August Socialist Standard not available

September 2024 Forums Website / Technical August Socialist Standard not available

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  • #220449
    J Surman

    Just to draw attention that I’m getting ‘oops, can’t be found’.


    I did manage to read your article, Janet, on food production.

    The Beef Chain

    Along with climate change, that is perhaps the most important challenge facing us even when we achieve socialism, meat-eating being almost equally as damaging to the planet as fossil fuels


    I think you must mean something like “too much meat-eating” and it would meat-producing not meat-eating as such.

    J Surman

    Absolutely – current methods of meat production, and in fact all industrial farming methods are harmful to both planet and those who eat the food produced.
    Read a good quote from Marx today – ‘a rational agriculture is incompatible with the capitalist system’
    Must get outside again and pick more tomatoes for sun-drying!

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