American election

July 2024 Forums General discussion American election

  • This topic has 625 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #210678

    Today, another pro-Trump protest march.

    SCOTUS throws out Texas law-suit

    And still the majority of Republicans believe the election was stolen from Trump


    The December edition of the Socialist Standard was totally correct and demonstrated that all the conspiracy theories emitted by the left-wingers were totally wrong.

    In a country with high capitalist development and solidified capitalist institutions a coup will never take place, and Fascism/Nazism is not going to be installed again, it is a phenomenon which took place in Germany and Italy before WW2, and it was defeated and removed by others capitalist forces.

    Trump must leave on January 20, or they will kick him out as a trespasser.

    The supreme court decision was the last nail on the coffin of Donald Trump and the magistrates that he appointed did not approve his lawsuit.

    The USA ruling is going to have a new CEO in the White House  to administer  its corporation and its board of directors


    I agree with your intent, MS.

    My worry is that the confidence in the American electoral system by those of a conservative political bias is not going to be a temporary one and disappear with Trump’s exit.

    He has created a toxic politics that is being absorbed and will be released in some very unhealthy way for democracy.

    Biden’s most probable failure in the future to substantially improve the well-being of Americans will add to the mix.

    I’m concerned of the lasting-effects of the 2020 election, MS. I don’t think they will end very soon.



    Call for a military coup by some ( 😆 ) after Supreme Court rejects Trump’s efforts to overturn election:

    And for sucession by others:



    This actual situation has always existed before the founding of the USA as a nation, it is nothing new. I have read more than 25 books about the history of the USA and that toxic atmosphere that you have mentioned was worst before than now, hates, division, anticommunism, xenophobia, intent for coups, religious hates, election frauds, hates and discriminations against natives, disputes among capitalists have existed for more than 25o years.


    The biggest electoral fraud is the Electoral colleges, and for more than 100 years black peoples were not accepted as a citizen of the USA and they were not allowed to vote, and now they are talking about voters’ suppressions, women who voted for Donald Trumps are also suffering from historical amnesia when they were not allowed to vote, but more than 55% of white women voted for Trump on both occasions


    There have been leaders and presidents worse than Donald Trump who have spread the same toxics ideas at a higher level, even more, Europeans, like the Italians, Polish, Irish and others such as the Chinese who now are suffering from historical amnesia went thru the same problems. The books written by the daughters of Noam Chomsky have also mentioned all those problems (The SPGB should make a book review for the Socialist Standard)


    Barrack Obama is called the deportee in chief but during the Great Depression more than 2 million Mexicans who were citizens and legal residents  of the USA were deported and they blamed on their own citizens the economic crisis of capitalism, and then Roosevelt have to send a letter of apology because they needed them to work in agriculture and to join the armed forces, and in many cities, real estate went going into bankruptcy and many towns were empty because they have left or being deported because they were scared of being attacks by white militias or by federal agents


    The Democratic Party who now pretends to be the party of the working class, was the political party of the KKK, the white supremacists, and the slaves’ holders, and then they changed gear, but in essence, both are the same things, workers supporting their own class enemy, and supporting leaders like Trump, it is nothing new, and the absences of the real working-class party have always been a historical problem due to the lack of workers political consciousness. The problems were hidden, and he just wakes them up.


    If peoples want to take a bath about the real social, economic,  and political reality about the natives,  white peoples themselves, and the whole USA,  they just have to go to the Indians reservations and travel by cars thru the whole continent,( the four cardinals orientations )  and he or she will see that the so-called white privileges it is a just lie because they are living in poverty like the Mexicans, Indians and others nationals, their economic conditions have been used by politicians to gain their votes, and blaming their own problems in somebody else,  like in Miami where Latinos are living in Ghettos but they are supporting Trump and they hate others Latinos and poor like them, but they voted twice for Barrack Obama. Peoples living in poverty do not have any privileges



    I agree with your intent, MS.

    My worry is that the confidence in the American electoral system by those of a conservative political bias is not going to be a temporary one and disappear with Trump’s exit.

    He has created a toxic politics that is being absorbed and will be released in some very unhealthy way for democracy.

    Biden’s most probable failure in the future to substantially improve the well-being of Americans will add to the mix.

    I’m concerned of the lasting-effects of the 2020 election, MS. I don’t think they will end very soon.


    I will exist now and until the replacement of capitalism for a new society


    Trump Lawyers team have created two new fake states named as New California, and New Nevada and they are joining the lawsuits to the US Supreme court along with the others states who wanted to overturn the election results. Probably, the next time they are going to create the New  United States of America


    Some Trump ministers want to create their own Electoral College Board and present their own results to the USA Congress. This situation looks like USA Guaido instead of Venezuela


    Attorney General Barr accused of not being sufficiently compliant enough to his master, steps down

    William Barr: US attorney general to leave post by Christmas – BBC News


    Fears that some on the Electoral College may go rogue proved false as it affirms Trump’s defeat.


    Electoral College confirms Joe Biden victory in the presidential election. The next CEO to administer the capitalist corporation


    With the conspiracists claiming the Dominion voting machines were fixed, the American government accuse Venezuela’s  voting machines were also fixed and have imposed sanctions against the manufacturer

    The same technology also operates in Panama and Argentine so are their elections also a fraud. Pompeo won’t say.

    US imposes sanctions on Venezuela election firm – France 24


    The Republicans leaders are like the cyclops. The Dominion voting machines were also used in the states where Donald Trump won the majority of votes. They might also impose an embargo in Canada. Dominion has 28 customers in the USA and Puerto Rico is one of their customers too. The allegation about the alliance of Dominion with Venezuela and Antifa has been completely debunked by several companies related to Dominion and Smartmatic. Without a paper trail, Trump would have won his claim based on the electronic machine only but most voters voted by mail and using paper ballots that is what happened in 2016 and 2000. They tried but it did not work. They might also impose an embargo on their puppets in Panama, and claim that Macri and Fernandez made electoral frauds

    Inactive  Why the numbers for McConnell’s re-election don’t add up

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