Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #248341

    While Jezza isn’t an antisemite, Morgan is a tosspot of the first order, and the equivalent question should clearly also be being put to politicians defending Israeli terrorism, ‘Socialist’ Corbyn demonstrates once again what a contemptible anti-working class scumbag he is.


    An interesting article from 2002 proposing a “a secular democratic state in historic Palestine” based on one person, one vote “without reference to ethnicity or creed”:

    It is probably never going to happen (at least not until we get socialism when it would be a secular democratic administration) if only because the Zionists would fight it to the death — and they’ve got the atomic bomb — as it would mean a repudiation of their claim that part of historic Palestine should be a Jewish state for Jews.

    But anyone raising it would put the Zionists on the back foot as, when you think about it, their claim is outrageous even from a bourgeois-democratic point of view.


    While Jezza isn’t an antisemite, Morgan is a tosspot of the first order, and the equivalent question should clearly also be being put to politicians defending Israeli terrorism, ‘Socialist’ Corbyn demonstrates once again what a contemptible anti-working class scumbag he is.

    Yes, I think Corbyn blew the opportunity to put clear water between his own views and any suggestion that he approved of what Hamas did. He could have just said “Yes Hamas is a terrorist organisation but so is the Israeli state” but he didn’t. It would have stopped Morgan in his tracks although, to be fair, the latter is an absolutely terrible interviewer who should never be allowed anywhere near a recording studio: he is just an opinionated loudmouth who doesn’t give anyone the opportunity to explain themselves.

    Corbyn has spoken out against Hamas, as a matter of fact. In a Twitter a day or so ago he said

    “I condemn the targeting of all civilian life. That includes the deplorable acts of terror by Hamas against Israeli civilians. And that includes acts of terror by the Israeli government against Palestinian civilians. More than 11,000 people in Gaza have been killed, almost half of whom are children. ”

    I can’t see the big deal about condemning Hamas as a terrorist organisation and one that was previously supported by the Netanyahu regime as a means of drawing Palestinian support away from the PLO. Perhaps he did not want to alienate some of his supporters who like him endorse the idea of Palestinian nationalism rather than take a working-class perspective on this matter


    “Keir Starmer is braced for resignations from his frontbench after ordering Labour MPs not to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza.”

    In other words, he wants his MPs to vote for the bombings, the killings and the wanton destruction to continue. Most probably will.

    We will find out later today who are the Labour Party leaders who put their hope of becoming a minister before what any decent human being feels about what they can see on television is happening to ordinary people in Gaza and just want it to stop.


    Corbyn has spoken out against Hamas…

    He has a long history of on-the-record condemnations of individual atrocities against civilians which give the illusion that he is a reasonable human being, yet continues to support or implicitly endorse the ideologies, movements and organisations responsible for the mass-murder of ordinary members of the working class. Empty, disingenuous disconnect

    JC’s previous praise for Hamas


    Apologies for the bobbly thing. Didn’t realise it would display quite as prominently. Mod can delete if they like.


    defending Corbo? jingles! perhaps my ex-labour exlax ex will be *invited* to rejoin the portly party.


    So in the end there were 125 humane beings in the House of Commons including 56 Labourites among them some ex-future ministers.


    List of Labour ‘rebels’ (scroll to bottom)

    It has to be noted, though, that many have seats in constituencies where it would be suicidal not to vote with the SNP.


    Keir Starmer busily proving that he is fit to be next Prime Minister by ignoring human rights and acting in the interests of capital. Many Labour Party members including MPs in despair of their party’s position, with the rest of them busily swallowing the nonsense that the Labour Party stands up for the interests of the working class.


    Full list of all 125 here:

    I see “my” MP was amongst them. The LibDems voted for as well as the Scots Nats. Also the non-DUP Northern Ireland MPs and the sole Green Party MP.


    He has a long history of on-the-record condemnations of individual atrocities against civilians which give the illusion that he is a reasonable human being, yet continues to support or implicitly endorse the ideologies, movements and organisations responsible for the mass-murder of ordinary members of the working class.

    Corbyn has I´m afraid made a complete fool of himself over this issue. You can’t say Hamas is not a terrorist organisation and then say you “condemn the targeting of all civilian life. That includes the deplorable acts of terror by Hamas against Israeli civilians.” But at the end of the day, despite the reasonableness he projects, he is a nationalist and a supporter of capitalism. That will inevitably draw you into contradictory postures on the matter


    Ask yourself, if you were a Palestinian in Gaza and had access to a weapon what would you do? If Israel killed your family, how would you react? Why would you care about international or humanitarian law when you know it only applies to the oppressed, not the oppressors? If terror is the only language Israel uses to communicate, the only language it apparently understands, wouldn’t you speak back with terror?

    Bijou Drains

    “Ask yourself, if you were a Palestinian in Gaza and had access to a weapon what would you do? If Israel killed your family, how would you react? Why would you care about international or humanitarian law when you know it only applies to the oppressed, not the oppressors? If terror is the only language Israel uses to communicate, the only language it apparently understands, wouldn’t you speak back with terror?”

    And if you changed it around to read “if Hamas killed your family how would you react”

    The problem is that eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, leaves everyone blind and hungry


    Starmer’s reaction to 8 members of his shadow government of capitalism resigning and a quarter of his MPs voting, against his advice, for a ceasefire (he wants the killings and destruction to continue) was;

    “Leadership is about doing the right thing. That is the least the public deserves. And the least that leadership demands.”

    But what on Earth does that mean? It has a certain rhetorical flourish but has sinister implications.

    Everybody, not just leaders, should of course do the “right thing”. But who decides what is the right thing? Starmer, as a Leader, naturally thinks that a leader should and that this is what the public “deserves”. In other words, he considers that “the public” are incapable of deciding this but only leaders are; that they require leaders to tell them what is right. What arrogance!

    It might be slightly less bad if he personally didn’t change his mind so often about what is the “right thing”. At one time he thought Corbyn was and that certain leftwing reform such as ending charity status for private schools were. Now he doesn’t. Even on Gaza he has changed his mind. Initially he thought it was the right thing that Israel should cut off water, fuel and electricity to Gaza. Then he said (but probably doesn’t believe) that it was the wrong thing.

    The lesson of all this? We don’t need leaders to tell us what is right. In fact we don’t need leaders at all. Don’t follow them, just tell them to get lost. It’s the least leaders deserve and the least the public should demand.

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