Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #208648

    Where is the actual link to the

    report? My efforts to track it down has been unsuccessful and all i am reading is comments from Labour Party politicians condemning the Labour Party.


    Freedland who was one of the main cheerleaders of the anti-Corbynists blames Corbyn again for his suspension.

    Will Labour split? I doubt it. The media has done its work of demonising the Labour Left.

    But the apparent bias of ignoring Israeli influence in UK politics which was the basis of the pro-Corbyn defence will reinforce the anti-semitism of divided loyalties.


    Where is the actual link to the

    report? My efforts to track it down has been unsuccessful and all i am reading is comments from Labour Party politicians condemning the Labour Party.


    This link opens as a PDF.


    Having now read the accusations within the report, i also would be suspended from the Labour Party if i was a member since i was equally unimpressed by its examples of some examples of anti-Israeli statements being regarded as anti-semitism.


    ‘A huge sigh of relief echoes around Facebook’ (comment accompanying a
    shared BBC News story with the headline ‘Israeli spacecraft crashes on
    Moon’, 12 April 2019).

    I’m sure it was no part of the remit but accusations that certain Jewish members were carrying out the policy of Israel are fully confirmed by the “The Lobby” and fully justify suspicions concerning motives.


    Why should we care about Israeli influence in UK politics?  The only people who should care about that are British capitalists.


    What about the Palestinians?


    They’re not likely to be helped by the British capitalist class (indeed, I’d argue those waving the prospect of third party political/military intervention are doing them an active disservice).


    Well what about them? It is a right can of worms. Any British or other nationalist party such as the Labour Party, can not but support another country’s right to exist warts and all.

    All countries seek to influence others. The Israeli lobbying by and large by British citizens, has been most successful.

    But American fingerprints have been all over U.K. politics for some time also.

    It is like opposing America, Australia, New Zealand etc right to exist, because of the treatment of their indigenous populations, or religious fundamentalist developments within them, by the new ruling colonisers.

    We oppose all nationalism including Jewish, Islamicist, Christian versions, but the other political parties especially ‘leftists’ pick and choose.

    Being anti-Jewish nationalism (anti-zionist) but not anti-Israel right to exist or anti-Jewish solution, has the ‘riding a horse with two arses’ ring about it.

    The fact of a large number of Jews being opposed to Zionism does not negate the facts on the ground, indeed a fait accompli, of the existence of a Zionist solution in the shape of Israel.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by PartisanZ.

    My point was that a Corbyn government while it lasted would have been a little more sympathetic to the Palestinians and BDS and that was a reason why the Israeli government tried to exert influence over the Labour party and undermine Corbyn to help to ensure there would be no Corbyn government.

    The video demonstrated it conclusively. If any other government’s embassy official had interfered with British politics such as the Israeli official, it would be a diplomatic incident. I also recall that Robin Cook was moved from Foreign Secretary by Blair for upsetting the Israeli government, or so the story goes.

    Is highlighting such Jewish members of the Labour Party who were party to this conspiracy anti-semitic? Or is it as i would suggest being anti-Israeli government. Indeed, it was an example of divided loyalties of a few Jewish Labour members being secretly financed to put forward the interests of a foreign country by weakening their own party leader’s position and standing.


    Your point about all countries interfere with other nations is a valid one, Matt, but let us not forget that it did lead to Trump being impeached so it does have grave consequences.


    It won’t have been Israeli lobbyists alone that would have wanted to prevent BDS, but British capitalists and their geostrategic interests would have been working to crush him.

    I’d suggest talk of ‘divided loyalties’ is poor form, people and political actors in the UK have connections, interests and sympathies for many different countries around the world, and lobbying on their behalf is perfectly normal and reasonable.


    ‘In first application of anti-BDS law, Germany censors Israelis’:



    In first application of anti-BDS resolution, Germany censors Israelis



    This bit from the above article was interesting:

    <b>The Israeli embassy in Berlin also released a statement over social media on October 8 referencing the International Holocaust Rememberance Alliance, or IHRA, definition of antisemitism </b><b> that considers anti-Zionism a form of antisemitism: </b>

    “There should be no tolerance for the delegitimization of Israel and antisemitism in Germany today. Hosting a workshop whose title already negates Israel’s livelihood is an embrace of antisemitism.
    The IHRA working definition for antisemitism adopted by the federal government cites the denial of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination as an example.
    This series of events falls under this definition and should be recognized for what it is: anti-Zionist and antisemitic.”


    Two questions arise which should perhaps be put to pro-Zionist groups to explain


    1. What about non Jewish citizens of the Israeli state?  Can there be such  a thing as an non-Jewish citizen in the Israeli  state  if that state is literally help to be the embodiment of the “Jewish people’s right to self-determination”?   Also, how is this different from South Africa’s apartheid project when “South Africa” was perceived to be the embodiment of the political aspirations of white people only while Blacks where urged or compelled to fulfil their own political aspirations in the black homelands comprising a small fraction of the area of South Africa


    2.  What is the view of  these Zionist groups towards socialists who oppose ALL nationalisms whatsoever  and  the delusional concept of a “people’s right to self determination” expressed in the form of a nation state?   Since by definition this does not discriminate between people or different ethnic groups,  how can socialist opposition to Zionist nationalism be construed as “anti Semitic” when it equally opposes every other kind of nationalism as well and works instead towards the creation of single world without borders or states

    I would be really interested to hear how some pro-Zionist group might go about responding to these two questions.   Perhaps we should test the water…



    Denying the right of a nation to exist should be very pertinent for Germany. After all it ended the GDR and FDR independent status. But the USSR was dismantled, Yugoslavia was dismembered. Nation-states are not immune from being removed from the map. Czechoslovakia was divided into two. And here in the UK the United bit may be soon coming to an end with Scottish sovereignty. And as you say, Robbo, we have a principled stand against all those attempts to re-map the world.

    And we hold an analysis that opposes all religions including all the Abrahamic ones.

    As for your point, YMS, indeed a we always say, what concerns the working class in one country is the concern of socialists everywhere regardless of nationality.

    But what we do is in the open and is fully transparent. What the Israel embassy endeavoured to do was to covertly finance a  propaganda campaign within the Labour Party on behalf of the interests of the Israeli government, not aimed for the benefit of Israeli citizens. That i suggest colours the integrity of those LP members willing to go along with such practice, that they were indeed putting nationalist/zionist loyalty ahead of their membership loyalty. Yet this aspect was not investigated by the report or deemed relevant to the issue.

    Imagine if someone was an Orangeman within the Labour Party  and the Lodge had been secretly paying the campaign bills to reject the Good Friday Agreement. Or if Sinn Fein was responsible for secretly financing those with Republican sympathies in the Labour Party.

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