Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #192414

    Netanyahu accused the International Criminal Court of anti-Semitism over its plan to pursue a war crimes probe in the Palestinian Territories.
    “New edicts are being cast against the Jewish people – anti-Semitic edicts by the International Criminal Court telling us that we, the Jews standing here next to this wall…in this city, in this country, have no right to live here and that by doing so, we are committing a war crime,” he said. “Pure anti-Semitism,”


    Is there any evidence that the ICC is calling into question the so called right for Israel to exist or is thus just the delusional rantings of a Zionist nationalist?  The sooner all nation-states disappear along with capitalism off the face of the earth, the better! At least we wont have to put up with these stupid childish nationalist mind games any longer



    Netanyahu by name and Nutty Yahoo by nature.


    Fatou Bensouda who is leading this ICC investigation certainly cannot be accused of an anti-Israeli bias.

    She accepted Israel’s right to stop the  Marmara humanitarian flotilla which saw 9 killed and closed the case against Israel. When later other ICC judges appealed for the case to be re-opened she denied that request.


    An article that tries to show that Iranian Jews are not discriminated against.

    The tensions within the Middle East have shown that religion is a secondary factor. The Wahhabists allies itself with Zionism, Hamas supports the anti-Assad rebels.


    In Iran the Jews live in better condition than in Israel. For more than 900 years Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived together in peace and harmony


    There are many aspects about Marx that many peoples do not know and with the new mega publication many new writings are going to be revealed


    “with the new mega publication many new writings are going to be revealed”

    What is this? Can you give more details

    We already witnessed  lose access to much of Marx and Engels writings because of copyright issues. Is this going to compensate?


    I think Marcos meant to post this on the thread vilifying Marx as “bourgeois” for not being a vegetarian and will be a reference to the forthcoming  publication of more of his scientific notebooks (from which Kohei Saito has already drawn on to refute the lie that Marx wanted to subjugate nature). As these will be in German the question of copyright won’t arise. It only does and has in relation to translations.


    “Zionism thrives only as long as antisemitism, the disease it allegedly was created to fight, thrives. It claims to be the antidote to European racial-nationalism and ethnic cleansing, but its singular goal is a state founded on ethnic nationalism, cleansing, and subjugation…Zionism’s security requires Jewish insecurity; its political objectives demand Jewish tribalism…”


    Netanyahu accuses Iran of being anti-Semitic

    “I am concerned that we have yet to see a unified and resolute stance against the most anti-Semitic regime on the planet – a regime that openly seeks to develop nuclear weapons and annihilate the one and only Jewish state,” Netanyahu said.

    US VP parrots the same message

    Iran was the one country “that denies the Holocaust as a matter of state policy and threatens to wipe Israel off the map”.

    And these allegations go unchallenged by the media


    Running scared of being victims to another witch-hunt all the Labour Party candidates for the leadership have accepted the Jewish Board of Directors ten pledges (the new Ten Commandments)

    Some though have pushed against this

    Response to Board of Deputies 10 pledges document


    A German journalist has come under fire for writing that Russia and Israel exploited a Holocaust remembrance ceremony for their own agendas. She said the memorial missed an opportunity to stand against anti-Semitism.

    Jewish leaders and the former BBC executives have criticised the report as antisemitic.

    Orla Guerin said: “In Yad Vashem’s Hall of Names, images of the dead. Young soldiers troop in to share in the binding tragedy of the Jewish people. The state of Israel is now a regional power. For decades, it has occupied Palestinian territories. But some here will always see their nation through the prism of persecution and survival.”

    If my memory serves me right Orla Guerin was one time the BBC correspondent for Israel/Palestine and was removed for accusations of not being sufficiently pro-Israeli.

    A case of shooting the messenger?


    As predicted and as proved by previous examples being anti-Israeli policy equates with anti-Semitism.

    An analysis of Orla Guerin’s report for the BBC by Jonathan Cook

    The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears


    I noted the language in this media report

    It was not anti-semites and anti-jews but “anti-Israel activists” according to Israel’s German ambassador.

    So were these leftist pro-Palestinians or neo-nazis?

    I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether the choice of description is meant to smear all those with criticisms of Israeli policies


    Mondoweiss: ‘German censorship campaign targets scholar over BDS and applies “antisemitism” charge’:



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