Anti- Capitalist League say we like the SPGB

September 2024 Forums General discussion Anti- Capitalist League say we like the SPGB

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  • #201164

    Hi all. Party Twitter account is a little slow atm. Not sure why?

    I have been posting on Facebook instead, and the ACL Facebook page in particular, saying much as we/I do on Twitter.

    The SOYMB feat the 50th anniversary the end of the Biafra war; The Labour Party and the Biafra War. Which I mentioned to the ACL. Nobody, least the Guardian, have covered this?

    I had a very nice message, saying that ACL are devoted to the search for a better life.  “We like the Socialist Party of Great Britain”

    A very pleasant surprise.



    SOYMB article link

    The Labour Party and the Biafra War


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by james19.

    The credit for the blog post should go to Mark Curtis, who over the years have done great service in exposing the UK’s nefarious foreign policy.



    Thank you for your information. I agree with you.

    Labour are a party inexplicably linked to the death of millions. Nailing the lie it’s a party of peace.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by james19.
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