Biden is President

September 2024 Forums General discussion Biden is President

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    As we all fully expected, Biden approves the sale of weaponry to Israel despite the appeals of some of his colleagues.

    On May 21st, Boeing was secretly granted an export license for the sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions and Small Diameter Bombs,— two kinds of laser-guided munitions that were used by Israel on Gaza.


    As well, he approved to continue the drilling of the oil/gas corporations in Alaska, the same policy approved by Donald Trump, that is the so-called lesser evil, and we continue drinking campaign as someone said in this forum because we do not support the politic of the lesser evil and the identity politic


    Now Noam Chomsky is saying that the Democratic Party abandoned the workers, but he was one of the so called socialists who asked workers to vote for Joe Biden. A man who have written so many books should know that all capitalist leaders and pro capitalists presidents ( left or right ) are all the same, they would be elected to administer the operation of the capitalist society


    Link to the Jacobin interview with Chomsky and his political position of today.

    The first thing we should remember is that the Sanders campaign was a remarkable success. Within a couple of years, Sanders and others working alongside him have managed to shift the range of issues that are at the center of attention very far toward the progressive side. That’s quite significant. They did so with no funding, no corporate support, no media support

    People are voting just out of frustration if they vote at all. Remember, almost half the population didn’t even bother. So, unless there’s a constructive alternative, people aren’t going to join a movement. Yet during the Sanders campaign, most liberal commentators said, “His proposals are very good. But they’re too radical for the American people.”
    What proposals are too radical? Take a look at Sanders’s programs: the top one was universal medical care. Do you know of any other country that doesn’t have universal medical care? One of the chief correspondents at the Financial Times, Rana Foroohar, wrote a column in which, half-jokingly, she said that if Sanders was in Germany, he could be running on the Christian Democrat program, the right-wing party. Of course they’re in favor of universal health care — who isn’t?
    The other program is free higher education. Again, you find it almost everywhere, and in the most high-performing countries: Finland, Europe, Mexico, it’s all over the place. That’s too radical for the American people? I mean, that’s an insult for the American population that’s coming from the left end of the mainstream spectrum. Well, the Left — the authentic left — ought to be able to break through that and say that Sanders has programs that wouldn’t have much surprised Eisenhower.

    I don’t like the system, you don’t like the system, but it exists, and we have to work within it. We can’t say, “I don’t want it. Let’s have another system that doesn’t exist.” We can only build a new system through pressure from inside and from outside.
    So, for example, there’s no reason to avoid working to create an alternative political and social framework by creating a new party or worker-owned enterprises and cooperatives. The point is that there is a whole array of options open to us — and they all have to be pursued.

    Q Do you think it’s still useful to think about socialism as a sort of political horizon?
    NC It’s useful, but there are some facts we have to remember. One of them is timescale. We have a decade or two to deal decisively with the environmental crisis. We’re not going to overthrow capitalism in a couple of decades. You can continue working for socialism — but you have to recognize that the solution to the climate crisis is going to have to come within some kind of regimented capitalist system, not the neoliberal system.
    Well, freedom can be implemented by worker control of the enterprises of which they are a part. You can get it in one step, as in worker-owned enterprises, which are proliferating — but you can get it by a series of steps, like [Elizabeth] Warren and Sanders’s proposals for worker representation on corporate managing boards.
    Worker representation is not very radical. Germany has it — a conservative country — but it is a step forward. You can move forward beyond that with actual direct action on the ground — for example, creating worker-owned enterprises — to changing the way in which the capitalist system works.

    And there is Chomsky in a nutshell. An advocate of Richard Wolff’s cooperatives. On our SOYMB blog a comment left is that we must answer that sort of reform to counter it prevalence.


    Biden promised to cancel a miserly $10,000 of student debt. Five months into his presidency and he hasn’t made a move to do so.


    Well, peoples should learn after 300 years of capitalism that pro capitalist presidents are employee of the capitalist class, and their main goal is to defend the interests of the system of profits. He is doing what he is suppose to do. Barrack Obama forgave the students loans for permanent disabled peoples


    Afghanistan withdrawal…hmmm, well perhaps not


    “We aren’t seeing the fight and the grit that gives us the full hope,” said Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director of WildEarth Guardians. “There’s something to be said about posturing and sending the message that you are for real, these aren’t just words, that these are values, and they are going to fight for them and build the right level of support to get things across the finish line.”

    “Really we want to see something that strikes at the heart of the fossil fuel industry and makes clear this administration does not view the fossil fuel industry as any kind of a friend.”


    As the Democratic Party liberals and leftists call for defunding the police, Biden unveils a plan that includes funding more police.

    Biden’s crime-fighting strategy calls for curtailing rogue gun dealers and firearms trafficking by adding more police officers, even beyond pre-pandemic levels.


    Black pastors, ministers and black capitalists motivated peoples to vote for Joe Biden instead of Bernie Sanders ( who is also another pro capitalist candidate ) who was going to be blocked by the Democrats senators, and in two occasions the democratic party blocked his presidential nomination, therefore, it has been proven that both parties are the representative of the US ruling class.

    The working class can not depend on leaders and capitalists political party. The state can not defund one of its agency of oppression, it is only an illusion, it would be like removing the claws to a lion or a tiger, the police force was created in order to defend the interest of the capitalist class

    Many years ago Engels clearly exposed the character of the state, but peoples continue having romanticized ideas about the state as a neutral institution, it is the private institution of the ruling class, and the state is funded with surplus value. I did my homework a long time ago.

    PS The drugs dealers obtain guns and military equipments from the gun manufacturers, the same ones who supply guns to the police forces and the state military


    Who is running the USA? Democrats or Republicans?

    From Biden’s infrastructure budget of $2.25 Trillion down to $953 billion.


    What ever political party in the USA is apparently running the society, the real power is in the hands of the capitalist class, and they do not care which one of them is the winner as long as they defend their class interests, and they do not care which ethnic group, sexual orientation, or color of the skin is the winner, as long as that president represents their interests as was the case with Barrack Obama and Kamala Harris.

    Roosevelt was able to obtain the approval of the capitalist class for higher taxation, a huge infrastructure budget, and social democrat reforms, and the state became the nation employer because he was living under a different epoch and the working class had more political consciousness, more political and organizational power and the capitalist class did not want the US working class to establish another Soviet Union, and the US Communist Party had a large influence within the ranks of the working class, and workers unions, that is the reason why McCarthyism emerged to wipe out that movement completely.

    Nowadays the working class is moving the tail to their own rulers and they are even willing to die for them, and kill others members of the working class to protect their interests, as Malcolm X said that the slaves of the house of the master was always defending their masters, and they wanted to get sick intstead of their masters, and the slaves of the plantation wanted the master to die, and to burn his house


    The infrastructure deal negotiated by Joe Biden and the Republicans is not even one quarter of the original proposal and it does not include the needs of all the diverse communities that exist in the USA. It is a clear indication that peoples can not place their trust on pro capitalist politicians. The Democrats are opening the gate for another Donald Trump


    Joe Biden ordered air strike . What is difference with the prior presidents ? This is the lesser evil supported by some leftists and “socialists” personalities. We have been in the right tracks all the time


    What to note is that it is not against terrorist ISIS/ISIL targets but Iranian-supported militias, just as Israel has been doing and it will inevitably raise tensions when there is supposed to be talks on Iranian sanctions

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