American election

July 2024 Forums General discussion American election

  • This topic has 625 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Many police departments in the USA is making an investigation because many off duty policemen participated in the riots. Probably, those army men are going to be armed with lethal weapons


    The German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has reacted to the storming of the Capitol building and President Donald Trump’s attempted ‘coup’ — by recalling that Hitler’s seizure of total power started with the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.

    Meanwhile, a glaring anomaly that caught the attention is the apparent ineptness of security agencies to prevent the mayhem in the Capitol building. The very fact that the security forces could not prevent such an event taking place in the citadel of US democracy bears testimony to a dysfunctional system.

    America has a history of the police empathising with white supremacist paramilitary groups. Pictures suggest that at least some among the 2000 uniformed personnel deployed at the Capitol building were really not interested in trying to stop the mob entering the building. There is at least one controversial picture on the social media of policemen taking ‘selfies’ with protesters. Other pictures show officers literally opening the doors of the building for the pro-Trump protesters to enter.


    Another conspiracy theory circulating is that the Democratic Party, representing the old gang establishment, let it happen so that they could discredit Trump and get rid of him for good.

    In any event, that woman Pelosi’s publicising the fact that she had contacted the chiefs of staff to ask them to stop Trump pressing the nuclear trigger was pure theatre. Trump is not that mad (his main concern is himself). Also, as an Isolationist (another reason why the establishment hated him) he was in principle against involvement in further military adventures. It is much more likely that Biden would press that button or start a war as his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is said to be in favour of military intervention on so-called “humanitarian” grounds (as the bombing of Serbia under Milosevic in 1999).


    Collin Powell who was a military general and was a secretary of state said that it was an exaggeration made by Nancy Pelosi, that there is no any possibility that Donald Trump by himself is not going to create an atomic war, and it he try to stop it is not going to be approved by the Pentagon, and also she has no power or authority to avoid that either, therefore, it confirms what ALB wrote: It is pure theatre.

    The Capital police is not part of the regular state polices, they are only dedicated to the custody of the capitol and the members of the US Congress.

    Both political parties and the bourgoise press including Tweeter and Facebook contributed with Trump


    We are facing once again what America is well used to – well-staged political theatre with posturing over a 2nd impeachment, designed to stop any 2024 Trump as candidate. Even if it happens, one of his sprogs will stand as his proxy.

    Politicians as good and bad guys is simplistic politics for simpletons/


    We see the social media self-righteously ban Trump and his followers for “fake news”.


    To avert possible legislation imposed upon Silicon Valley already being raised by the present and also a future Biden administration.

    We can also expect some sort of new “domestic” Patriot Act which like all security laws will end up being used more against the left than the right.


    Richard Nixon was pardoned by another president and it can happen again and he can run his campaign like Eugene debs when he was in jail

    Donald Trump has more than 71 millions of followers and he can build his own independent political party and select one of his puppets to become a presidential candidate

    The ideology of the extremes right wingers us already established and anyone of them can follow it and become a leader of the movement

    The only who can defeat all future Donald trumps are the so called national minority because most white American support him

    This is not going to be like the cowboy movies against the Indians that when they killed the chief of the tribe it was the end of the war


    Many legal experts knew that the first impeachment of Donald Trump was too weak because he had violated several criminal clauses of the constitution ( More than 25 violations ) and the democrats only included one. As Ralph Nader said in that time: They should have included the whole kitchen table, meant that everything should have been included, and the Republicans would not have been able to reject them, and now the Democrats want to impeach him because they do not want him to come back in 2024, but this time they are only including one or two violations, what about the others criminals violations?


    Sections of the US capitalist class set to punish Republicans in Congress following Capitol incursion:

    And condemnation of the rampage from US military leaders:


    That message from the pentagon is a clear indication that within the military ranks there are many military who support Donald Trump and white supremacists which is a very dangerous situation

    As DJP wrote in this forum, these peoples might continue doing the same attacks to individuals and governments officials and they might weaken the capitalist institutions and provoke a state coup and establish a single party dictatorships based on the worshipping of a leader



    I know the SPGB does not approve the concept of Lumpen, but I think that is what they are


    A 2nd Impeachment for Trump.

    But what about impeaching all those enablers in Congress who supported his unfounded claims…no action, to be taken?

    Personally, i think it will all just deepen the distrust of the MAGA and contribute further to extremist politics.


    Enablers only? There is a black representative who said that her panic alarm was deactivated, and some blacks representatives are questioning how the rioters knew the locations of their offices, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said that she had an encounter and she was scare of losing her life, and she does not want to talk due to security reasons, and other are questioning why those peoples were able to find money to buy airplanes ticket and pay their hotels. It looks like an inside job

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