Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #240893

    New Issues Group (NIG)

    Imagine the furore there would be if an anti-semitic secret organisation was found to exist in Parliament.


    Frankfurt municipal administration, known as the Magistrat, decided on Friday to ban Roger Waters’ concert scheduled for May 28. The Magistrat, led by a coalition of the Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats, who are in a coalition at the federal level, and the pro-EU Volt party, instructed the Frankfurt Messe venue to terminate Waters’ concert “immediately and for good cause.”

    “The background to the cancellation is the persistently anti-Israeli appearances by the former Pink Floyd front man, who is considered one of the anti-Semites with the largest reach in the world,” stated a report on the official website of the Frankfurt municipality on Friday.


    Christian Aid charity was forced to spend about £700,000 defending itself against accusations that it had provided “material support” to terrorists, chief executive Patrick Watt has said.

    The complaint, filed in 2017 by the New York-based Zionist Advocacy Center (TZAC), dragged on for more than five years before being thrown out by the US courts.

    TZAC has brought similar complaints under the US false claims act against Norwegian People’s Aid, Oxfam and the Carter Center, the NGO set up by the former president Jimmy Carter and his wife. While the first was settled out of court with the US government for just over $2m, with more than $300,000 awarded to TZAC, the other two were dismissed.


    The smears continue against “anti-semitic” Labour Party


    ‘The Berlin police investigation is in response to a social media campaign launched by political figures who are adding to the slanders that [Roger] Waters is an antisemite the lying charge that he is trivializing the Holocaust and sympathizing with Nazism during his performance of the song “In the Flesh” from the 1979 Pink Floyd album “The Wall.” ‘

    What’s this utter nonsense all about? See here:


    Is he the one who criticises NATO’s Drang nach Osten in Ukraine? That would be an additional, perhaps more important, reason why the German authorities would want to cancel him.

    Meanwhile Zelensky’s can trivialise the atom bomb on Hiroshima by comparing it to the destruction of Bakhmut and of course get away with it.


    Is he the one who criticises NATO’s Drang nach Osten in Ukraine?

    Yes, Roger Waters has consistently denounced the Moscow regime for its military operation in Ukraine while also steadfastly pointing to the hegemonic aim of US imperialism that is driving the conflict which threatens humanity with nuclear annihilation.


    So, it’s all kicked off again, sadly. Some parts of social media are going mad in support of the Palestinian resistance taking the fight to Israel.

    There’s a resounding noise, from the PM, Sunak, Biden, that ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ (and, in international law, it does, but proportionately, and towards a just outcome, which they never add).

    Israel controls the infrastructure of Gaza (and has apparently cut off the electricity supplies, which will have collateral victims). Israel has also bombed Gazan homes (Hamas having previously bombed Israeli homes).

    The interests of workers here is only in ending the violence (including the ongoing unofficial violence by Israeli settlers and security services).

    (also, compare the blaring all channels reporting of this, compared to the virtual silence over the Nagorno Karabakh crisis the other day).

    This crisis cannot be solved in Israel and Palestine alone.


    ”There’s a resounding noise, from the PM, Sunak, Biden, that ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ (and, in international law, it does, but proportionately”

    There’s no chance of the response being proportionate. The Israeli state has rewritten the Book of Exodus to read “a hundred eyes for an eye” and consistently practised this revised commandment from their holy book.


    That ongoing conflict is a living proof of the danger of a mental poison known as nationalism and combined with religious fanatism.

    We said it since the foundation of Israel, that it was not the safer place for the Jews ( which is not a nationality or a race ) and that anti-semitism was going to be increased, and that friction between Palestinian and other Arabs was going to be increased too, and that nationalism was not the solution for the workers of that region

    We have never supported any side of the ruling class of both places, like the left-wingers and nationalist do, and we know that the concept of nation-state is an illusion ad a myth used by the capitalist class to maintain workers attached to them and to defend their interests, we only support one side which is the working class of both places.

    That is the correct stand, we do not promote wars and killings among members of the working class and among members of the so called nations, on the contrary, we want all nations to be dissolved, and all nationalism to be thrown in the trash can.

    Israel is not a nation composed of rich peoples only and Palestine is not a nation composed of poor peoples only, both sides have a ruling class, and both sides have workers and poor peoples, even more, In Israel there are workers from different nations who live in poverty.

    Both sides have a so called Holy Book that motivates killing and revenge, and motivates peoples to kill each others defending a so called holy land and both claim that are worshipping the true god, the only thing that is holy in that area is petroleum, gas and minerals and they are owned by the capitalist class

    Peace in Palestine


    The Supernova festival horror will live in historical infamy. The more so, because the killing was personal, done by men on the ground, and systematic, callous and deliberate. innocent youngsters dancing, died.

    By the doctrine of worthy and unworthy victims, this, of course, gets the front page news. Palestinian dialysis patients dying because of no electricity; youngsters buried under rouble of bombed out tower blocks; people blown up in their own homes: these too are horrifying (and you have to search the news for details of these, the count is now 493 Palestinian dead, according to the BBC. They’re giving a both sides total of 11 hundred, so that is 600 Israelis (and others).

    Apparently, 120,000 are displaced in Gaza, which is about the same number as displaced in Nagorno Karabakh.

    As one commentator has noted “Netanyahu’s goal was to manage the Gaza conflict at a sustainable level indefinitely.” That in itself is a crime, perhaps containing within itself all the crimes of the current situation. By the same token, Hamas are facing a legitimacy crisis, as Arab states normalise with Israel.

    The dead are pawns to monsters.


    Unlike the hypocritical Zelensky let’s be quite unequivocal.

    The Zionist state is solely responsible for the ongoing escalation due to its continuous violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, including the recent repeated incursions into the al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police.

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