Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic

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  • #189424

    It is always with many caveats that I make comparisons with Nazi Germany in any context.

    With Gaza the similarity has to be with the ghettos.

    Concentration camps pre-date Nazi Germany. The British had them in the Boer War. But in American how else can we describe the many reservations except as concentration camps.

    How long before calling Israel an apartheid state comes forbidden? The creation of the disjointed West Bank will be akin to South Africa’s bantustans


    The Natives and the African slaves lived in worst conditions than the German concentration camps for more than 500 years, and more than 100 millions were killed, and nobody created a Nuremberg for them, and they have asked for reparation and they were rejected, in Israel there are still peoples collecting money from Germany


    I often wonder about how different the plight of the Roma would be different if they had been paid reparations in the same manner as the many Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

    Would the Roma still be living in their ghettoes as they are now?

    Albeit, those who have been drawing attention to the disparity and demanding more compensation for the Roma has been mostly Jewish organisations.

    Reparations for Afro-americans with slave antecedents is still being debated but I see little chance of success.

    Despite every treaty promise the First Peoples in North America remain marginised and neglected.

    This also applies to Central and South America, the tribals of India, and the pygmy and bushmen of Africa. No Political Clout – Get Out


    Regarding ‘reparations to Jewish victims of the Holocaust’ and related matters, Norman Finkelstein’s book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ is very well worth reading. An excellent two-paragraph summary of it:



    In the Ghettos you  can go in and out. In Gaza nobody can go out, and they are surrounded by a wall


    Regarding ‘reparations to Jewish victims of the Holocaust’ and related matters, Norman Finkelstein’s book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ is very well worth reading. An excellent two-paragraph summary of it:

    Holocaust means: Sacrifice by fire, The Aztecs have a lot of survivors


    Israel has not allowed two USA congresswoman to travel to Gaza They don’t want the  whole world to see the real living conditions of the Palestinians


    The David North Trots on the latest in the Labour Party re  Chris Williamson:



    Tlaib and Omar were initially given permission to visit Israel but it was Trump who suggested to Israel that they be banned from doing so.

    Even AIPAC, the Israeli lobbyists, criticises the ban.


    Norman Finkelstein interview

    Kushner’s Threat to Palestine: An Interview with Norman Finkelstein

    “…The prime mover behind the Kushner plan is neither Israel nor the US. It’s Saudi Arabia. Saudi covets an open alliance with the Israelis and the US. It fears the Iran axis. It’s a feudal despotism largely impotent on its own; it needs others to pull its chestnuts out of the fire. Witness the Saudi debacles in Yemen and Syria. On a more immediate level, there’s the Khashoggi affair—MBS (Muhammad Bin Salman) is desperate to be rehabilitated in Washington. If Saudi enters into an open alliance with Israel, even liberal members of Congress will forgive his “indiscretions.” So the Saudis harbor strong motives to push through the Kushner plan…”



    “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Trump

    Disloyalty to who? America or Israel but more likely to him personally who has acted on Israel’s behalf



    A new word for me, “jewfaced”, derived from “blackfaced” the custom where white actors blacken faces to play black roles. Now applied to non-jews playing jews.

    I wonder just what would happen if jewish actors were forbidden to play non-Jewish roles?

    J Surman

    From part 2 of Finketstein’s interview:

    Finkelstein concluded by affirming that he doesn’t support the system of nation-states at all, but that this is not on the cards at this point in history:

    “So I don’t support two states. Actually, I don’t support one state. I support no states. That’s the future to which I aspire. I think it’s the only rational future. You can’t solve any of the problems confronting humanity today, beginning with climate change, within the framework of… nation states… But I also recognize that, within the current moment, we can’t extract anything that doesn’t function within the world of nation states. And we have to accept that, even though we recognize, as an ultimate solution, that nation states have to go.”

    Link here:




    This is a promising development for Finkelstein.

    One of the points I disagreed with him has been his very vocal support for the two-state solution, not because he supported it as the ideal choice but because he claimed it was the only political proposal that had at least the tacit if lukewarm support of the decision-makers, therefore it was the pragmatic, practical policy for Palestinians to pursue.


    “With God’s help we will extend Jewish sovereignty to all the settlements as part of the Land of Israel, as part of the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said in Sunday’s speech in the West Bank settlement of Elkana, “This is our land,” Netanyahu said in his speech in Elkana. “We will build another Elkana and in another Elkana and another Elkana. We will not uproot anyone here,” Netanyahu said.

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