An Iranian Revolution Unfolding?

September 2024 Forums General discussion An Iranian Revolution Unfolding?

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    A short expression of solidarity for the protests in Iran

    However, for a deeper insight into the class relations within the Iran, this article from May explains much about the economic and political institutions of Iran

    The Beating Heart of the Labor Movement in Iran


    To remove one leader or one government to be replaced by another one is not a revolution. It is a protest to obtain reforms in a capitalist country, they had one similar to this one and several bourgeoise reforms were implemented, and then a theocratic government was established


    Perhaps rebellion or revolt would have been a better choice of words, MS


    A useful essay on the situation, mostly commentary from exile Iranians.

    Solidarity With Iranians Starts With Bringing an End to US Sanctions

    However, despite all the crocodile tears shed for the repression of the protests, the West continues to impose the most stringent sanctions and exacerbates the suffering of Iranian people.

    “U.S. sanctions on Iran have impoverished ordinary people and strengthened the most repressive aspects of the regime,” notes Shams. “And the regime has responded to the economic pressure by implementing neoliberal reforms that further impoverish the people — and responding with bullets when they protest. As a result, the situation has become more militarized in Iran than ever before — and the constant U.S. threat of war provides the regime with a rationale to keep it that way.”

    Shahshahani also calls attention to the political impact of U.S. sanctions for Iranian society. “Sanctions have negatively impacted civil society and women,” she says. “Iranian women leaders have come out strongly against the current ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions as they isolate civil society groups from international funding, impact socioeconomically vulnerable populations, and limit their political space for participation.”


    News and Letter, ICC, WSWS, RCPUSA, CPUSA have several members, correspondents and sympathizer who are from Iran, we have to expand our frontiers and contacts


    An interview with an Iranian anarchist

    An Interview with an Anarchist Comrade from Iran

    Paul: What’s your perspective on the current regime? What’s your take on the Mullahs who took power following the 1979 revolution?

    Comrade: My perspective is that they’ve been robbing the people and the land blind and holding life hostage for about forty-three years. And that it’s way overdue for them to go. And I think what they’re doing is also anti-Islamic, and it’s actually turning people away from Islam. Even the most devout families are now coming out against the regime; the mullahs hold zero legitimacy.



    Courts in Iran’s capital have handed prison terms of up to 10 years to 400 people arrested at anti-government protests, a judiciary official says.

    Tehran’s prosecutor-general said 160 “rioters” were sentenced to between five and 10 years, 80 to between two and five years, and 160 to two years or less,

    Another 70 were fined,


    The repression persists

    Iran hanged two men, Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, for killing a paramilitary force member in November.

    Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the director of Oslo-based group Iran Human Rights (IHR), said both men “were subjected to torture, sentenced after sham trials … without the minimum standards for due process”

    The UN human rights office decried the executions, which it said followed “unfair trials based on forced confessions”. “We urge Iran to halt all executions,” it said

    Since the beginning of the protest movement, courts have sentenced 14 people to death in connection with the demonstrations, based on official information.

    Among those, four have been executed, two others have had their sentences confirmed by the supreme court, six are awaiting new trials and two others can appeal.


    Protesters in Iran marched through the streets of multiple cities in the most widespread demonstrations in weeks on Friday.

    There were demonstrations in Iran’s capital, Tehran, as well as in the cities of Arak, Isfahan, Izeh in Khuzestan province and Karaj, the group Human Rights Activists in Iran said.

    In Iran’s western Kurdish regions, videos showed burning roadblocks in Sanandaj, which has seen repeated demonstrations.

    Since they began, at least 529 people have been killed in demonstrations, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran. More than 19,700 others have been detained by authorities amid a violent crackdown trying to suppress the dissent.


    “20 independent trade union and civil organizations in Iran put forward their most basic demands in a joint statement.

    The demands presented in this charter encompass a range of social, political, and economic changes necessary for Iran. These demands seek to establish rights such as free expression, equal opportunities for women and LGBTQ+ community, better working conditions, job security, and an end to discrimination and corruption. The signatories of this charter hold the belief that the Iranian people can accomplish these changes with their abundant resources and educated populace. They also view such progress as essential for a prosperous future.”

    Demands are as follows:
    1. Immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, the prohibition of any thought crimes for political, trade union or civil activities, and the public prosecution of perpetrators and authorities responsible for the oppression of people’s protests.
    2. Unconditional freedom of belief, expression and thought, press, forming of political parties, establishment of local and nation-wide trade union and civil organisations, assembly, strikes, marches, social networks, and audio-visual media.
    3. Immediate abolition of any kind of capital punishment, execution, revenge killing, and the prohibition of all forms of mental and physical torture.
    4. Immediate proclamation of the complete equality of women and men in all political, economic, social, cultural, and family domains, the unconditional removal and abolition of laws and conventions which discriminate against gender and sexual orientations, the recognition of LGBTQ+ rainbow society, decriminalisation of all sexual orientations, and unconditional recognition of the rights of all women to control their bodies and their destiny and to prevent any form of patriarchal control over them.
    5. For religion to be recognised as a private affair of individuals and not allowed to interfere or be present in the political, economic, social, and cultural laws and norms of the country.
    6. Provision of safety at work, job security, immediate increase in wages of workers, teachers, civil servants and all employed workers and retirees with the involvement, intervention, and agreement of their elected representatives of independent and nation-wide organisations.
    7. Abolition of any laws and norms that are based on national and religious discrimination and oppression, the establishment of suitable supporting infrastructure for equitable distribution of state resources for the development of culture and arts in all regions of the country, and the provision of necessary and equal resources for learning and teaching of all spoken languages in society.
    8. Dismantling of the organs of suppression, curtailment of the reach of state and direct and permanent engagement of people in the affairs of country through local and national councils. Removal of ay state or non-state authority by electors at any time should be recognised as the fundamental rights of the electors.
    9. Confiscation of the properties of all real or legal persons and all state, quasi-state or private institutions which have plundered directly or through state rents the properties and social wealth of the people of Iran. The proceeds of such confiscation should be spent immediately on modernisation and renewal of education, pension funds, environment, and the needs of regions and sections of the people of Iran who have been deprived and enjoyed the least resources during the reign of both regimes of monarchy and Islamic Republic.
    10. Ending of the destruction of environment, implementation of major policies for the renewal of environmental infrastructures which have been destroyed in the past century. Returning to public ownership those parts of the environment (such as pastures, coasts, forests, and hillsides) which under the guise of privatisation have deprived the rights of public towards them.
    11. Prohibition of child labour and the provision of subsistence and education for every child irrespective of the economic and social circumstances of their families, the general provision of welfare through unemployment benefits and substantive social benefits for all people who have reached the legal age to work or are unable to work. Provision of free education and healthcare for all people.
    12. Normalisation of foreign relationships at the highest level with all countries of the world based on justice and mutual respect, banning of nuclear armament and endeavour for world peace.

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