Biden is President

September 2024 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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    Greta Thunberg says that it’s “strange” to consider Biden a leader in the arena “when you see what his administration is doing.”

    “The U.S. is actually expanding fossil fuel infrastructure,” Thunberg said. “Why is the U.S. doing that?”

    We can answer her. A president is the voice of capitalists and he cannot jeopardise their ability to make profit and accumulate capital.


    As we have always said: Economics interests dictate political promises, A president is like the CEO of a big corporation to administer the interests of the investors and the production of profits, they can elect a Cherokee and he or she would be forced to do the same job, it is not a problem of leadership, he is the leader that represents the USA capitalist class, he is a good leader because he is doing what they want


    Biden has signed into law the $777.7bn US annual military budget


    The Democratic Party prepare their excuses for 2022 Mid-Term defeats.

    Hillary Clinton says the progressives will be the cause.

    But interestingly when I searched for a link to put up, only right-wing media sources promoted the story.

    Some political jiggery-pokery at work, mezinks


    Biden’s foreign policy much the same as Trump’s

    From tariffs to “maximum pressure” sanctions to arms sales to reckless clients, the watchword for the last year has been continuity.


    Amnesty International has urged Biden to keep his promise to close Guantanamo Bay. Biden promised during his election campaign that he would close it before his tenure is up.


    Barrack Obama also promised to close Guantanamo jail and two days after his presidency he issued an executive order to close it within a year and it was never done


    Is Sanders beginning to regret his lesser evil choice?

    “It is no great secret that the Republican party is winning more and more support from working people,” Sanders said. “It’s not because the Republican party has anything to say to them. It’s because in too many ways the Democratic party has turned its back on the working class.”

    “I think it’s absolutely important that we do a major course correction,” Sanders continued. “It’s important that we have the guts to take on the very powerful corporate interests that have an unbelievably powerful hold on the economy of this country.”


    Joe Biden demands the end of fillibuster to pass voting rights

    They should also eliminate the Electoral College,


    Is Sanders beginning to regret his lesser evil choice?

    “It is no great secret that the Republican party is winning more and more support from working people,” Sanders said. “It’s not because the Republican party has anything to say to them. It’s because in too many ways the Democratic party has turned its back on the working class.”

    “I think it’s absolutely important that we do a major course correction,” Sanders continued. “It’s important that we have the guts to take on the very powerful corporate interests that have an unbelievably powerful hold on the economy of this country.”


    He would have been blocked by the democrats’ leaders if he would have been elected as president of the USA, and he was blocked twice by the Democrats to give the presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, at the very beginning of the election campaign Biden was a loser and within a few days he became the winner, and despite been betrayed by them, he continued supporting the democrats’ leaders. Many youngs ‘peoples’ voted for Trump because they were Bernie Sanders followers and many others did not vote for any candidates


    Biden’s hopes of overhauling the US election system look doomed after two of his fellow Democrats came out against them.

    Sinema, an Arizona senator, and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, both said they would not support nuking the filibuster rule.

    The very same two who killed off Biden’s Build Back Better programs.

    Biden wants to repeal the filibuster, which requires a 60% majority to pass certain legislation in the Senate. The upper chamber of Congress is currently split 50-50 between the two parties. No Republicans support the two Democratic-proposed plans, the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Among other things, the bills would impose federal standards on elections, ushering in the most sweeping reform in a generation.


    Fillibuster rule is part of the Jim Crow era. The Republicans know that the elimination of the Fillibuster rule will eliminate them for many years because the vast majority of the minority ethnic groups will not vote for them, and they will become a minority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and also some progressive senators might try to eliminate the electoral college which is also a vestige of the slavery system


    Voting rights bill explained, it is also an upgrade to the 1965 voting rights bill

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 450 total)
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