Biden is President

September 2024 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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  • #224048

    The blacks pastors and the black capitalists asked the black us workers to vote against Bernie sanders and to vote for joe Biden

    If the democrats do not pass joe Biden bill they are going to lose many voters but it looks that they need a boxing manager because they are fighting against each other


    If in the mid-terms the Democratic Party loses control of Congress, all their promises and pledges will mean nothing. None of Biden’s policies regardless of how watered down they have become will ever get passed.


    He is going to be like the long ranger. He is going to do like Barrack Obama which spent most of the time signing executive orders which can be easily removed by another president


    From $3.5 trillion down to $1.2 trillion

    The vote – 228-206 Thirteen Republicans, mostly moderates, supported the legislation while six of Democrats’ including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri — opposed it.


    That amount of money is not enough to cover all the old infrastructure of the USA which are falling apart and all the needs of millions of peoples, that amount of money is close to Roosevelt’s new deal of 1933, and the Trump tax cut was higher than that amount of money. Right there you can that these so-called people’s representatives are just representative of the capitalist class, people elected them but they defend the interests of the ruling class. People have been fooled again. The opposition to a tax increase on the corporation to finance the bill is a clear indication of what we have always said that the state is financed with surplus-value


    Chomsky: Build Back Better Fiasco Exposes How Both Parties Serve Corporate Power

    After they asked the workers to vote for pro-capitalist presidents


    Biden spins failure into success

    Boasting about his $1 trillion infrastructure package, President Joe Biden overstated its reach


    The Democratic women who rejected the bills took a much better stand. This bill is not enough to cover all the needs of the workers, he is signing the victory of the Republicans, he should have rejected it instead of signing it.

    Most highways, bridges, roads, railroad tracks, and transportation, are schools are falling apart.

    At present electricals, cars are more expensive than gasoline cars, and drivers are buying more hybrid than a fully electrical cars and they are charged while you are driving, and some drivers have connections at their home


    The reality is that the media’s influence, not the Squad’s, is succeeding in shifting Biden to the right

    Media’s Election Lesson: ‘Ambitious’ Dems Must Move to the Right


    I think the class interests are stronger than the press

    This is a fair analysis made by a leftist group about the Joe Biden bill, it is just another pro-corporate money-making bill. I think he is going to be another Jimmy Carter or one-term president, there are many peoples who voted for him who are not supporting him anymore including Latinos and Blacks


    The representatives of the US ruling class ( Democrats and Republicans ) are asking for the assassination of the so called squad, therefore when you go to bed with dogs you will get fleas. The rulers are not hiding their criminals intent, now they are of public domain


    MS, I watched good reporting on the progressive current affairs ‘Breaking Point’ that explains the loss of Virginia with Black voters and poor White voters switching to the Republicans or failing to vote was because of the Democratic Party tactic of identity politics, them using the race card too often.

    The real issue – the poverty in Virginia which affects all communities – was practically ignored by the Democrats and the Republicans benefitted.


    Another good article to read on the failed left tactics

    Did the Squad Give Away Their Bargaining Power?

    “…the Democratic leadership could simply get the Senate to remove Manchin and Sinema from their committee positions. Schumer could bring matters to a head with a motion saying that taking money from lobbyists to introduce policies that result in bribes (campaign contributions) is a corrupt conflict of interest…The problem, of course, is that all the Senators and most Congresspersons do the same selling of their votes…”

    “…the new BBB bill has been distorted into something quite different than what was described until last week. The largest element grafted onto it is the $450 billion tax cut for wealthy homeowners, raising the SALT property tax deductibility in East Coast Democratic states from $10,000 to $72,500. This giveaway is promoted by the same centrists who are blocking approval of the BBB because it will add to the budget deficit….the early promise of fiscal savings for Medicare drug purchases has been drastically watered down…”


    They have given the meat of the bill to the rich class and the bones for the working class and they are placing trumps and the republicans in a much better stand for 2022 and 2024

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 450 total)
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