Biden is President

September 2024 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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  • #223571

    Biden’s anti-immigration policy has used Title 42 to deport 690,209 people from February through August 2021 more than 1.8 times the number of expulsions in 10 months last year, from March through December 2020 that Trump did.

    Biden Has Outpaced Trump’s Use of Title 42 to Expel Asylum Seekers


    During the government of Barrack Obama, more than 2 million people were deported, but the government of Mexico is doing the same thing, the problem is that those pro-immigration groups are nationalists too.

    If the government of Joe Biden continues in the same trend they are going to win all the Grammy in deportation, and Hollywood is going to run out of trophies.

    if he does not get the approval on the infrastructure bill which might give him a boost, he is going to be like Jimmy Carter who was a one-term president.

    When Bernie Sanders took side with Hillary Clinton many of his supporters voted for Donald Trump, and Joe Biden became president because most Latinos, Asians, Natives, and Black voted for him, and during the primary, they rejected Bernie Sanders and he was nominated as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, at the beginning he was falling behind, he was not a popular candidate and everybody believed that the winner was going to be Bernie Sanders

    Due to the lack of class consciousness within the American workers, they continue marching behind the political party of the ruling class


    Biden will not withdraw US military from Syria


    And the members of the Socialist Party continue drinking Champagne as our Leon Trotsky said on this forum because we did not support the election of Joe Biden and any other capitalist president and the lesser evil. The man has been moving to the right since the first day that he took office ( or when he was a Senator ) and he already looks like Donald Trump part 2 on several issues that were supported and enacted by Trump


    Biden previously pledged that military aid to Saudi Arabia would only be for only defensive purposes. Not so.

    A new $500m military contract is to maintain a fleet of attack helicopters that have been used in the Yemen War in offensive operations.


    Biden caves in.

    His original $3.6 trillion spending plans reduced to $1.75 trillion with many crucial social service proposals cut.

    And still, no iron-clad guarantee that it will get passed.


    Manchin and Sinema are holding Biden by the balls, both senators are being financed by powerful capitalist groups. The American politicians are like gangsters and mobsters, they are similar to the Haitian gangs members who are blackmailing the government Manchin and Sinema are called Centrists instead of being called Right-wing extremists


    More divisions within the Democratic Party. The so-called progressive caucus do not want to approve the reduced budget approved by Joe Biden, they want the build back to be included. Bernie Sanders is supporting the 1.75 bill, he is again in the fry pan


    Republicans win governorship in Virginia, it does not sound good for Joe Biden, he obtained 10% majority on the election


    This is the opinion of a leftist organization in regard to the US governors election in Virginia and New Jersey


    Joe Biden attended Cop26 earlier this week with fellow world leaders, announcing a slew of climate proposals from ending deforestation by 2030 to a pact to cut global emissions of methane, a potent, short-term greenhouse gas.

    In the US, expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure continues despite Mr Biden promising to ban new federal oil and gas leasing on public lands and waters during the election.

    Days after Cop26 ends, the Biden administration is slated to hold a sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Mr Goldtooth also pointed to the Dakota Access pipeline which cuts through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota and the 1,000-mile Line 3 pipeline which also crossed tribal land and has seen mass protests organized by Indigenous women in Minnesota.

    Recent analysis from Oil Change International found that if Mr Biden used executive action to halt two dozen fossil fuel projects, it would cut 1.6 gigatons of emissions, equivalent to approximately 20 per cent of 2019 US emissions.

    “I was hopeful that maybe with this Democratic president, we might be able to get some things going for ourselves as Indigenous peoples, economically as well,” Mr Goldtooth said.

    “Around climate policy, I was hoping for something better. He made so many promises on his road to presidency that he was going to tackle climate change and end fossil fuel investments on public lands. He’s lying.

    “He said that he was going to recognize Indigenous rights [but] he’s continued to perpetuate a legacy of broken treaties. Many members of our network that are here don’t trust this person.”


    Biden approved a $650m sale of air-to-air missiles to Saudi Arabia.Raytheon would be the “principal contractor” for the sale of AIM-120C-7/C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles


    I am still looking for our Pepsi Cola socialist who said that we are champagne socialists because we do not support pro-capitalist presidential candidates, and we do not get involved in interclass and inter-imperialist disputes, and we do not support the concept of the lesser evil either, but history in a few months has proven that we have been correct for more than 100 years and we have never needed any political evangelical rectification like the leftist church.

    The slogan during the US election from some distinguished personalities from the left church was the Joe Biden was going to be moved toward the left, but he has been moving toward the right before he became the US president, and he has approved and he has continued some policies and measures established by prior us administrations including Donald Trump, therefore, the problem was not Donald Trump, the problem is capitalism. I do not understand how intellectual personalities like Andrew Killman fell into the trap of anti-Trumpism.

    I was laughing in front of the face of a leftist who called me Fascist because I do not support the left, my question to him was: When the left has been anti-fascist when they have supported the dictatorship of the vanguard party and they have supported dictators, and ultra-nationalists? Another argumentation is that they left has created the working-class movement, but in reality, the working class itself has created its own movement( if there is a movement ) and have fought for a bunch of reforms, even more, Engels wrote that communism was a product of the working class which is also a total negation of the concept of the vanguard party and its intellectual cadres.

    During the Russian revolution the workers were moving way ahead of the vanguard party and they created their own maneuvers to eliminate the Soviets and give their own coup to establish their own party dictatorship. It was a clear indication that workers do not need leaders

    There is a new concept floating on the air called Post fascism, which is defined as a new form of fascism, but when the argumentations are read we can see that is only a pretext to continue with their old argumentation of calling fascism anything that is against the left, or what the WSM has called old religion repacked. The problem is capitalism, the right-wingers do not need fascism at present when they have at their disposition universal suffrage and they have the support of millions of workers around the world, in the USA more than 80 million workers voted for Trump, and probably they can be re-elected again, they can win again and the essential problem is capitalism

    Some personalities come to this forum pretending to be school teachers and in the end, they become students of socialism


    Instead of appealing to wage earners, the Democratic leadership since the 1960s has aimed at getting voters to think of themselves as hyphenated Americans. Half a century ago it was Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans and so forth, with patronage along ethnic lines in the big cities. Today the identity politics has broadened to aim at women, especially white suburban women, whose support they lost in Virgini;, the Hispanic vote, which also faded this week; and support from black voters, whose support has most recently been mobilized by House Majority Whip James Clyburn and what has been called the Black Misleadership Council (though ethnic support for these misleaders finally is weakening as voters learn just who their campaign contributors are). The Democrats’ calculation has been something like, “OK, we’ve written off the working class. But maybe we can get some voters to think of themselves as some other identity.” They’ve pandered to black voters with cultural applause, but not economic benefits. They’ve sought Hispanic support, but that is falling away as the Democrats hesitate to give economic support to low-income workers with families

    Is This the End of the Unreformable Democratic Party?

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