Biden’s Presidency

October 2024 Forums General discussion Biden’s Presidency

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  • #209683

    Let’s see what is going to happen because Joe Biden is a chameleon as Barrack Obama, he does not act so abruptly as Donald Trump. He is the new smiling face of US capitalism. If Warren and Sanders accept a position with Joe Biden they are going to be an accomplice of the criminal acts and civil wrongdoing  of his cabinet


    Speculation on Biden’s cabinet appointments are already in the media but i will desist from adding to them since we will very soon know for sure. But if the rumours are correct, it confirms those who say it is Obama 2.0, tried and tested status quo officials from the Obama years. Capitalism is a safe pair of hands.



    Of course even if Bernie, Pocahontas, AOC and the whole squad were appointed to Biden’s cabinet that would made no difference as in the end capitalism’s economic law of profits first has to be accepted — and applied — by any capitalist government, no matter how well-meaning or sincere those who compose it might be. Actually, come to think of it, as they don’t understand how capitalism works, a government made up of that lot stand a good chance of making a mess of it.

    Bijou Drains

    Was talking to a trotskyist mate of mine at the weekend who was incandescent at the fact that Trump wouldn’t accept the election result. I asked him if the same thing should apply to elections to constituent assemblies and he produced the usual, oh well that was different, it was a moving landscape, a few mumbles about capitalist elections, smashing the state and then went strangely quiet.



    Tsk Tsk, ALB


    My point was more the fact that once you vote for the lesser evil, it remains an evil and need not shift to become an even lesser evil


    The Biden administration now is taking shape…and still no left progressives included although some are being approved by the liberal left.


    It was always the Democratic Party strategy to cry wolf so that the fox could win


    The other side also called for civil war but it is not going to take place either, Joe Biden might confront some small right-wingers guerrillas, but they can confront a stronger force than them which is the force of the capitalist state.


    I wonder what the Maoists, Trotskyists and Anarchists are going to say about Joe Biden militarist cabinet?


    From the media response they are all a-flutter with flattery approving Biden’s appointments, claiming they please both the conservative and progressive wings of the Democratic Party and full of talk of diversity – as if we don’t know how meaningless that is with Priti Patel

    I note however that who would be the labor secretary is still not announced, the cabinet job Bernie Sanders has made no secret that he wants. Maybe he will get it but perhaps he will not because of his pro-labor positions

    Sanders supports unionization in Amazon

    ‘I Stand With the Amazon Warehouse Workers’: Bernie Sanders Throws Support Behind Bold Union Drive in Alabama | Common Dreams News


    Shameful and Concerning He Is Even Being Considered,’ Says AOC as Rahm Emanuel Floated for Role in Biden Cabinet

    “The thing about covering up the murder of Laquan McDonald is that it disqualifies you from holding any type of public office. Forever,” said Rep.-elect Cori Bush.


    Were we wrong, or were right about the so-called lesser evil?

    Pretty soon we are  going to see the left ( Maoists, Trotskyists, Anarchists, etc. etc. )  on the streets complaining about Joe Biden without publishing a self-critique, we do not have to do that because we do not follow leaders



    I think this article another where Sanders is making his case for the Labor Secretary job.

    How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key | US elections 2020 | The Guardian

    Is it also a veiled coded message to Biden to deliver? If so, it is short on strategies and tactics.

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