American election

July 2024 Forums General discussion American election

  • This topic has 625 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #209429

    If they stop the counting of votes the candidate with the higher amount of electoral college is the winner. I do not think he is going to succeed in any one of his attempts, even more, his attorney gave up the case and several judges have asked them to provide evidence and they said that they do not have it, how are they going to continue the process of discovery with the opposite side when they do not have any evidence?  The other side might file a motion to strike, and also the Biden team has more available funds than Trump funds, they are running out of money. They have a very weak case, as well the case for Obamacare is weak too, and the supreme court is not going to hear a case without solid evidence if they appeal to a higher court. His ex-lawyer said that he will leave to Florida and he will never come back because he does not want to face defeat but he has several cases pending in New York and they want to take all his properties, as well his lenders want to file a claim to take his property




    Michael Cohen ex-Trump personal attorney said that he knows that he lost the election but he does not want to accept that he has been defeated. He will not attend Joe Biden inauguration and he will leave toward Florida


    The allegations for fraud presented in one court was that some dead peoples voted in the election and it was proven that the dead peoples were alive. The Republican elected one man that was already dead, and the owner of a prostitution house was elected, next time they should vote for Donald Trump grandfather who was running a prostitution ring. This election is a real mess, it sounds like the problematics of a third world country



    The longer Trump does not concede and the more his claims of fraud is spread, i think the more chance that there will be faithless electors in the Electoral College.

    Perhaps that is game-play…to win the College…mere idle speculation by myself


    Philadelphia court rejected five appeals filed by Trump campaign, they did not have any valid evidence of fraud


    It was a fairly impressive turn out of Trump supporters and aside from the media attention the confrontations were not that extreme as they could have been.

    For me, the problem is that each and everyone in that pic genuinely believes Trump has had the election stolen and a myth is growing that in many ways is alike to the right-wing Germans in post WW1 who believed they were stabbed-in the back and didn’t lose the war


    “In Delray Beach, Florida, several hundred people marched, some carrying signs reading “Count every vote” and “We cannot live under a Marxist government.”

    I think we can agree with both those slogans, especially the second. A “Marxist government” is an irrational concept so it can’t exist. So we can’t live under one.


    “We cannot live under a Marxist government.”

    Seems the spectre of cammunism still plays a very strong role in the national psyche. I guess that’s a feature of conservatism though, you have to be preserving things against something, even if it is little more than the bogeyman.


    “In Delray Beach, Florida, several hundred people marched, some carrying signs reading “Count every vote” and “We cannot live under a Marxist government.”

    I think we can agree with both those slogans, especially the second. A “Marxist government” is an irrational concept so it can’t exist. So we can’t live under one.



    Those are the Cubans from Florida they are still living in the time of the Cold War, and most of them are poor old peoples living from a small retirement check, one of the heads of a white supremacist group is a black Cuban,  but the Latinos from New York. California, New Mexico and Arizona have a different mentality. In upper Manhattan, and Queens the right-wingers can not make any political rally they do not believe in bullshit,  and most peoples know that Biden is not a socialist and most of them support Bernie Sanders, they have a different political experience. In Anaheim, California, the KKK, and right-wingers made a rally in a Mexican neighbourhood and they never came back again, they were completely rejected by the community  Anti-communism is still a card played by the US politicians and for many peoples, the fire department is a socialist/communist institution, so you can see how confused they are. In Puerto Rico, the left came out in a  stronger position  in this election


    It was a fairly impressive turn out of Trump supporters and aside from the media attention, the confrontations were not that extreme as they could have been.


    That is a picture taken from the air and it gives a different ocular perspective, it was a mixed crowd, seeing it horizontally from the ground it shows that it is not a million peoples march, they are saying that women march was bigger, and Obama inauguration was larger too. Later during the night, the march became violent and one person was stabbed

    Bijou Drains

    Judging that photo against similar ones from Rock/Pop concerts or football matches, it is clear that the total number of people is nowhere near 100,000, never mind a million.

    If you look at this photo of Woodstock, which had an estimated 400,000 there you can see how few there were in comparison.

    If you look at pictures of the 1923 White Horse Cup final, you can see that the numbers there (about 150,000) or this picure of Hampden Park as it was (about 65,000) to see that the amount at the Trump rally was maybe 25,000 at most.

    The Bhoy in the Picture: Hampden Memories

    To put into perspective Blyth Spartans got a bigger crowd for the FA cup 5th Round tie against Wrexham in 1978. A rally like that is hardly going to bring the US state machine crashing to its knees.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    A person  ironically said that the line for the foods banks and the line for unemployed were larger


    Donald Trump is losing all the cases in the courts. The new king is going to be crowned

    This situation is not going to be a repetition of Al Gore vs George Bush or Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton

    His base is not following him he is the vehicle who represents their ideas


    Meanwhile it seems Trump himself will be facing several lawsuits once his presidential immunity ends:

    Let’s see how he tries to wriggle out of those.


    He will have to go to Haiti and get  the blessing of a bábalawo  because the Christian blessing is not protecting him A rain of civil an criminal lawsuits are going to fall on him and he doesn’t have the money to pay for an army of lawyers They want him out of the way The DA from NY wants to grab his property and the Dutch bank want his properties too and his children are part of the lawsuit He can not to Brazil because bolsonaro is going to be kicked out too


    73 million Americans voted for Trump, that is 10 million more than in 2016

    They appear immune to rational argument. A marketing guru would relish such a base to work upon.

    So who will be the next Trump?

    One of his dynasty? Someone new?

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