Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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    “Delegitimising the state of Israel is antisemitic,” Jonathan Arkush, the outgoing president of the Jewish board of deputies, said


    They are not applying their own holy book

    two studies now show that the decidedly pro-Zionist course pursued by some conservative governments overshadows a latent anti-Semitism that is inherent, at least in part, in many right-wing governments in Eastern Europe. Paradoxically, this has led to a pro-Zionist standpoint mixed with anti-Semitic motives.

    Unfortunately, the sources of those two studies was not given but it seems to reflect a Ken Livingstone position, doesn't it? 


    This article from the January 2007 Socialist Standard noted a similar pattern:

    Keymaster article directs us to the American 1924 Immigration Act that effectively halted Jewish immigration as the motor for ZionismThis source also explains the 1924 Acts impact—From-anti-Judaism-to-anti-Semitism/Foundations-of-Holocaust-1924-Congress-decides-No-More-Jews-364924

    alanjjohnstone wrote: article directs us to the American 1924 Immigration Act that effectively halted Jewish immigration as the motor for ZionismThis source also explains the 1924 Acts impact—From-anti-Judaism-to-anti-Semitism/Foundations-of-Holocaust-1924-Congress-decides-No-More-Jews-364924

    Peoples sometimes have a short memory. There was a ship with hundreds of Jews that was returned by the USA and they did not want to take the Jews as refugees in the USA and the Cuban Embassy cancelled all the visas to the passengers of the ship.They were sent back to Germany and more than 300 of them were executed. The same situation is taking place with the peoples from El Salvador, Guatemala and NicaraguaThey would have been forced to place them in the Ghettos of the black peoples. The Jews and Irish were considered blacks, and the Italian as third world peoples.The white Italian want all the African workers to be deported from Italy, but they do not remember when the USA wanted them to be deported too and they were treated in the same manner that the blacks were treated in the USA the Irish became white   How Italian became white


    Curious.  Ultra orthodox Jews who want to see the state of Israel dismantled… 


    Taking the BDS campaign on to the football field is anti-semitic.Avigdor Lieberman, defence minister, wrote on Twitter: “It is a shame that the football nobility from Argentina didn’t withstand the pressure of the inciters and haters of Israel whose only goal is to harm our basic right to self-defence and bring about the destruction of Israel. We will not surrender in the face of a group of antisemites and terror supporters.” than the Palestinian's who politicalised the football match, Israel moved the game to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv and incorporated it into the 70th Anniversary celebrations


    The New York Times accused of conflating criticism of Israel with anti-semitism


    Robbo203:  Or better yet, go straight to the horse's mouth: . (And it's not the only such group.)  Anyway, it's not so strange. Orthodox Judaism was largely anti-zionist before opportunistically accommodating itself (the 'religious parties' in Israel) to the newly formed state. This receives some mention in Israel Shahak's 'Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years': .


    As another curiosity: Socialists (on libcom I would write 'internationalist communists') of course don't support a Two State Solution or a One State Solution but rather a No State Solution (and not just over the territory of Mandate Palestine), so it's nothing to stand up and applaud, but it is interesting  that there existed 'cultural zionist' (?) groups that while supporting Jewish immigration to Mandate Palestine, opposed partition (ie two states) in favor of a a single bi-ethnic state: Brit Shalom (the name later hijacked to other purposes), Hashomer Hatzair Workers Party, and Ihud. The lattermost, if I recall correctly, continued to exist and maintained its position for a while even after the Israeli state came into being.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The New York Times accused of conflating criticism of Israel with anti-semitism

    The site has a lot of this sort of thing.


    How accurate the saying is, i have no idea,  but people say you judge people by their friends.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Austria's Chancelor Sebastian Kurz as "a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people."He made no mention of the fact that the Kurz government is in coalition with the neo-Nazi Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), founded by former Nazis in the 1950s. The FPÖ controls the foreign, interior and defense ministries, and although foreign minister Karin Kneissl is not officially a member of the FPÖ, they nominated him for the post. In exchange for possible Israeli tolerance towards the FPÖ, there has been speculation Kurz might agree to follow the US, Guatemala and Paraguay in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Austria was one of four EU countries which attended the event celebrating the US embassy move to Jerusalem in May. The others were the Czech Republic, Romania, and Hungary.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How accurate the saying is, i have no idea,  but people say you judge people by their friends.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Austria's Chancelor Sebastian Kurz as "a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people."He made no mention of the fact that the Kurz government is in coalition with the neo-Nazi Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), founded by former Nazis in the 1950s. The FPÖ controls the foreign, interior and defense ministries, and although foreign minister Karin Kneissl is not officially a member of the FPÖ, they nominated him for the post. In exchange for possible Israeli tolerance towards the FPÖ, there has been speculation Kurz might agree to follow the US, Guatemala and Paraguay in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Austria was one of four EU countries which attended the event celebrating the US embassy move to Jerusalem in May. The others were the Czech Republic, Romania, and Hungary.

    Yes, but he is closing all the Mosques and planning to expel the Arabs and the Muslim.With Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay follow the money trail and the investment of Israel in Paraguay, and the dependency of those countries with the USA. In Honduras, the USA and the CIA perpetrated a coup d'tat and Hillary Clinton was part of the coup. The whole Latin America region is moving toward the right


    An article going into more detail of how the right-wing anti-semitic governments are backing Israel

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