Attack on Abortion Law

September 2024 Forums General discussion Attack on Abortion Law

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  • #221745

    The USA Taliban has taken over the so-called Jurisprudential system, it would be better to study theology instead of Law, they are always criticizing the theocratic government of Iran but their aim also is to establish a theocratic government and eliminate the secular constitution of the USA.

    The American Taliban are also part of the California governor recall, one of the candidates has indicated that the slaves’ owners should be compensated because they were owners of private property, a clear indication of the reactionary and backward mentality of these religious people.

    Probably, those pastors have not read the history of the Roman primitive Christians who did not participate in the state affairs and did not support the Roman wars until it became the religion of the state, but as the book titled: How the gods were made demonstrated that most religions have been tied to a particular economic system


    At the Southern border of the USA, another so-called Banana Republic, the Mexican Supreme Court unanimously decided that women have the right to an abortion and make their own decision and that the constitution protect them. It is a country that is heavily influenced by the Catholic Church like in Argentina


    A Texas website used to report violators of the state’s extreme anti-abortion legislation after the site was forced offline by two different web hosting platforms.

    The site was removed from its original web host by the provider GoDaddy on Friday before being suspended by its new host, an agency known for providing services to far-right groups.


    Those are bounty hunters like in the old days of the West. They just want to make $10,000 for every victim. Probably, many women from Texas are going to be crossing the border toward Mexico in order to get an abortion with the ruling emitted by the Mexican Supreme Court

    The world is moving forward and the USA is moving back to the times of the Witch Hunters and burning. The Vatican was not able to influence the court and the congress in Mexico and Argentina


    Since victims of incest and rape will also be denied abortions, when asked about that, Texas governor Abbot, said he will make such crimes disappear from being committed.


    What can you expect from those ignorants elected as governors, senators or presidents ? In his entire live he has never read a book in Anthropology or Physiology. He should read Engels on the origin of the family when there was a period in mankind when women had several husbands known as Polyandry. Most rapes are done by members of the family or friends of the victims and most of them are religious peoples. Is he going to castrate all men ? Some women are being accused of being rapers too, now, is known as forced penetration. They will do anything in order to be elected and stay in power for decades. In some countries government are only elected for one period, and in some countries all governors are women


    US Supreme Court set to undermine access to abortion


    strong support from most white women, especially those who identify as evangelical Christians, has helped Republicans dominate local government in the states passing the most restrictive measures, from Alabama and Georgia to Kentucky and Missouri. In some of those states, polling shows that opposition to legal abortion is higher among white women than among white men.


    Pretty soon we are going to see many women from the USA traveling to Mexico to get an abortion.

    White Christians are claiming that foreigners want to take their place in the USA, but if abortion is penalized again the population of foreigner is going to increase more again, specially within the Latinos and Asian population


    Strictest abortion law to be passed in Florida, In the USA 65% of women voted for them

    PS: In Mexico, Argentina and Colombia which are Catholic countries abortion was legalized. In Argentina, they took Scientists as professional witnesses to the Congress, in the USA ( a so-called first world country ) congress is influenced by religious leaders. Nicaragua which is a so-called socialist country abortion is completely illegal and they leaders were influenced by the Catholic Church


    Guatemala’s congress has increased prison sentences for women who have abortions.

    Guatemalan women convicted of terminating their pregnancies can now face sentences up to 10 years that before were a maximum of three. Congress imposed even heavier penalties for doctors and others who assist women in ending pregnancies.


    The Supreme Court is rimoured to be about to repeal its earlier Roe v Wade decision which legalised abortion

    With Republicans very likely to take control of both house of Congress, they are planning to impose an effective end to abortions with a 6 week term ban


    It was expected, more than 65% of white women supports those right wingers, and they support Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Mexico which is called a Banana Republic legalized abortion and it is a catholic country, In Argentina they took Scientists to the congress as professional witness in the USA they have shaman

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