison cell… 😈

    I forgot to mention that situation on my last message.

    This situation and time are different, To run a capitalist presidential campaign in the USA billions of dollars are needed, and on this occasion, the capitalists contributed with more funds for Joe Biden than for Donald Trump, and probably Joe Biden is going to provide more benefits to the whole capitalist class than Donald Trump

    There are strong forces within the capitalist class who want him out. His ex-lawyer said that he is not going to come back and probably would be running a campaign to collect money from his followers to finance his personal expenses.

    With the campaign on election fraud he was able to collect 250 million and more than 75% of the money collected is going to his pocket, and he owes money to several lawers including his own personal ex-attorney, and they never paid for the recount of the votes, he is completely discredited.

    His family does not have the same prestige as the Bush, and Kennedy family, and right-wing populists leaders are widely discredited around the world.

    He is out of luck because they do not want him in Mar a Lago, the Palm Beach residents sent a letter to the county rejecting his stay because he signed an agreement when he was in bankruptcy to turn it into a club and a memorial house, they do not want any protests and violence in the neighbourhood,

    They do not want him in New York either because his stay also produces protests and violence, and the city must block the streets and they have to pay for police security, and they are looking for agents to protect him in Florida and nobody wants to move, and the FBI does not want to violate a real estate law.


    Most states do not want to do any more recount because they owe millions of dollars to different states, and according to his biographer David Clay Johnson, he is a crook who does not like to pay his bills

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