American election

July 2024 Forums General discussion American election

  • This topic has 625 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #212259

    “The American Right might outgun the left, but it’s interesting that when it all kicks off, three of the fat fuckers have a heart attack”

    To be pedantic BD, only one had a heart attack, while a second suffered a stroke and a third was trampled or crushed to death.


    For decades America’s left have been calling for a third party – a labor party – to break the duo-poly but what has happened is the third party has now become the Make America Great Again Party.

    The US political scene will now be the Democratic Party (propped up by the progressives and the DSA), the Republican Party (so-called moderates and right-wing of the Democratic Party) and Trump’s MAGA supporters.

    Those who envisage the rise of American fascism will have to wait until MAGA becomes formalised and structured and then a neo-fascist party will be born.


    Haven’t there been third parties (with significant electoral support) in the US before, Governor Wallace, Ross Perot etc? But which didn’t last.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ALB.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ALB. Reason: Spelling correction

    Sure there have and the well from which some of them sprung is a deep one.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by PartisanZ.

    They were presidential candidates, weren’t they, not organised in a political party.

    The Green Party could be considered a third party. The Libertarian Party, too.

    Perhaps i should have added the qualifier mass third party.


    George Wallace, for example, was a member of the Democratic Party before he stood as a candidate for the American Independent Party which carried five states in the 1968 presidential election.

    And Ross Perot received almost 20% of the popular vote (over 19.7 million) in the 1992 presidential election, which was far and away the most votes ever for a third-party candidate. He later joined the GOP.


    Compare those results with the 2.4% obtained by the leftwing third party candidate, former Vice President (under FD Roosevelt) Henry Wallace, for the Progressive Party in the 1948 US presidential election.

    No wonder “progressives” prefer to bore from within the Democratic Party.


    Originally the Democratic Party was the political institution of the KKK, the White Supremacists, the lynchers, and the slave masters and then it changed its political platform, even more, Malcolm X used to call it the party of the white supremacists.

    In some way, Henry Wallace was the real pacifist ( instead of Trump as their followers are saying ) and that is the reason why he was not elected, and they preferred a warmonger, any real pacifists ( impossible under capitalism ) will never be elected, and a so-called third party has always been formed by right-wingers such as the Tea Party which was more reactionary than the Republican Party.

    The CPUSA was strong during the Great Depression and during the WW2 period but it was practically dismantled by McCarthyism and communist scares created during the beginning of the cold war, and many of its members and leaders were falsely accused, the USA legal apparatus is a very well greased machinery of the state

    Further investigations have proven that the riots of January 6 2021 were an inside job made with the collaboration of the police, republicans senators and house members, the FBI, and some members of the Pentagon, and the Democratic party is trying to cover it up to avoid protests from the opponents of Trumps and supporters of the democratic party.

    Probably, the biggest protest is going to take place on January 20, 2021, and they are an indication that they can be carrying weapons, it might be a dangerous situation, and the Republican party is holding back the destitution of Donald Trump, all of them are crocodiles of the same swamp, and they are trying to avoid a workers revolt. Some leftist and Leninists groups are planning to have their own protest during Joe Biden’s inauguration.

    They are going to continue attacking the progressive media, and many journalists can be attacked by these right-wingers, they believe that the press is the enemy of the peoples and on January 6 several news outlets were attacked by rioters and their equipment were destroyed, the members of the WSPUS should take precautions with these peoples, most of them are open and fanatics anti-communists


    Meanwhile the Hawks still circle.

    The US is lifting long-standing restrictions on contacts between American and Taiwanese officials, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says.

    The “self-imposed restrictions” were introduced decades ago to “appease” the mainland Chinese government, which lays claim to the island, the US state department said in a statement.


    He is violating as ex parte an international treaty which was also ratified by Jimmy Carter. The USA has violated hundred of treaties signed with the Indians, They are toilet papers, and then Trump followers are saying that he is a pacifist, that is a provocation toward china, and Nuremberg trial established that Embargo and commercial blockades imposed to another country is an act of war


    A different point of view. High-level state involvement in the coup attempt


    Socialism or Nationalism?

    Left or right nationalism is a very dangerous trend, in essence, both are the same, and both justify the killing to defend a nation or a leader. Most peoples who went to Washington they are saying that they were defending their country. Does the working class have a country? A country is the private territory of the capitalist class, and the working class does not have to follow any leader. Our liberation will come from ourselves


    “A different point of view. High-level state involvement in the coup attempt”

    For what it’s worth:


    The WSWS sometimes makes good research and they use the analysis of other newspapers and they apply it to their own investigations, that is what that article is doing. Your article only shows one source but they use several sources of information to support their analysis


    On Inauguration Day, 20th January, we will see a very substantial police and National Guard presence for what is being called the Million Militia March.

    I don’t fear right-wing protests and demonstrations from now on but terrorism by individuals and small groups. America feared the Jihadist Islamist suicide bomber – the white nationalist aspiring martyrs will become the new and greater threat to the USA.

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