Biden is President

January 2025 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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  • #229615

    There is now a black, gay, immigrant, Karine Jean-Pierre, as the public disseminator of presidential lies to the media.


    He should have asked: Who have been in charge in the USA for more than 250 years ? He is a Republican ( or switched like Donald Trump who was a democrat ) and he should have said who was in Charge when Donald Trump was the president and who controlled the temeprompter.


    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday refused to endorse Joe Biden for another run at the White House, adding to growing anxiety in Democratic circles over the president’s ability to run in and win the 2024 election.


    There are some ‘progressive”, leftists ( and the DSA ) and democrats who want Bernie Sanders to run for president again


    Is it coincidental that Sanders just had a debate on FOX?

    After being criticized by Graham for being a “socialist”, Sanders leaned into the political philosophy and offered an ardent defense.

    “Do you think raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is socialistic? Do you think doing what every major country does – guaranteeing healthcare to all people – is socialistic? Do you think expanding Medicare to cover dental care is socialistic?” Sanders said.


    What in the USA are called radical left in other countries they are known as Social-democrat, and for many years social democrats have been strong collaborator of the capitalist class, and Bernie Sanders is just a social democrat who wants to reform USA capitalism. Progressive is just a capitalist reformist current which emerged in Europe and then it was taken to the USA and it has nothing to do with socialism, on the contrary it is a pro capitalist current. Socialism/Communism is what the SPGB has been advocating for more than 100 years


    Representatives Barbara Lee (D-California) and Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin) introduced a bill that would cut $100 billion from the defense budget

    Progressive Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Slash $100 Billion From Pentagon Budget

    We shall see if such a call receives presidential approval or Democratic Party support.

    I very much doubt it


    The Sanders election manifesto


    One reason Biden won the Democratic Party was he claimed he could negotiate bipartisan legislation. It has been repeatedly proved false.

    Instead, Sanders in a “call to arms”

    To Win Midterms, Sanders Tells Democrats to Take Fight Directly to GOP

    Another cause to ditch Biden and Harris


    The NRA supported Guns control when the Black Panther Party was armed, but all white Militias were allowed to have guns


    The USA Supreme Court wants to turn New York into the OK Corral, although Wyatt Earp ( Lawman and Gambler ) believes in Gun Control, and the series of Marshall Dillon show that he wants gun control too. It is open season for hunting in New York

    Supreme Court Declares Open Season on the Streets of New York


    I read somewhere that the Socialist Labor Party of America also supported the right to bear arms enshrined in the US Constitution on the grounds that this also applied to workers should they ever need to. Does anyone know if this was/is the case?

    Presumably the various Trotskyist groups do as that would make the insurrection they envisage less difficult.


    Yes, they did, and they glorify the bourgeois constitution of the USA and the so called fathers founders, they also support the capitalist independence of Puerto Rico similar to the Puerto Rico Socialist Party and the MPI and they had a branch in Puerto Rico, they also celebrated Thanksgivings days and it is historical known that it was an Indian massacre, and the Americans native do not celebrate that tradition, it is called a day of sorrow. De Leon said that Volume one of Capital is enough and he never read volume 2 or volume 3, he considered that they were recollection of manuscripts written by Marx and put together by Engels, but the Grundisse said something different, and the daughter of Marx wanted those two volumes to be published. They also advocate for a government in a socialist society.

    PS In the Caribbean some Maoists and Castroist groups killed a poor policeman just to get his gun for the revolution, and the Macheteros from Puerto Rico killed some banks workers to obtain funds for the revolution. The so called revolution was never realized and most groups were wiped out by the capitalist class

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