American election

July 2024 Forums General discussion American election

  • This topic has 625 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #210396

    Conceding defeat or admitting that the opponent is the winner it is only a tradition, it does not mean that Trump is going to establish his own personal dictatorship and that he is going to establish a Fascist government, the USA capitalist class and its superstructure is not going to be overthrown by one individual,

    it might be the opposite way, they might remove him, even more, there is no such thing as an opposition in the USA, the only opposition would be the whole working class against the whole capitalist class, and that situation is not taking place at present, there are more than 150 millions of workers supporting both sides of the capitalist class, and there are several Leninists and its variants supporting the lesser evil  ( except the Campaign drinkers of the WSPUS/SPGB/WSM  as someone called us  ) who sometimes  becomes the bigger evil

    Pretty  soon  workers are going to see that there are not any essential differences between both sides, and that by electing members of the so called national minority, or the identity politic is not going to make any diference either, and the so called socialist of the Democratic are not going to move a right wing president to the left, in any right and left are birds from the same nest

    On January 20, 2021, they are going to ask him to leave the white house, to bring inside the new tenant or the new CEO to manage the US corporation known as Capitalism along with its board of directors known as the Congress, if he refuses trying to be a macho man they are going to escort him outside, and there is not going any civil war, they might create small guerrillas, but they might confront a stronger force known as the capitalist state

    In the Baseball game a bad pitcher is always  replaced by a new pitcher but they continue playing the same game under the same rules. The only way that workers can change the game, is by voting for socialism, and the only genuine working party in the USA is the WSPUS who has existed for several decades


    It’s a fucking freak show. Melissa Carone‘s #SNL skit, Jim Jordan’s not-so-merry Christmas, Pompeo’s 900 person indoor party, Trump’s 46 minute whine-fest, Melting Rudy, Drawn and Quartered diGenova, Lou Dobbs, Lewandowski in the Pentagon, Flynn, Parscale, Bannon, et al.




    Pure nonsenses, There is not Fascism, there are not Fascists. He does not the real character and components of Fascism and Nazism


    More than eighty years ago, a then-obscure German philosopher wrote an essay that foresaw the essential reason behind President Donald Trump’s enduring political appeal. His name was Walter Benjamin; born to a Jewish family in Berlin, Benjamin was present for a pivotal moment in history and watched Hitler rise to power. By the time he wrote his most famous essay, he was an exile living in France amidst financial hardships, having recognized that the Reichstag fire three years earlier signified that the Nazis had achieved total power in Germany.



    Many peoples are ironically  saying: Since there is not  any US embassy in Washington, there is not going to be any  coup dtat, therefore,  president Donald Trump  is going to be kicked out on January 20th


    An interesting explanation of the Trump fraud claims and why they resonate with so many
    <p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Why so many people want to believe Biden stole the election – Los Angeles Times (</p>


    Most of these Trump supporters do not know that the government of the USA ( including Trump) have supported and promoted electoral frauds in many countries around the world

    They’ve placed in power their own favorable candidates by election frauds, intimidations and killings and in many countries the president of a particular country has been the USA ambassador

    The last example is Guaidó in Venezuela who  was not elected by the Venezuelan, he was elected by the USA and the Secretary of State and thousands of supporters of Trump supporters in Miami support him


    Ivanka Trump and her husband purchased a 32 million dollars property in Florida while on the other side of the boulevard peoples are living in ghettos and they voted for her father who also owns a multi-million dollars property in the same area


    Bernie Sanders is demanding a new $1,200.o0 stimulus check, by the meantime Joe Biden is comprising with the offer made by the Republican leaders which do not include the stimulus check, and at the end of December millions of workers are going to be homeless because they are unable to pay their rent, and even more, $1,200 is not enough to pay the arrears who are approximately more than 5,000 dollars.


    In 1960 The Republican Party also claimed election fraud and criminal charges against the Democratic Party

    President Trump is not the first election loser to charge that his defeat was due to fraud. But other losing candidates have handled defeat much more skillfully than Trump has — and gone on to further political success. If Trump is serious about running for president again, he should study how another defeated Republican, Richard M. Nixon, responded to losing an election that he thought was stolen


    The election of 1960, pitting Nixon against John F. Kennedy, was the closest contest of the 20th century. Nixon won 49.6 per cent of the popular vote; the Democrat edged him out with 49.7 per cent.



    The last hail Mary of the Republicans did not work, now Texas claim that they do not have any pieces of evidence of election fraud. The real reason is that the State of Texas can not intervene in the electoral affairs of other states. Donald Trump must speak with Don King because boxing is not his professional sport, probably Mexican wrestling is much better for him,  he has lost all the lawsuits and the US supreme court has said that they do not want to listen to his case. The ruling class have selected their new CEO for the capitalist corporation


    The case of Texas is legally faulty, it is going to be rejected by the supreme court, or probably, it will not be listened by the supreme court, it has not legal merit


    The case filed by 18 Governors to the US supreme court is based on false allegations and based on the case of George Bush vs Al Gore. This situation is totally different

    L.B. Neill

     George Bush vs Al Gore. This situation is totally different

    MS, same as yesterday: same today; and the same tomorrow.

    There is no difference. Stand on the same street corner- did poverty go away, no.

    Call all the names of the presidents- ask their ghosts past or present… Ask that basic question: did poverty go way (rhetorical question)… NO.

    Why? Someone needs to clean up our shit the past presidents would say.

    So we get fed trickle down economics: getting shat on from a great height. We produce and receive waste. There is brass in muck

    The situation is not totally different- it is more of the same, but dropping from a disputed height- turd or squirt.


    I know that all government are all the same. I am talking about the legal allegations that they are making in order to reverse the election process, the case is different in the same that Al Gore only have 500,000 votes more and in this case, Joe Biden has 7 million and he won the electoral college, and it is going to be difficult for the supreme court to reverse the results. That is the difference

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