Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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    Indoctrination works it seems

    In a Hebrew-language study recently published by the Molad: The Centre for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy, Israeli psychology professors Daniel Bar-Tal and Amiram Raviv attempted to explain the reasons behind the Israeli society’s – and hence the Israeli political classes’ – support for the occupation and the state’s violent policies towards Palestinians.

    The two psychologists argued that as a result of long-term indoctrination, Israeli Jews accepted as fact a narrative in which all Arabs are inherently violent, untrustworthy and determined to destroy Israel. Within the same narrative, Israeli Jews are cast as a moral people whose efforts to achieve sustainable peace are being thwarted by their war-mongering neighbours.

    According to Bar-Tal and Raviv, due to this narrative that has been hammered in to their minds for decades, Israeli Jews believe it is they who are under attack by the Palestinians. Hence they believe, to avoid a repetition of the Holocaust, they must be strong, united and willing to do anything necessary, including turning a blind eye to human rights and international law violations by their state.

    Renowned Israeli psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky once wrote that a conflict ends on the day a society realises the price it will pay for a peace agreement is lower than the cost of the ongoing conflict.

    Unfortunately, as the Israeli political parties’ reluctance to discuss the occupation and its consequences in their electoral campaigns demonstrate, the Israeli society is yet to reach this realisation.


    US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Kara McDonald says that Biden plans to intensify the US’s fight against anti-Semitism in accordance with the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

    In remarks primarily directed at EU leaders McDonald said Jewish communities in numerous countries were confronted with planned and actual bans on religious practices. The European Court of Justice upheld a ban on ritual slaughters — a religious and humane method for killing animals for consumption — in Belgium. The ruling jeopardizes the ability of Jews in Belgium to freely practice their religion. Banning access to and the producing of kosher meat makes Jewish life impossible.[and, of course, Muslims halal dietary requirements, ajj]

    Similarly, proposed bans on male circumcision in Denmark, Finland and Iceland run counter to religious freedom.


    An anti-semitism definition as an alternative to the IHRA.

    The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism

    Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism


    Was Albert Einstein an anti-Semite? Was Hannah Arendt? These questions may sound ludicrous. Yet, according to the definition of anti-Semitism that more than 30 countries—including the United States through the Biden Administration—recently adopted, these two leading intellectuals could very well be labeled as such. This is due to an open letter they sent on December 4, 1948 to the New York Times, claiming that the right-wing Herut Party in the newly formed State of Israel was “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”


    ‘New antisemitism definition excludes BDS, but Palestine activists say it’s still flawed’:

    New antisemitism definition excludes BDS, but Palestine activists say it’s still flawed

    ‘The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism: a critical view’:

    The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism: a critical view


    More revelations are surfacing of what should be called the Corbyn Conspiracy.

    Labour disclosure “shows antisemitism was weaponised against Corbyn”, activists say


    Hundreds of nationalist Jews shouting “Death to Arabs” confronted Palestinian demonstrators at the city’s Damascus Gate.

    The Jewish group – led by the far-right Lehava organization – announced earlier in the day that it would march to the gate to stop the Arabs and remind them who Jerusalem belongs to.

    Lehavah (Hebrew acronym for Prevention of Assimilation in the Holy Land) is an Israeli right-wing organization founded by activist Ben-Zion Gupstein. Its purpose is “to save Jewish girls who have been tempted to associate with a Gentile.” The organization works to prevent Jewish women from associating with non-Jews and also offers practical and legal help to Jewish women on severing their romantic ties with non-Jews. Members of the organization also encourage Jewish-only labor because the employment of Arabs in Jewish-owned businesses contributes to an increase in the rate of assimilation in Israel.

    Violent Clashes Between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem


    British campaign group Free Speech on Israel report, written by Oxford University researcher Jamie Stern-Weiner and set to be officially published on Sunday, shows that statements made by spokespeople and publications of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) have misrepresented the “Working Definition of anti-Semitism” by claiming that it includes a hotly contested list of “examples” of anti-Semitism. Stern-Weiner identifies repeated public statements made by IHRA, its spokespersons and representatives which misrepresent the IHRA’s definition of anti-Semitism by conflating it with the list of examples.

    Oxford University Professor Avi Shlaim argues that its findings “ought to lead any government or organisation that is considering the adoption of the IHRA definition to think again”.


    “…Tell Bristol University and the vice-chancellor that enough is enough, we’re not living in 1930s Germany, and they should deal with this problem and make sure the university is not a hostile environment to Jewish students,”

    Jonathan Gullis, MP for Stoke-on-Trent North, “We need to start sacking people … ”

    Professor David Miller of Bristol University accused of anti-semitism for saying, “The ‘Jewish student groups’ you refer to are political lobby groups overseen by the Union of Jewish Students, which is constitutionally bound to promoting Israel. There is a real question of abuse here — of Jewish students on British campuses being used as political pawns by a violent, racist foreign regime engaged in ethnic cleansing. The UJS’ lobbying for Israel is a threat to the safety of Arab and Muslim students as well as of Jewish students and indeed of all critics of Israel.”

    He praised University College, London (UCL) for the decision of its Academic Board to recommend replacing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. He called the decision the “beginning of the fightback”.

    He said: “No university should allow itself to be held hostage by the State of Israel’s campaign of censorship. Manufactured controversies around Judeophobia — such as in my case — are being used to silence criticism of Zionism and Israel. That is the purpose of the IHRA definition in practice. If Saudi Arabia was engaged in a similar censorship campaign on British campuses, we would laugh it out of the room.”

    J Surman

    An excellent piece by Craig Murray on the newly released Human Rights Watch statement about Israel as an apartheid state:

    Human Rights Watch Confirms Israel is an Apartheid State


    We will never have the BBC admit it as so


    The latest from Jonathan Cook

    How Israel Shields Itself With the Smear of Antisemitism

    …Zionist supporters of Israel are trying to turn logic and the world upside down. They are inverting reality. They are projecting their own racist, zero-sum assumptions about Israel on to Palestinian solidarity activists, those who support equal rights for Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East.

    As they did with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition, these Jewish groups are twisting the meaning of antisemitism, skewing it from a fear or hatred of Jews to any criticism of Israel that makes pro-Israel Jews feel uncomfortable.

    …pro-Israel Jewish groups want to treat us all like Corbyn, demonizing us as antisemites unless we fall silent even as Israel once again brutalizes Palestinians.


    Canada’s Green Party in-fighting

    More Attacks on Palestine Solidarity from Green Party Leadership

    “when we specifically single out Israelis, I worry about the buzzwords and subtext and code language, which is anti-Semitic.”


    Ben and Jerry ice-cream will no longer be sold in the Israeli-Jewish settlements in the Occupied territory.

    To be expected Israel’s government called it a “disgraceful capitulation” to anti-Semitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and demanded its own boycott of Ben and Jerry he would ask the 35 US states with anti-BDS laws to enforce them against the company.


    Social media took no action against over 80% of the anti-Jewish posts—which included incitements to violence against Jews and Holocaust denial.

    The report (pdf)—entitled Failure to Protect: How Tech Giants Fail to Act on User Reports of Antisemitism—was published by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), whose researchers analyzed 714 anti-Jewish posts published on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Google-owned YouTube from May through June that were viewed more than 7.3 million times.

    The researchers found that overall, 84% of the hateful posts flagged by users on the social platforms’ own reporting pages that “clearly violated” existing policies were not acted upon.

    “Social media has become a safe space for racists to normalize their conspiracies and hateful rhetoric without fear of consequences,” CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed said in a statement. “This is why social media is increasingly unsafe for Jewish people, just as it is becoming for women, Black people, Muslims, LGBT people, and many other groups.”

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