American election

March 2025 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #209243

    As expected the media reports are that Sander as well as Warren are to be cold-shouldered from any positions of real influence.

    Instead it is to be bipartisan politicians to take office. Senator Coons is viewed by Biden as someone who can reach across the floor



    A fascist is defined by his or her actions.  Denying reality is part of the life of a fascist.  The arguments here have become an echo chamber of utter stupidity: “Progress is made by not voting” and that given a choice “the greater evil is better than the lesser evil”.  The idiocy is beyond belief.  Secondly, Marxism is rooted in materialism and relativism, not idealism.  Have you not read Marx’s and Engels’s work on the Charists making progress?


    This is the opinion of the Marxist Leninist Party of Canda( CMLPC )  on the US election. It used to be a Maoist organization, then it switched to Enver Hoxha, and then to Castroism and North Korea . I have never seen any socialist or communist conception on the thoughts of Fidel Castro, he is just another Latin America nationalist such as Domingo Peron, or Ernesto Cardenas


    U.S. Election Shows Deep Divisions, with Multiple Dangers Ahead Even If Trump Can Be Made to Leave Office

    This is the opinion of the International Marxist Humanist on the USA election. This organization is a split from Mews and Letters Committee and Marxist Humanist Initiative


    Editorial: Trumpism, Democrats, and How to Vote from the Left

    This is the stand of the group of Killman in regard to the USA election. Our stand is totally different from all these groups


    Yes indeed we have read a lot about the Chartists and we have written about them, too.

    George Julian Harney: Red Republican

    And Marx’s involvement in the Chartists is further evidence that he was no armchair philosopher as you would suggest but a political activist.


    ^ Yawn, another red herring and straw man, and proof you are a charlatan.


    Our stand is totally different from all these groups – mov.

    Indeed, and Trump would have been in power for at least another 4 years and probably more.


    A fascist is defined by his or her actions.  Denying reality is part of the life of a fascist.  The arguments here have become an echo chamber of utter stupidity: “Progress is made by not voting” and that given a choice “the greater evil is better than the lesser evil”.  The idiocy is beyond belief.  Secondly, Marxism is rooted in materialism and relativism, not idealism.  Have you not read Marx’s and Engels’s work on the Charists making progress?


    You have not defined what Fascism really is, those are subjective considerations, the definition has been given in this forum and it has two major components: Extreme nationalism and the dictatorship of one party, and it only existed in Germany and Italy, and it was a form adopted by capitalism, and it was defeated in ww2,  denying reality it has nothing to do with fascism. Marxism is based on three essential conceptions: Class Struggles, the Materialist Conception of History and Labour law of value, it has nothing to do with relativism. The Chartist movement was a working-class movement it was not a bourgeoise movement like the Democratic Party or the Republican Republic, therefore, it does not apply to your concept of progress which is a  bourgeoisie conception, and sometimes many conceptions supported by Marx and Engels were also applicable to their epoch. The members of the forum have read many things about Marx and Engels, the Socialist Party is a university  of socialism/communism


    Our stand is totally different from all these groups – mov.

    Indeed, and Trump would have been in power for at least another 4 years and probably more.


    Donald Trump is not the problem, in that tramp has fallen many groups and intellectuals including Andrew Killman, Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein. The problem is capitalism, with peoples like you capitalism can last another century instead of four years, because you are going to be replacing one CEO of capitalism for another CEO of capitalism and its board of directors. We are still waiting for your definition of socialism and your definition of Fascism. We have had several supporters of Trump in this forum, and we have told them what was going to happen, and it has been like a political prophecy. We know what we are talking about


    ^ Yawn, another red herring and straw man, and proof you are a charlatan.


    Do not attack the messenger, try to analyze the message. That is the main point. If you go to a forum of the Democratic Party or the Republican Party and call Joe Biden, or Donald Trump a Charlatan, what is going to happen to you? They are going to throw you out

    L.B. Neill

    ‘^ Yawn, another red herring and straw man, and proof you are a charlatan.’

    Leon Trotsky,

    I do believe your comments fall into what might count as a professional controversialist – out to draw attention to yourself by belittling people on this forum. I too have experienced your putdowns, but in a dismissive way. At times an ignorance of word use and grandstanding based on a confused centre.

    A word salad pops to mind. I do not insult you by saying this. But encourage you to apply the talents you have to a greater and proper use.

    We already have enough controversialist in the popular media- so come, I invite you, put your talents to a great and useful cause. When you fight the good fight and use words- an organising principle will help- you will not need to draw attention to yourself: but to a great cause.

    Movimiento Socialista is right- other Forums would be less kind to such insults- and after all, this is a place of learning too… So try not to be naughty in the classroom- the rest of us are trying to learn and to teach.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    The history of the blank vote in Argentina in 2001. This analysis shows what has been said in this forum, and it  has been confirmed by my contacts in Argentina ( and Chile )  which were part of this movement


     Have you not read Marx’s and Engels’s work on the Charists making progress?

    ^ Yawn, another red herring and straw man, and proof you are a charlatan.

    It seems when you are confronted by what a prominent Chartist actually says, you distract from it…Does that sound like anybody you know?

    Maybe you think what is meant by “Red Republican” is someone who on the left who isn’t an admirer of the Democratic Party or of Biden – a Trumper. If anybody who fails to understand the Chartist movement, it is the person who first referenced them which was yourself hoping to prevail with the logical fallacy of appeal to authority. It won’t wash. We are well accustomed to Marx and Engels being used to justify false arguments.

    When the Chartists were advocating revolution, the lesser evil proponents such as yourself were urging for the reform of the Corn Laws because that was practical and pragmatic and avoided any social change.

    Instead the Chartists were stating:

    “Fellow-countrymen, when we contend for an equality of political rights, it is not in order to lop off an unjust tax or useless pension, or to get a transfer of wealth, power, or influence,  for a party; but to be able to probe our social evils to their source, and to apply effective remedies to prevent, instead of unjust laws to punish… And if the teachers of temperance and preachers of morality would unite like us, and direct their attention to the source of the evil, instead of nibbling at the effects, and seldom speaking of the cause; then, indeed instead of splendid palaces of intemperance daily erected, as if in mockery of their exertions – built on the ruins of happy home, despairing minds, and sickened hearts – we should soon have a sober, honest, and reflecting people.” [my emphasis]

    Biden is the modern-day preacher of morality.

    So next time you try to defend your argument with an example from history, just remember to correctly understand them


    L.B. Neill

    The teacher has spoken. LT: pick up your history books, and follow the lesson.

    (Alan, apologies for the teacher metaphor).

    The lesser or greater evil should have no consideration- the evil is the evil- and calling it lessor is akin to pouring perfume on a dung heap.

    We should have a sober, honest and reflecting people.

    So it remains: read the perfume label LT- a scented dung heap… is still a heap of dung. We can’t polish it up, nor make it smell nice, nor turn it into a sweet sandwich- not swallowing it!

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