Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #210880

    When did appointing religious bodies to oversee political parties procedures become acceptable?


    If it had been Muslims appointed by Corbyn to oversee anti-islamophobia i can guarantee that the media headlines would be that Labour was being ruled by Sharia Law.


    Like Glasgow Rangers who previously refused to sign any player who was a Catholic, Beitar Jerusalem FC will not sign up Palestinian players and much of its support is racist and bigoted.

    But now Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan has purchased a 50% stake in the club.

    Beitar Jerusalem and the UAE: When football, identity and politics collide | Sports| German football and major international sports news | DW | 18.12.2020


    Pompeo Spells Out the New Normal: All Criticism of Israel is “antisemitic” | Dissident Voice

    The UN in 1975 declared Zionism “a form of racism and racial discrimination”.

    In 1991, however, the UN revoked the “Zionism is racism” resolution.

    In 2016 the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance adopted  “working definition” of antisemitism. The definition is illustrated with 11 examples, seven of which refer to various criticisms of Israel, including that it is a “racist endeavour”.

    In 2018 Israel passed the Nation-State Law .

    In 2019, the US House of Representatives passed a near-unanimous resolution denouncing any boycott of Israel as antisemitic.

    32 US states have passed legislation denying First Amendment rights to those who support a boycott of Israel in solidarity with oppressed Palestinians. Other states have similar legislation in the pipeline.

    The German parliament passed a resolution last year that declared boycotting Israel comparable to the Nazi slogan “Don’t buy from Jews”. Bonn has the power to deny public funds to any group that supports, however tangentially, such a boycott.


    The UK government has ruled that local authorities are not allowed to divest pension funds from Israel. These investments, some in illegal Jewish settlements, are assessed at nearly £3.5bn ($4.7bn)

    In France, meanwhile, support for boycotting Israel has long been treated as a criminal offence under anti-discrimination legislation.

    A conclusion reached by the UN 45 years ago – that it is racist for a state to promote rights based not on our shared humanity but on ethnic or religious difference – is now defined as antisemitic


    IHRA adoption is still being challenged as a flawed definition of anti-semitism

    A group of eminent lawyers, including two former appeal court judges, has accused Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, of “improper interference” with universities’ autonomy and right to free expression.

    They say that Williamson’s insistence that universities adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism or face sanctions is “legally and morally wrong”.

    “The legally entrenched right to free expression is being undermined by the promotion of an internally incoherent ‘non-legally binding working definition’ of antisemitism. Its promotion by public bodies is leading to the curtailment of debate. Universities and others who reject the instruction … to adopt it should be supported in so doing.”


    “…There is not a single square inch in the territory Israel controls where a Palestinian and a Jew are equal…”

    Supporters of the well-known Israeli human rights organisation, B’Tselem, may well find itself accused of anti-semitism. It says Israel is not a democracy but an “apartheid regime” that enforces Jewish supremacy over all the land it controls.

    “One organising principle lies at the base of a wide array of Israeli policies: advancing and perpetuating the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.”

    “Israel is not a democracy that has a temporary occupation attached to it,” said the body’s executive director, Hagai El-Ad. “It is one regime between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and we must look at the full picture and see it for what it is: apartheid.”

    It argues Palestinians are divided into four tiers with various levels of rights depending on where they live, but always below Jewish people.

    Another Israeli rights group, Yesh Din, published a legal opinion last summer in which it argued that apartheid was being committed in the West Bank.

    In 2017, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia became the first UN body to accuse Israel of apartheid, a move that Israel’s former foreign ministry spokesperson likened to Nazi propaganda.

    Last year, after the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said he intended to annex parts of the West Bank, 47 UN experts warned it “would be the crystallisation of an already unjust reality: two peoples living in the same space, ruled by the same state, but with profoundly unequal rights”. They added: “This is a vision of a 21st-century apartheid.”


    This was an addition to the 1929 folder in our historical archives last night. Still working on December 1929 wih Adam.

    Volunteers required do the privilege of the boring, mundane work of loading them onto server CMS etc.

    Potash and Palestine :Dead Sea Fruit

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by PartisanZ.

    How much and how little things change. A very instructive piece of Middle East history.


    Israel bans a documentary on the 2002 massacre of Palestinian refugees in Jenin

    J Surman
    ‘A new report by one of Israel’s leading human rights groups argues in favor of the analogy to segregated South Africa.’

    It will be interesting to see how this continues.


    No doubt they will be called self-hating jews and traitors to Israel.

    I think i remember Comrade BillM once suggest that the Palestinians should be demanding full Israeli citizenship and shift their protests from one of independence and national liberation to civil rights, a movement for equality.

    B’tselem recognises there exists a de facto single state. Time for the Palestinians to follow the same logic rather than promote unviable bantustans separated by Israeli settlements dependent upon remittances from the diaspora and UN/NGO subsidies. Israeli government will never re-locate half-million already well-armed settlers. It would mean civil war if they tried.

    Been watching on You Tube protests of the hasidic and haredi Jewish fundamentalists in their centuries-old clothes that frequently take place in Israel. Strange these never appear on the msm news. Perhaps it would disturb the common perspective that Israelis are the progressive modern-minded Westernized people and Palestinians medieval Muslim throw-backs. They make the Amish look like technophiles.


    Jonathan Cook as always well worth a read on Israel’s apartheid

    Israel is losing the fight to obscure its apartheid character


    What is the difference between Israel Apartheid, Jim Crow, south Africa apartheid, and German concentration camp?

    Blacks peoples were killed, kept in apartheid and nobody has created a Nuremberg trial for them, and they continue being killed and they are still discriminated against, treated like animals and everything is fine. The European invaders killed more than 50 million and then they killed more when they stole all the continents.

    They have spent several decades complaining about the Nazis, but they are doing the same thing to the Palestinian, and now they are instigating to launch a war against Iran to kill thousands of peoples, a massacre that could be worst than WW2.

    Just look at that picture of how thousands of human beings are kept like animals inside of a cage, like Mexican and Central American children were kept by the US reactionaries right-wingers.

    I am tired of this fucking shit against the Palestinians, especially with the Palestinian children


    I always appreciate Norman Finkelstein’s analysis but i do recall that he previously advocated the Two-State solution since his argument was based upon that it was the only option on the negotiating table and hence must be the jumping-off point. I note he is perhaps shifting his stance if indeed he is.

    For ourselves, we have always preferred against the Two-State, One-State, a No-State solution. But the realist in me believes that the One-State answer is as unreachable as our own. B’tselem has no domestic base and Haaretz, the Israeli equivalent to the Guardian, although well respected, has very small circulation in Israel. Call it what you will, but the majority of Israel’s jewish population will not consent to a Ersatz Israel that does not guarantee them political dominance.

    The status-quo, as Finkelstein once described, suits Israel’s government very well…an occupation with minimum cost. The PA enforces the occupied terrorities internal security, The EU and various NGOs finances the PA administration and US aid subsidises the Israeli military budget. And combined, the US, the UK and the EU despite minor disagreements, provides Israel with the diplomatic cover.

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