Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #248277
    Bijou Drains

    Very little mention has been made of the Deir Yassin Massacre, or the Lydda massacre, both carried out by organisations which the British had described as terrorists.


    Like most other nation states, including the planned Palestinian state, Israel was built on bloodshed, terror, appropriation and death


    is that really generally true? certainly the history of every country will involve bloodshed. but the only country whose foundation is intimately associated with ethnic cleansing and genocide is, surprisingly enough, jizzrael’s number one fan.

    Bijou Drains

    but the only country whose foundation is intimately associated with ethnic cleansing and genocide is

    What about, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, All of South and Central America, the Caribbean countries, to name but a few and even though I didn’t mention the word genocide


    This is a fascinating story Israel is running short of labour because of its previous reliance on Palestinian workers, and so is looking to India:

    ““Right now we are negotiating with India. We are waiting for [the] decision of the Israeli government to approve that. And, we hope to engage 50,000 to 100,000 workers from India to be able to run the whole sector and bring it back to normal,” he told the publication on November 1.

    “Earlier this year the two countries had inked an agreement that allowed 42,000 Indians to work in the Jewish state. in the fields of construction and nursing. As per the press statement from the Israeli foreign ministry, 34,000 workers will be engaged in the construction field and another 8,000 for nursing needs.”


    The Vietnamese government is exporting a lot of workers in order to decrease unemployment, and the filipino government needs workers in overseas in order to obtain money remittance to support their family and to avoid the high level of poverty. India has an enormous army of unemployed workers


    Israel seems to be drawing up its war aims:

    “Speaking to U.S. television’s Fox News on Thursday, Netanyahu said: “We don’t seek to conquer Gaza, we don’t seek to occupy Gaza, and we don’t seek to govern Gaza.”

    “Netanyahu said a civilian government would need to take shape in Gaza but that Israel would make sure an attack like Oct. 7 does not happen again.

    “So, we have to have a credible force that, if necessary, will enter Gaza and kill the killers. Because that’s what will prevent the re-emergence of a Hamas-like entity,” Netanyahu said.”

    So, a Bantustan, totally subordinate but not the ‘responsibility’ of Israel (except, of course, that any Gaza entity created after this war will be wholly a creation of the Israeli state).

    Note the options excluded: international peace keepers, a treaty with a fully fledged Palestinian state, a Marshal plan to rebuilt and drain the swamp of Palestinian radicalism.


    Another exposition on capitalist reasons for Gaza-Israel conflict. Conspiracy theory? Youtuber is British-Syrian journalist.


    More Remembrance Day hypocrisy.

    What does the day mark? The anniversary of the armistice of 11 November 1918 that ended the First World War.

    And what is an armistice?

    “Armistice descends from Latin sistere, meaning “to come to a stand” or “to cause to stand or stop,” combined with arma, meaning “weapons.” An armistice, therefore, is literally a cessation of arms.”

    So what is wrong with calling for an armistice on Armistice Day?


    The USA is still at war with North Korea. At the present time there is not any anti war movement


    A Western leader breaks ranks:

    I can’t understand how anybody anywhere can support what the Israeli Attack Forces are doing in Gaza — deliberately targetting and cutting off supplies to hospitals and brazenly defending this on the grounds that weapons of mass destruction (or whatever) are hidden underneath them.

    I don’t know what Macron’s motives are in publicly calling for a stop to the deliberate killing of babies and hospital patients but at least he is reflecting what most people are thinking.

    The Jewish Nationalist government of Israel can’t call him an antisemite, though they might still deploy the self-hating Jew trope.

    Nobody really supports what the IAF is doing to the population of Gaza. How can they without denying their humanity?

    As socialists we don’t see Palestinians being bombed there but fellow workers and fellow human beings. The immediate interest of the working class is that the fighting stop unconditionally. It won’t, but at least we will have made our position clear.


    From the Daily Heil

    “Three women have pleaded not guilty to displaying images indicating support for banned terrorist organisation Hamas at a pro-Palestinian march in central London.

    Heba Alhayek, 29, Pauline Ankunda, 26, and Noimutu Olayinka Taiwo, 27, were all charged under the Terrorism Act as part of the same investigation, for allegedly wearing or displaying images of paragliders during the demonstration in Whitehall on October 14.

    “Prosecutor Mark Luckett said: ‘The prosecution say that there is a clear and unique association between the image of a paraglider and the Hamas terrorist attack a week earlier.’

    He added that wearing an item of clothing displaying an image associated with the Hamas attacks ‘glorifies the actions of the group by celebrating the unique, successful tactic used by them’. Militants from the group, banned as a terror organisation by the UK, used paragliders to enter Israel from Gaza on October 7 before killing more than 1,400 Israelis.”

    This is BS at so many levels

    Firstly, there is growing evidence that a lot of those 1400 dead Israelis were actually killed by the IDF itself. Like the lie about the 40 decapitated babies what we are served up is misinformation on a massive scale which the servile MSM laps up and obediently regurgitates. Tell a lie often enough and mysteriously it somehow becomes the truth. This is a modern-day version of Goebbels

    see this for example

    Secondly, whilst one holds no brief for the authoritarian pro-nationalist Hamas group their terrorism pales in significance compared with the Israeli state-sponsored terrorism – not only in Gaza where more than 10, 000 people have already been murdered by the Israeli state (4000 of them, children) but also on the west bank where more than 150 Palestinian workers have been killed under the vile racist Netanyahu regime since its forces invaded the Gaza concentration camp last month.

    So it’s a crime to have a picture of some paragliders on your back but it’s not a crime to support military action that leads to the cold-blooded murder of 4000 kids. How sick can you get? And these are the same people who will shed crocodile tears over Russian missiles destroying apartments in Ukraine (but not Ukrainian missiles destroying apartments in Donbas) when all missiles, no matter who they are aimed at or by whom , should be condemned outright as an abomination

    The double standards and hypocrisy just take your breath away

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by robbo203.

    What we said in what we called a “Peace Manifesto” sent to an international conference of social democratic parties in June 1917 (and by published in the July 1917 Socialist Standard):

    What interest have the Workers, then, in either starting or carrying on war for their masters? Absolutely none.
    Every Socialist must, therefore, wish to see peace established at once to save further maiming and slaughter of our fellow Workers. All those who on any pretext, or for any supposed reason, wish the war to continue, at once stamp themselves as anti-Socialist, anti-working class, and pro-capitalist.


    With respect to “robbo203” (note to admin: anarchistic anonymity preserved, no speculation here, buddyboy), “the IDF killed the Israelis on 7/10” sounds a lot like “Hamas bombed their own hospital”. Leave this at “Hamas killed some guys and Israel killed some guys” rather than indulging in Qanon type conspiracy theories. I shouldn’t need to remind you all that the socialist position is a pox on both your houses.



    But I didn’t suggest “the IDF killed the Israelis on 7/10”. All I said was that there is “growing evidence that a lot of those 1400 dead Israelis were actually killed by the IDF itself.” In other words, I agree completely with your assessment that “Hamas killed some guys and Israel killed some guys”. The people who are indulging in Qanon-type conspiracy theories are the kind of people who will swallow the lies served up by MSM about 40 babies being beheaded by Hamas without blinking twice.

    Of course, it goes without saying that my position is “a pox on both your houses” as far as both the Hamas terrorists and Israeli state terrorists are concerned. Nationalism of any kind disgusts me. Hamas was a creature of the Israeli state anyway – it was initially supported and funded by Netanyahu and his band of racist thugs as a counterweight to the PLO. Hamas uses Palestinian workers in the same way that the Zionists use Israeli workers. To hell with both of them but in the meanwhile, we have the absolute obscenity of thousands of innocent internees of the Gaza concentration camp being bombed out of existence while creeps like Sunak and Starmer witter on pathetically about “Israel having a right to self-defense”

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by robbo203.

    Well, the government has got rid of her. It was too much even for them to have a cabinet minister boasting of having family members serving in the Israeli armed forces and referring to Muslim demonstrations in London as “pollution”, precisely the language Hitler employed against the Jews. Maybe the police will get their revenge by charging her with using racially aggravated language. What a despicable character.

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