American election

March 2025 Forums General discussion American election

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  • #209143


    Bijou Drains

    Do you think that’s where “The Donald” gets his Barnet done, Adam? If it is, he wants to ask for his money back, ‘cos he’s fooling nobody, the baldy bastard.


    ACA is just a tax law, and a way to provide more profits to the insurance industries. Reagan also pushed for the intervention of the insurance industries in the health system, in the same manner, that Biden is going to do it that is the reason why  he is rejecting Medicare for all, they are also one of their donors


    Yes, that had occurred to me BD. On looking closer I now see that the blue plaque next door is saying that Nancy Mitford, the one of the sisters who was a notorious fascist, did something there. Don’t tell LT.


    I didn’t know that the USA ruling class advocate for the dictatorship of one single party to rule when they have two I thought I was an exclusivity of the Leninists and the fascists

    There are indications that the pentagon might disobey Donald Trump to mobilize troops, they consider that their new chief is joe Biden , they did not approve the general who walked along with Trump and repressed the population.


    I did: Argentina. You ignored it. But it did happen. – young master

    How so?



    Two conservative magistrates from the USA supreme before starting arguments have said that they are not going to strike down ACA


    Only the fascists want the ACA struck down.  And there are many on this site.  They want to see the working class suffer more than they already are.  In other words, take what little they have and let them starve and die.  We need to prove our point, say these champagne socialists, that the greater evil is better than the lesser evil.



    Google Argentina 2001: mass spoiled ballots and abstention helped bring down the government.

    Also, election boycotts are not unheard of, such as in Kenya (this is not to necessarily endorse the movements in Argentina nor Kenya, but to show how not casting a ballot can be a legitimate and effective political manoeuvre).

    Withdrawal of consent and co-operation with the state is an effective tool.


    There was also large voting absenteeism in the Dominican Republic in 1974 and it produced a big national crisis. Most political parties from the left asked their members no to vote and they followed the call and the government was forced to started  great repression, they won the election by themselves without any support from the majority of the peoples and by creating a second political party  to justify the election,   and then  they were forced to run a campaign for national reforms, and an agrarian reform

    Inactive   This is a group which is constantly talking about Fascists and Fascism, but they consider that Obama care is only a corporate measure to produce profits for the insurance company, they even call it a counter-revolutionary act.  They must be drinking a lot of Champagne




    This is the opinion of a Trotskyists group on the Obama care ( ACA )


    The two magistrates who spoke about no knocking down ACA they have been considered as fascists by others groups, and they were appointed by Donald Trump. The main thing is  that the capitalist want to eliminate is the tax law, but they do not want to remove the provision where the insurance companies can make large profits. The situation was pretty well explained by the economists Richard Wolf and the Ralph Nader


    LT, as been pointed out, the WSM advocates the use of the ballot to win political power and control over the State machine so that socialism can displace the capitalist system.

    The use of the ballot to prop up a pro-capitalist politician and his party is a wasted vote.

    A greatly admired socialist once said “it is better to vote for for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.”

    He criticised his fellow-workers for voting for the Republican Party or  Democratic Party, as both were political organisations of their masters, the employing, owning  class.

    And even now, people like yourself advocate the exact same the folly of doing that.

    There cannot be an independent party of the working class developed when at each election, working people are instructed to always vote into office the least awful alternative. Don’t you comprehend that fact.

    You also lose any leverage to influence a candidate when you declare in advance of any election, no matter what you have done in the past or what you say or promise now, i will give you my vote unconditionally.

    Yes, LT, there has been a long hard painful and often bloody struggle to obtain the vote and i am not going to give mine away so very cheaply as yourself.

    And as been mentioned, on many of the local ballots were referendums on various initiatives and reforms. There may have been an instance where a socialist refusing to mark a vote for Biden but was inclined to cast a ballot directly for or against any of the propositions.

    And as for your predictive powers, LT, we note that Trump has gone done the constitutional and the courts legal route to challenge the result and not as you and others warned, instigated a coup or an insurrection to stay in power.



    This is the tax law for Obama care and it was a measure approved after the Republican introduced many modifications made by them which means that it is a combined measure of Democrats and Republicans ministers, probably, there are more  republican clauses than democrats clauses, and there was a big lobby from the insurance company to obtain approval


    Only the fascists want the ACA struck down.  And there are many on this site.  They want to see the working class suffer more than they already are.  In other words, take what little they have and let them starve and die.  We need to prove our point, say these champagne socialists, that the greater evil is better than the lesser evil.


    This is really getting  out of order now. Your insults are becoming more colourfully surreal and ridiculous by the day. There are no fascists on this site that I am aware of and, as has been explained to you several times now, socialists do not oppose particular reforms like the ACA  but rather reformism – the advocacy of reforms as a strategy because it inescapably detracts from a revolutionary perspective .  It has also been pointed that we agree that some reforms can benefit workers though, of course, such benefits can also be whittled away at a time of economic downturn.   We are ourselves members of the working class so why should we want to suffer more along with our fellow workers?


    Try to be a little less shrill and more honest and level headed in your criticism . Criticism is always welcomed but the kind of trollish comments you are coming out with lately makes it very difficult for anyone to take you seriously as a critic.

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