Arts in the curriculum?

October 2024 Forums General discussion Arts in the curriculum?

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  • #81150

    A Socialist Standard reader has sent us a copy of an email he sent to the BBC on this

    Alain de Botton believes that we don’t need the Arts in education ? There’s only god for weekend pursuits !?

    So what would that provide us with? A nation of skilled engineers, and technicians but not having much of a notion of WHY and HOW we come to be here doing whatever we’re doing !

    He’s a philosopher who thinks philosophy is a waste of time in the university curriculum? I suppose if this assertion is what his training has culminated in, it in effect then validates his claim, because it certainly didn’t do him much good !

    Without a rigorous pursuit of the arts , we’d wind up a zombie nation of automatons following chains of command, producing things and performing services without any understanding of the value of anything ! Life would be cheapen down to the highest price-tag on a person. It’d become a ‘North Korean’ type nightmare !

    The Arts aren’t worth a degree study because there’s no place for them in a competitive economy ..??? Has to be one of the most inane assertions I’ve ever heard ! Rather, perhaps, there’s no place for a competitive economy in a civilized culture ..?

    Capitalism, especially this current savage monetarist version , dumbs-down and cheapens everything in its path. Even philosophical thinking, it would seem !

    E.P. Aliferis

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