Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #247547

    Neither Israel, nor Palestine, workers have no fatherland

    Since Saturday, a deluge of fire and steel has been raining down on the people living in Israel and Gaza. On one side, Hamas. On the other, the Israeli army. In the middle, civilians being bombed, shot, executed and taken hostage. Thousands have already died.

    All over the world, the bourgeoisie is calling on us to choose sides. For the Palestinian resistance to Israeli oppression. Or for the Israeli response to Palestinian terrorism. Each denounces the barbarity of the other to justify war. The Israeli state has been oppressing the Palestinian people for decades, with blockades, harassment, checkpoints and humiliation, so revenge would be legitimate. Palestinian organisations have been killing innocent people with knife attacks and bombings. Each side calls for the blood of the other to be spilled.

    This deadly logic is the logic of imperialist war! It is our exploiters and their states who are always waging a merciless war in defence of their own interests. And it is we, the working class, the exploited, who always pay the price, with our lives.

    For us, proletarians, there is no side to choose, we have no homeland, no nation to defend! On either side of the border, we are class brothers! Neither Israel, nor Palestine!


    Yes, that’s a good statement, in plain English. Better than the CWO one, whose heading “The Latest Butchery in the Middle East is Part of the March to Generalised War”, reflects their mistaken view that another world war is economically necessary for capital accumulation to continue.

    Both are far better than that other one that calls on Israeli soldiers to turn their guns on their officers. What they should be doing, if anything, is not agreeing to serve in the Israeli armed forces in the first place (as a few do each year).


    Anarchist Communist Group have put out a statement:

    “Against the barbarism of capitalism and the march towards world war we call for working class unity, internationalism and preparation for mass movements that can implement social revolution and create libertarian communism.”

    “The task before the workers of Palestine and Israel is thus no different from the task here. It is only to be conducted in more difficult circumstances. We must build a working class movement, based on liberty, equality and solidarity, and fight for a revolution which will re-make society on the same principles.”


    What we are seeing now is that the Middle East is coming back to the old days of the Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan war. More radical groups are going to emerge and the USA is going to support and back Israel government with more military hardware and financing for war, and workers on both sides are going to suffer the consequences, and we are going to see more hates against the Arabs, the muslims and the jews


    Reply to Almamater who said – “On either side of the border, we are class brothers!“

    Why do you persevere in the Victorian fantasy that workers are brothers. Had you no mother, sister or niece? Why do you forget that women are in your boat?

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by paula.mcewan.

    Reply to Almamater who said – “On either side of the border, we are class brothers!“

    Why do you persevere in the Victorian fantasy that workers are brothers. Had you no mother, sister or niece? Why do you forget that women are in your boat?
    This reply was modified 29 minutes ago by paula.mcewan.


    Give the complaint to the ICC, they are the ones using that expression on their message. That expression is used by most of the Left communists who supported the unity of the working class, and when they use it, they are saying, man, and women, as the expression man also means man and women. The natives used to call themselves brothers. Just read Lewis Morgan and Fed Engels on the Origin of the family and the Ancient. society. Clearly Marx and the socialist party have indicated that we are not going to liberate ourselves as man, women, children, sex ethnic group, races, color of our skin, but as human, and the expression human is also arbitrary in biology. Human beings are exploited due to their relationship with the means of production. We publish messages from others organizations and we extract the best part of the messages, and that message has certain ideas similar to the SPGB

    It looks that you did not read the articles, and they are saying” ( Fourth paragraph )

    For us, proletarians, there is no side to choose, we have no homeland, no nation to defend! On either side of the border, we are class brothers! Neither Israel, nor Palestine!

    Brother, sister, mother, father, etc, are called siblings. and they use the expression blood relationship which is wrong, because blood is only used to transport oxygen and nutrients to the human body, in Human genetics, Histology, physiology that expression is not used In the Marxist, and leftists world the expression class brothers is very common. The religious peoples use the expression brothers and sisters. The main idea of the message which is the important part is that workers have common interests

    On his Ethnological notebooks Karl Marx used the expression: To one man, which means man, women, children, elderly etc, the whole mankind, and Raya dunayeskaya when she analyzed those notes she used the expression: Man/Women when she was referring to the expression of One man, it meant the same thing

    The CPUSA which is a USA Leninist organization they use the expression brothers and sister because most of their messages for workers rights is toward the African American and the latinos workers, and also they make unity and alliance with several black churches and pastors


    The US is sending the biggest warships to the Mediterranean Sea. The main purpose is to tell to others imperialists powers to stop getting involve in the conflict. Russia is complaining about the presence of those ships. The main objective of Russia in Syria and North Africa is to get access to maritime routes


    Reply to Almamater who said – “On either side of the border, we are class brothers!“

    Why do you persevere in the Victorian fantasy that workers are brothers. Had you no mother, sister or niece? Why do you forget that women are in your boat?
    This reply was modified 5 hours, 59 minutes ago by paula.mcewan.

    Have you forgotten that you are a moderator of this forum ? Have you forgotten that you duty as moderator is in order to keep harmony and to look for violation ? That is not a forum violation, it is the opinion of an organization and it is not even my opinion


    Unbelievable. Now the Israeli government announces a plan to ethnically cleanse part of Gaza by advising over a million people to leave the area voluntarily. Hopefully this is just a threat but the leaders of Israel could be sufficiently unbalanced to try to carry it out.

    Talk about a rogue state. And the US and Britain are sending warships to support Israel


    There is also the risk that the much stronger and better-armed Hezbollah group could attack Israel from the North. This article suggests that the expected invasion of Gaza might be the trigger. The conflict would then widen considerably


    The objective of Hamas is to radicalize all those extremist groups and militias from the Middle East and to form a military front to attack Israel with the backing of Iran , it would be Iran proxy war


    Talk about a rogue state. And the US and Britain are sending warships to support Israel

    Looks as though you’ve answered your own question – Which repressive regime are we talking about? Hamas or Israel?


    Both are far better than that other one that calls on Israeli soldiers to turn their guns on their officers. What they should be doing, if anything, is not agreeing to serve in the Israeli armed forces in the first place (as a few do each year).

    It is the opposite way, they have activated more than 360,000 reservists, and many Israeli that are living in other countries are flying back to Israel to join the army . Before Pearl Harbor most Americans did not support wars, and when Pearl Harbor was attacked most of them wanted to join the armed forces due to the patriotic propaganda


    Another development. Apparently, Israel has bombed Damascus & Allepo airports. According to this article

    “Syria’s Damascus and Aleppo airports not only handle civil aviation but also host military bases, which are reportedly transit points for Iranian arms sent to Hezbollah – a militant group which is powerful in both Syria and Lebanon.”

    Perhaps it’s in anticipation of Hezbollah getting involved in the conflict once the Gaza invasion commences….

    Maybe that´s also why US and UK warships are on the scene….

    This development involving Russia and Turkey sending humanitarian aid to Gaza is curious. Anybody know anything more about this?



    The Labour Party, despicable lot that they are, supports the Israeli state’s “right” to try to starve the population of Gaza into submission but this has understandably disgusted a couple of their councillors in Oxford:

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