Anti-Trump Protests

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Trump Protests


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  • #188867

    Cheers Matt. I didn’t want to start yet another thread.

    We have already discussed whether Trump can be described as fascist, and I think we agreed that he is not although I personally add the caveat that he is expressing a fascistic strongman leader image reflective of a dictator.

    But is ALB’s description that he is engaged in identity politics another way of saying he is inciting a race war as a means to win his second term.

    Perhaps presiding over a race war is a method of over-ruling the no third term rule. But maybe that is too speculative.

    I have not seen evidence in the polls whether his “Make America White Again” is resonating with a white audience. I’m not sure it is but I am still guessing until I see some figures. But one thing is certain, there is an active campaign to gerrymander voting districts to exclude potential anti-Trump voters.

    A more moderate interpretation is he is doing an anti-Corbyn. Associating “political extremists” with the Democratic Party and slandering them as anti-patriotic and anti-Semitic as the Medicare for All and Green New Deal may well appeal to many. Anyway…2020 is a long way off…and I am not sure I can take the stress and strain


    Kliman is on his same old rails, not off them. In 2016 he supported voting for Clinton.

    The following quote from the CWO (  ) on October 2016:

    ‘All of which demonstrates that a sound analysis of the failings of capitalism is not enough if not accompanied by a defence of revolutionary politics and the recognition that communism is not just a nice version of capitalism but an entirely new mode of production in which the law of value has been abolished […] and society is moneyless. Roberts is not the first economist who has done useful work in defending the Marxist critique of capitalism yet does not link this to a revolutionary political programme. Even today Andrew Kliman has a similar critique of the the system to Roberts and ourselves (using a slightly different calculation) but as a member of the Marxist-Humanist Initiative he is supporting a “lesser evil” vote for Clinton in the US election. The temptation to be drawn onto the agenda set by the bourgeoisie is too great, even for those who should be theoretically armed to oppose it. ‘


    This is from a former member of the SPGB who works in the USA.


    Are we sure it is an ex-member? There was a member of that name but there are more than one person with it even from East Africa. Just put it in a search engine and see how many come up.


    Yes. Definitely. He visited us in Edinburgh branch a couple of year ago. A nice self effacing  modest sort of bloke. (I thought.)

    I had to dig deep myself to find out his previous history and so on. I sent him a couple of articles he had done previously and he was delighted to know they were around.

    He is a member of Labour and was supporter of Corbyn here in the UK, before Corbyn almost won the General Election.



    Fair enough but the Amit Pandya that wrote that article is an American lawyer. The Amit Pandya I knew happened by pure coincidence to live in the same street as me in North London in the late 1960s and so I knew him fairly well. I understood that he came from Kenya (one of the articles he wrote in the Socialist Standard was about that country) and that he had to go back there to serve in the Kenyan army to protect his family’s tea plantations (there was a law saying that companies there had to have a Kenyan national on the board).  I always wondered what happened to him. Strange, though, that an American lawyer should be a member of the Labour Party.


    Interesting that he stills retains a left wing perspective, And his defence of a reformist position is better than Kliman’s if only because it doesn’t claim to be revolutionary.


    Most of the US so-called communists and socialists groups think that the main problem is Donald Trump. The US ruling class and its political representative can remove him, and they will place another one of its candidates and he/she will take over the administration of the capitalist state and will continue doing the same job. Most of the rules implemented by Trump already existed and were laid down by prior governments since the time of Ronald Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Nothing new, the only difference is that they are more open now


    Another known personality who has fallen in the trap of the Anti-Trumpism is Noam Chomsky. He should have known better that the problem is not an individual, or president, but the system of production, most of our problems arises or take place at the point of production


    I don’t remember a US presidential election in which the ‘anarchist’ Chomsky did not call for voting for whichever would-be lesser-of-the-two-evils Democrat was running.


    The Anarchist Noam  Chomsky has been supporting state capitalist goverments and its leaders for a long time. In the past he supports the Cuban government its leader Fidel Castro , and Hugo Chavez from Venezuela. He has read and written a lots of books but it likes he does not get the main idea of what  socialism and anarchism really is.

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