American election

March 2025 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #209356
    L.B. Neill

    Libertarians are like a stopped clock-  seeming to the right and seeming  to the left- right twice a day. Yet wrong 10 times a day. It is the reason di-party states exist- so we can set our clock to them.


    It would be interesting to hear how our neoliberal pro-capitalist Trotskyist here views Biden’s plans on strengthening and expanding NATO’s role in the world.

    Presumably he sees this as another example of the vast benefits that will be showered upon the American working class by the election of Biden which socialists have overlooked by naively opposing the militaristic jingoism of both the Democrats and Republicans.



    That is the reason why Putin has not congratulated Joe Biden, they know that he is going to reinforce NATO. In Latin America the left-wingers they love a right winger like Putin just because he is an anti yankees,( Like Hitler, Stalin, or the Japanese capitalists )  the same thing is the case of Joe Biden, he is a right winger and neoliberal who is an anti Trump, but he is not an anticapitalist like the SPGB/WSM, but our Trotskyist has said that we are Champaign socialist and Trumpers, the question is who is who  and  who is drinking champaign or Dom Perignon, and eating Jamon Iberico de Bellota, and  caviar  at the present time


    I note another article where Biden will be following Trump’s economic  policy towards China.

    Biden promises more stability but is unlikely to drastically alter Trump’s hawkish trade policy…Experts, however, do not expect existing trade policies to change significantly under Biden…The president-elect is likely to persist with Trump’s tough stance against China, keeping in place the trade barriers erected by him. Biden has been critical of Beijing’s trade abuses that he says are hurting US workers.

    The king is dead…long live the king…the same old same


    As I said in another message, they are just changing the Pitcher, the Catcher, the Batter,  the men on the bases, and a new Dugout,  but they are playing the same game under the same rules, probably Joe Biden  is  going to pitch a harder ball than Donald Trump. The USA is not going to allow China to take the whole world market for themselves, and the USA is not collapsing as the leftist are saying

    The purpose of Donald Trump is to bring the troops back from Afganistan to please his base and to continue with his campaign for 2024 using a streaming radio station, he is not going  to give any coup dtat, if he does that, he is going to confront a force stronger than him which is the force of the state, the same thing can take place with the right wing militias.

    He is losing cases in all the civil courts and his attorney are giving up because they do not have any evidences,  The USA ruling class wants a new commander in chief and their favorite choice is Joe Biden, another smiling face face as  Barrack Obama. Many legal scholars have said ( including Ralph Nader ) that he might resign before January 20  and ask Mike Pence to emit Federal  pardons for him, his families and associates, and his ex personal lawyer said that he might leave in December toward Miami and he will never come back to Washington


    The Venezuelan government is counting on Joe Biden, but they are not going to change Donald Trump policy toward Venezuela, they might loose the strings with Cuba as Barrack Obama did, but they are not going to allow Russia and China to take all the natural resources from the Orinoco  as both are doing at the present, the whole east coast of Latin America has enormous minerals  resources needed for  the renovable industries, technology, and telecommunications which are heavy supporter of Joe Biden, they are also saying that they have discovered petroleum in Haiti and the whole Caribbean basin,  and they are keeping it for future eventuality, and the reserve is probably bigger than the one in Venezuela






    No change in Syria either:

    As we know, at one point Trump wanted to withdraw US troops from Syria but the military/foreign policy establishment wouldn’t let him. Biden won’t need any persuasion as what not to do. US capitalism’s geopolitical interests will be safe in his hands, safer in fact than in Trump’s who was a bit of an isolationist. Some might even describe him as a “lesser evil” for this !


    As we know, at one point Trump wanted to withdraw US troops from Syria but the military/foreign policy establishment wouldn’t let him. Biden won’t need any persuasion as what not to do.


    He is not nominating new civil commanders for the Pentagon for a coup, he just  wants to bring the troops back from Syria too , and the new ones will not  make any opposition to him, he has to please his voters to continue for 2024, if they do not try to place him in jail ( which I doubt ) based on state crimes. Richard Nixon was pardoned by President  Gerald Ford. The Prince of Michaevilli is the perfect book for the USA politicians, it is all political manipulations


    Let me summarize this article which was published by Telesur ( Venezuela Official TV/News ) clearly indicates that they think that they US left ( or what they call left ) is going to move Joe Biden toward the left, therefore, they are counting on Joe Biden to be softer toward Venezuela, and Cub, and that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to provide Free Education, Free Medical services, to eliminate racism, xenophobia,a new Green Deal,  and to provide civil rights. It does sound like a dream because they are not going to do, even more, if they try they are going to find heavy opposition from the USA senate


    This Trump ex-advisor has said that the number of troops in Syria is higher than the number of troops that Donald Trump has always said.


    The Law Firm which represented Donald Trump is stepping back on his fraud electoral case, they left him as the Lone Ranger


    The march for freedom and job was bigger than the MAGA march, and the Barrack Obama inauguration was bigger than the MAGA march too. This crow is mixed with pro-Trump and pro-Biden, we do not know how is who

    His nieces Mary L Trump  said that he will not come back in 2024 because he is not going to face another defeat

    That is not a crow of one million peoples as the White House has claimed


    Make America Rake Again. How are they going to make a total or a partial recount when their campaign funds have been spent and they owe money and they do not have funds to pay the debt? Some of their old donors do not want to give money to a loser. Some sectors of the USA capitalists have a new CEO to run their corporation


    That march in Washington DC is going to spread more infections of Covid 19 and more deaths, at the present time there are hospital who do not have any more beds, they do not have more ventilators, they do not have enough doctors and nurses, and they do not have enough medical supplies in some hospitals they are using the maintenance rooms and the storage room for the patients if they situation continued increasing patients are going to be placed on the floors on in camping beds, and like in Italy they would be forced to get doctors from others countries


    The longer Trump does not concede and the more his claims of fraud is spread, i think the more chance that there will be faithless electors in the Electoral College.

    Perhaps that is game-play…to win the College…mere idle speculation by myself

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