American election

March 2025 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #208727

    Something i did not know.

    4 million disenfranchised Americans living in US territories can’t vote for president.

    16 remaining colonies alongside other US territories such Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and US Virgin Islands – whose representatives to the US Congress does not have a voting power. The island’s representative can introduce bills and push for the territory’s agenda at the congressional committee level, but has no vote on the floor.


    Chomsky double-downs on the existential threat of another Trump term

    “Adolf Hitler was pretty hideous – [but] he wasn’t trying to destroy organised human society on earth,” he says”

    Challenged on this, with the fact that the Nazi Holocaust killed at least six million Jewish people, Chomsky, whose parents were Jewish, says Hitler also killed “30 million Slavs, but not human civilisation”.

    Asked directly if he was saying Trump was worse than Hitler, Chomsky says: “That’s a very outrageous statement. And every time I say it, I preface it by saying, here’s an outrageous statement, but please ask yourself whether it’s true.”



    “Don’t worry. It’s not going to happen”  ALB

    The naive said the same thing about Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Franco, …


    And, LT, you do recall the story of the boy who shouted fire, don’t you?


    “Don’t worry. It’s not going to happen”  ALB

    The naive said the same thing about Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Franco, …



    Naive? We were pointing out the impossibility of socialism in Russia in 1918, when you Lefties were prematurely ejaculating in your undergarments. In the 1930’s you were urging against Hitler and then supporting pacts with him.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by PartisanZ.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by PartisanZ.

    I am not a Chomsky fan but I think they are being unfair by interviewing him. He is no longer his old self and is talking nonsenses. It sort of sad.


    Another very useful article combatting the lesser evil illusion

    ELECTION 2020: Democracy Calls Us to Fight ‘Lesser of Two Evils’ Argument


    “I am not a Chomsky fan but I think they are being unfair by interviewing him. He is no longer his old self and is talking nonsenses. It sort of sad.”

    He is i believe 91 soon to be 92 on December 7 but aren’t you being just a tad ageist, ALB.

    Strategic voting for Noam is nothing new even if he is now prone to hyperbole.


    Meanwhile as the presidential circus passes by, people in America get to vote directly on more important issues in the one feature of the US political system that is more democratic (citizen initiatives):


    I note New Zealand voters approved euthanasia but not smoking weed.


    One of our comrades from NZ told us during the discussion on Discord last night that she had voted against both. Not because she was against euthanasia as such but because she thought that under capitalism it would be abused by people who wanted to inherit more quickly. She was against the cannabis one because she was against all smoking including tobacco. But I thought you could consume cannabis in a cake or in tea.


    When i gave up cigarettes i also had to give up drinking for a short time as it weakened will power but also gave up smoking dope since a previous time i tried to give up, i was rolling joints not for the hash hit but for the nicotine.

    And for those who trust the bookies more than the pollsters and political pundits

    Joe Biden is the favourite with Ladbrokes, Coral and William Hill


    And, LT, you do recall the story of the boy who shouted fire, don’t you?

    “Lock them up, all of them” is a false alarm?  Mass rallies are a false alarm? Leader cult is a false alarm?  Lost golden age syndrome is a false alarm?  (The) “media is the enemy” is a false alarm?  Outlawing speech critical of the leader is a false alarm?  Deportation is a false alarm?  Purging anyone suspected of insufficient devotion to the leader and surrounding themselves with sycophants is a false alarm?  Theatrics is a false alarm?  Lying constantly and propaganda is a false alarm?  Corruption is a false alarm?  Suppression of public protests is a false alarm?  Sabotaging the election is a false alarm?  Cozy relationships with strong men, monsters and dictators while despising democratic leaders is a false alarm?  And on and on.  What more do you need?  Nothing, b/c you’re completely naive and ignorant.



    We were pointing out the impossibility of socialism in Russia in 1918

    Only a fascist would think that Russia was an example of socialism under Stalin.


    In the 1930’s you were urging against Hitler and then supporting pacts with him.

    You’re contradicting yourself.  If Stalin was a socialist as you claim, then why would he sign the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact to split up Poland with fascist Germany?

    Btw, I think you mean opposing and not “urging against”.  I’ve never heard of such a phrase.  How far did you get in school again?



    The End of the World is Nigh on Tuesday 3 November. Or is it? We will soon know who is the fantasist.

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