Biden is President

September 2024 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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    A coalition of over 100 groups, from Mainers for Accountable Leadership, the Chicago Teachers Union, and Sunrise Movement Seattle to various arms of Democratic Socialists of America, Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), and Our Revolution organised protests in 50 cities in support for M4A

    Those who built their political careers from advocating free healthcare, Sanders, AOC, and the other members of the Squad who made their political careers from advocating Medicare For All were not in attendance at one single rally, not even Pramila Jayapal who moved the Medicare for All Act in March.

    Weren’t they suppose to push Biden to the left by organising the grass-roots?


    Bidens latest CNN Townhall shows Biden’s senility growing. He meanders off into waffling.

    At one point he praises the fact that he is the senator of a state that is home to more corporate HQs than all the other states combined. Delaware is a tax haven and to boast of it runs contrary to his supposed global policy of tax equality. He should be ashamed not proud of Delaware’s tax dodging laws.


    Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer when he was president


    “We gave the Biden administration more than enough time to fix any problems left behind by the Trump administration, but it has left us no choice but to return to court.”

    ACLU and Oxfam are among the groups who said they are returning to court with a lawsuit first initiated against the Trump administration for its use of a provision known as Title 42 in order to carry out expedited deportations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The ACLU said the Trump administration implemented Title 42 “in violation of longstanding immigration statutes requiring that asylum seekers receive a full and fair proceeding to determine their right to protection in the United States,” and denounced the Biden administration for doing the same in the first six months of Biden’s presidency.

    Oxfam America added that “The administration is choosing to treat refugees like political pawns, and so we are eager to return to court so we can end Title 42 for families once and for all,”


    Will he listen?

    Amnesty International followed up a letter by 75 House Democrats to Biden urging him to shut down the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay. The 20th anniversary is approaching.


    I’m sure many are fed up being told that Biden is just as bad or even worse than Trump

    The number of detainees is nearly 27,000 as of July 22, compred to the 22,000 detained last July under Trump

    Silky Shah, executive director of Detention Watch Network, which advocates for ending immigration detention outright. “…his policies so far haven’t matched his campaign rhetoric.”

    Biden has proposed funding for 32,500 immigrant detention beds in his budget, a modest decrease from 34,000 funded by Trump.


    Emulating Trump’s “America First” policy Biden rebuffs WHO calls for a moratorium on vaccine boosters to the already fully vaccinated.


    America first slogan used by Donald Trump and Joe Biden was invented by the sympathizers of the Nazis


    By coincidence, I just watched a documentary on the American German Bund.

    As the war in Europe approached, so as not to provoke the USA, Germany ceased all its funding of it and forbade its citizens from joining it.


    The US progressives liberals who voted for Biden as the lesser evil have a lot to explain.

    Biden is over-seeing a new US practice of transferring asylum seekers and migrants expelled under public health order Title 42 by plane to southern Mexico without any opportunity to plead their asylum case.

    “Removal from the US to southern Mexico, outside any official transfer agreement with appropriate legal safeguards, increases the risk of chain refoulement – pushbacks by successive countries – of vulnerable people in danger, in contravention of international law and the humanitarian principles of the 1951 Refugee Convention,” Matthew Reynolds, the UNHCR representative to the United States and the Caribbean, said in a statement.


    IPCC tells the world to reduce oil production to save the planet
    Biden tells OPEC to increase output to keep petrol prices low in the USA


    And they are approving a big budget to fight climate change, and climate disaster, and they are planning to implement the production of electric car . Isn’t that a contradiction ?


    Hailed by some on the left for ending the ‘forever’ war in Afghanistan against the wishes of industrial-military complex, following up on Trump’s and Pompeo’s Taliban deal, Biden’s Iran policy is accused by them of being the same as Trump’s describing him as a ‘predatory wolf’

    “America’s current administration is no different from the previous one, because what it demands from Iran on the nuclear issue is different in words, but the same thing that Trump demanded,” Khamenei said. “The Americans truly have no shame on the nuclear issue, and even though they withdrew from the JCPOA… they now talk in a way and make demands as it was Iran that withdrew,” he added, referring to the deal by its official name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

    Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced he was ‘happy’ to “hear [Biden’s] clear words that Iran will never be able to acquire a nuclear weapon and to emphasise that we’ll try the diplomatic route, but there’s other options,”


    The difference between one US presidency and another presidency is the name of the CEO of the USA corporation known as president. If Joe Biden is different from Donald Trump why he does not reinstate the agreement signed with Iran and other European governments?

    The Democrats barked a lot about violating a legal agreement signed by different countries, and now they are playing the same drums of wars and placing more sanctions on Iran and creating more poverty, hunger, and diseases among the Iranian population

    Israel does not want Iran to have nuclear weapons but they have a big pile of nuclear weapons that they can use against Iran, it is the only country in the Middle East that really posses weapons of mass destruction, it was not Iraq


    Biden administration’s sale of oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico after yet another climate-driven hurricane has devastated the region.

    The Department of Interio announced last week that it is opening up 80 million acres for oil and gas drilling. The government estimates that the sale will produce 1.12 billion barrels of oil over the next 50 years.

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