Biden’s Presidency

October 2024 Forums General discussion Biden’s Presidency

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  • #209933

    Joe Biden rainbow of criminal for his cabinet. None of the urgent claims made by the voters ( both sides ) is not going to be resolved by any of these individuals, it does not make any difference if they are whites, blacks, Latinos, Natives,  Men or women, it also shows that identity politic is not the main issue


    The anti-communist elected for the Homeland security and emigration has a record of deportation and placing children in cages like Trump. This is Trumpism without Trump. Are we Trumpers, or are the real Trumpers the defenders of Joe Biden?  Where is our Trotskyist who accused us of being  Trumpers and champaign socialists? Like Robbo said that he had to pay his rent instead of drinking champaign. Trump made a party where peoples had to pay $800 thousands of dollars for a bottle of the campaign and we were not invited


    MS, i keep reading in the liberal media praise for Biden’s diversity in choosing some of his staff.

    We in the UK, too, have a female first generation immigrant as our Home Secretary and she has demonstrated no sympathy whatsoever for new migrants or refugees but rather has double down on anti-immigrant government policy.


    I also read in the bourgeois press that 68% of the peoples in the USA do not approve Joe Biden cabinet, he already has opposition before taking control of the government on January 20, probably, we are going to see another Donald Trump in the white house in 2024. Some of the women selected are a bunch of warmongers, and one was in charge of the drones program which killed many women and children, and the Cuban in charge of the Homeland security was part of the deportation of 2 million immigrants during the Obama administration, and he was part of the law to place children in cages, but Ronald Reagan considered as a right-winger he approved an amnesty for millions of immigrants instead of deporting them, Kamala Harris  ( praised as the first black woman to be VP )   when she was a DA she approved and promoted the incarceration of many poor blacks and Latinos in California. Diversity is not the problem or the solution, the problem is capitalism


    MS, there does appear to be from the Biden-friendly media a serious attempt to misrepresent his appointments as being inclusive of progressive-leaning politicians

    Disdain and Disbelief After Biden Claims ‘Significant’ Progressive Presence in Administration | Common Dreams News


    An article coming from a different and interesting angle .

    Can We Build a Progressive Future If We Dismiss a Large Part of the Working Class? –

    I was going to put this on the white privilege thread and perhaps it is more relevant there

    “…The Democratic Party establishment has allowed the Republicans, and especially Trump, to mobilize what amounts to class resentment in the service of plutocracy.  Meanwhile, we on the left, with rare exceptions, have failed to offer a message that resonates with or sufficiently motivates millions of working-class voters and non-voters. We rarely encounter, nor have we learned to connect with, many of our fellow-citizens. We don’t know how to talk to the working class…”

    This is also a related article

    Yes, the Left Should Talk to Trump Supporters –

    “…leftists must organize Trump supporters. If we don’t, someone else will. Remember, organizing people who disagree with us is quite literally the essence of organizing…”


    Senate Democrats back Trump’s choice for ambassador to Venezuela.

    Another sign that Biden will continue the current regime-change policy.

    J Surman

    President-elect Joe Biden has already tapped Michael McCabe, a former consultant to chemical giant DuPont, to join his Environmental Protection Agency transition board, drawing broad outrage, including from Erin Brockovich. (final para of article with link below)

    (some history of links between EPA personnel and Monsanto)

    “Glyphosate use is so widespread that even the EPA’s notoriously industry-friendly pesticide office had to conclude that there are hardly any endangered species that can manage to evade its toxic impacts.”


    And we are champaign socialists !!! They can fool the fools


    Like Trump who nominated a medical doctor who is a millionaire  in charge of poor housing and the guy was against the poor and against public housing,  nominated a person in charge of public education who was not a teacher and was  against public education, all ambassador did not have a degree in international law and did not know anything about the world geography, and then, he called others countries: shithole countries


    Biden is praised for having selected an all-female communications team. Why should we be impressed?

    Joe Biden announces all-female media team at his White House | Biden administration | The Guardian

    Perhaps the media has forgotten already that Trump used predominantly women to present his lies to the public.

    Go back in time and we’d find that Hitler used a woman to make his pro-Nazi movies.


    It does not impress me. During the dictatorship of Joaquin Balaguer in the Dominican Republic, all governors of all the provinces were women, and they were right-wingers similar to the ones selected by Joe Biden

    He was a right-winger and he  called himself an anti-communist and he was one of the first presidents to start a commercial and diplomatic relationship with Cuba, and he started an agrarian reform and the communist party supported him

    During the presidential election of 2016 more than 56% of white women voted for Trump and in this election  about 50% of white women voted for Donald Trump again, and 70% of Black women voted for Joe Biden


    While his media allies continue the narrative that he is reaching out to the left with his diversity and progressive picks, some on the left cannot but help point out the truth.

    Neera Tanden, head of the corporate-backed think tank Center for American Progress, to lead his budget office has a history of attacking policies such as Medicare for All and voicing support for Social Security cuts.

    “Everything toxic about the corporate Democratic Party is embodied in Neera Tanden,” tweeted Briahna Joy Gray, former national press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders.

    “She advised the Clinton campaign against a $15 minimum wage, and argued ‘that Libyans should be forced to turn over large portions of their oil revenues to repay the U.S. for the costs incurred in bombing Libya

    Cecilia Rouse, Adewale ‘Wally’ Adeyemo, Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey – All committed to full employment, boosting wages, reducing inequality – The Return of the Keynesians

    Citing Past Calls for Social Security Cuts, Progressives Not Pleased With Biden Pick of Neera Tanden for OMB | Common Dreams News



    Pissing against the wind Progressives

    Rejecting Michèle Flournoy, Progressives Demand Biden Pick Pentagon Chief ‘Untethered’ From Military-Industrial Complex | Common Dreams News

     Anti-war groups on Monday warned President-elect Joe Biden against selecting Michèle Flournoy as his defense secretary, characterizing the former Pentagon official’s ties to the military-industrial complex and record—specifically her support for Obama’s troop surge in Afghanistan and NATO assault on Libya—as unacceptable and disqualifying.

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