Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #247706

    I would not put my hands in the fire for anyone of them, I could have been launched by either side because Hezbollah also have large missiles provided by Iran, and Israel have large missiles provided by the USA, and either side could have launched a faulty missiles, or could have done it intentionally, both sides do not care about the death of human being. It is going to be difficult to know the real true, both sides are blaming each other like in the case of the gas pipe in Ukraine, and the poison gas in Syria


    On a small side point, I don’t think the bomb needs to be that big. This video shows the effect of 2kgs of high explosive, Hamas’ rockets can hold up to 20kgs (probably more likely 5 or 10).

    Now, the balance of probability is that it was an Israeli bomb, but from our POV it is the war that is to blame, not the Israeli, and the war stems from capitalism.

    If the carpark was as packed with people as seems to be claimed, then even a relatively small bomb could cause those casualties, and the big looking fireball.

    That said, looking at the crater, it looks to me like the rocket was under power, not falling under gravity, but I am *not* an expert.

    Further, I only recently read about the Eilat-Askelon pipeline which, as a route to circumvent the Suez Canal, is sufficient interest to back Israel (for the US) and also for Israel to deny a contiguous Palestine in the south. More complicated than that



    This is a report from BBC News after they have consulted with some misiles and explosion expert


    It has been proven that 60% of the Russian missiles and drones have failed in Ukraine, and many of the Iranian rockets and drones have failed too, many of Hamas rocket are homemade, the North Korean rockets also have failed many times.

    Some news centers have indicated that missiles from Yemen were launched toward Israel and they were intercepted by the USA warships

    In the time of wars warmongers never accept their culpability, it happened during WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam war, both sides were criminals and they blamed each other.

    The issue is not who shoot the rocket, the real issue is that capitalism is the cause of wars and produce the death of innocent peoples, and we only support one side which is the world working class

    The size of the rocket or the bomb does not make any difference, it can be any kind of explosives and in a crowded place it produces deaths


    I would not put my hands in the fire for anyone of them, I could have been launched by either side because Hezbollah also have large missiles provided by Iran, and Israel have large missiles provided by the USA, and either side could have launched a faulty missiles, or could have done it intentionally,

    In theory, yes, but don’t forget we are talking about Hamas not Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hamas is apparently nowhere near as strong or as well-armed as Hezbollah. Actually, according to Israeli accounts, it is not even Hamas but a group of Islamic Jihadist militants, allies of Hamas, that are supposedly responsible for the hospital outrage.

    While one has to keep an open mind I think it is fair to say that a preponderance of evidence points to Israel as culpable


    In this mess we do not know who is telling the truth, Hezbollah has been shooting rockets from Lebanon to Israel, and the USA intercepted some missiles launched from Yemen . I mentioned Hezbollah because they can also provide weapons to Hamas.most of those Jihad have received weapons from Iran Probably, the evidence shows that the rocket was launched from Gazas and it exploded in the launching, and it does not make any difference if the missile is a small or large, and the fuel produces a big explosion


    It’s going to get worse. The Israeli army hasn’t even begun to invade Gaza yet which is going to mean even more destruction and slaughter of civilians.

    Ordinary people all over the world are appalled at what they are doing but nobody can stop them. Not public opinion. Not the so-called “United Nations”. In theory the USA could but has declared it is 110 percent behind the Israeli government, ostensibly on the grounds that it is a “liberal democracy” but in reality as a counter to Iran as a threat to the oilfields of Arabia and the trade routes to get the oil out.


    Oil prices are rising

    The USA is lifting oil sanctions to Venezuela. Their oil reserve is larger than Saudi Arabia

    Probably, we might see another scenario similar to the war in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. Peoples can protest but the interests of the capitalists are more important than any protests, before the Iraq war millions of peoples were protesting and the capitalists started their own war for oil, gas, routes and minerals


    The whole world – apart from USA and UK – seems to recognise that Israel Government is made up of psychopaths.


    So over 100,000 took part in a demonstration in London today to protest against what is happening to the population of Gaza under under siege and bombardment. That is good but a pity that it took the form of a demonstration in favour of a Palestine state and not a protest against the slaughter of fellow workers and human beings as such.


    So, I take it no Party presence (to put the socialist case against all varieties of nationalism)/leafletting?


    A Gaza ground offensive much harder than Fallujah battle

    PS: As SLP wrote on their newspaper before the Iraq war that there is not protest able to stop any war, the interest of the capitalist class are more important than anything else. Nationalism will not resolve the problems of mankind, on the contrary, it create more problems


    So, I take it no Party presence (to put the socialist case against all varieties of nationalism)/leafletting?

    I don’t know. There might have been. In any event, there would have been no objection to doing so.


    I should hope not! The Party absolutely should have been present – and should be present at future events in the weeks and months to come – opposing both Palestinian and Israeli nationalism.

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