Alt Left

July 2024 Forums General discussion Alt Left

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    If youve heard the term used in the media: 'alt-right', then are we alt-left? Would that mean alternative to the left? An article here elaborates

    jondwhite wrote:
    If youve heard the term used in the media: 'alt-right', then are we alt-left? Would that mean alternative to the left? An article here elaborates

     Its quite a thought provoking article though one wonders what Eliot Murphy has in mind when he wrote this:"In brief, the day that class politics is replaced with privilege-checking is the day left-wing politics lies in its grave. We urgently need an alt-left which reorganises progressive agendas around traditional socialist and anarchist principles and movements but rejects much of the millennial forms of identitarian politics and instead promotes more traditional forms of collective action and direct engagement with existing democratic institutions"


    There already exists a tendency on social media which could described as 'alt-left' which displays many of the features of the 'alt-right'. It isn't very positive.I posted this on facebookThe Alt. Right in the United States reply to criticism of their use of Nazi and Fascist imagery, Racist language and rapist misogyny by claiming that they are merely doing so ironically, in order to get a reaction and create anger amongst the 'SJW', that is, everyone with an ounce of human decency.Of course, this is simply bollocks. A frail and cowardly attempt to pretend that they aren't a bunch Racist, misogynist fascist bastards.  Unfortunately, it is also the case that a similar phenomenon has gained ground in Britain in recent years. But this time amongst people  (though I have only encountered (white)men, I have not the evidence to say that women and POC aren't amongst this trend) who are nominally on the left. They produce a wealth of memes and posts praising the old Eastern Bloc regimes, glorying in the repressive machines of these states; KGB, Stasi and Gulag. They take great enjoyment in baiting the various adherents of their opponents ( especially the Trotskyists). Most extend their devotion to dead political psychopaths to support for modern 'anti Imperialist' murderers like Putin and Assad. They claim that they are real communists. But what they are really is worshippers of dictatorship, admirers of mass murder, they are a faecal stain on the left.


    I always thought we said we weren't really "leftwing" as we regarded both left and right as wings of the same capitalist vulture It's just that our language is similar.


    The terms leftwimg or rightwings are irrelevamt and false


    Quite right comrades, twin cheeks of the same arse.

    Darren wrote:
    There already exists a tendency on social media which could described as 'alt-left' which displays many of the features of the 'alt-right'. It isn't very positive.I posted this on facebookThe Alt. Right in the United States reply to criticism of their use of Nazi and Fascist imagery, Racist language and rapist misogyny by claiming that they are merely doing so ironically, in order to get a reaction and create anger amongst the 'SJW', that is, everyone with an ounce of human decency.Of course, this is simply bollocks. A frail and cowardly attempt to pretend that they aren't a bunch Racist, misogynist fascist bastards.  Unfortunately, it is also the case that a similar phenomenon has gained ground in Britain in recent years. But this time amongst people  (though I have only encountered (white)men, I have not the evidence to say that women and POC aren't amongst this trend) who are nominally on the left. They produce a wealth of memes and posts praising the old Eastern Bloc regimes, glorying in the repressive machines of these states; KGB, Stasi and Gulag. They take great enjoyment in baiting the various adherents of their opponents ( especially the Trotskyists). Most extend their devotion to dead political psychopaths to support for modern 'anti Imperialist' murderers like Putin and Assad. They claim that they are real communists. But what they are really is worshippers of dictatorship, admirers of mass murder, they are a faecal stain on the left.

     The word Fascism and Nazism is coming back  to the newspapers of the left, but if we follow  their definition of Fascism, we can also conclude they have been supporting fascists and Nazis for many years, they have been worshipping and supporting dictators and criminals like the right wingers. In Latin America they have been supporting Fidel Castro for more than 50 years, and after his death they continue worshipping him. Documents of the Argentinean government has shown that the government of Cuba collaborated withthe  Military junta of Argentina and Videla. The division between the Maoists took place when the government of China gave their support to Augusto Pinochet, based on the so called theory of the three world elaborated by Mao Tse Tung


    Hi Darren, I'm the author of the piece, and I actually agree with you here. I've written about the left's bizarre defences of various dictatorships, e.g.: when I argued for an alt-left, I certainly didn't mean to propose the kind of tactics we're both very much against.


    It seems this term alt-left has been given more publicity by the latest statement by Trump. counterpunch article defines it as a rejection of identity politics.Trump seems to think it is a term for violent antifa and BLM.Jacobin suggests the term "alt-left" was originally a slander against the Bernie Sanders campaign


    That conception of Alt-Left is just a stupidity, there is not a movement or an organization in the USA called Alt-Left, anything that  opposes the Republican Party, or the right wingers, is called Alt-Lef, it is like the term Liberal  that is being for all  kind of situation, except for the real ones, there are not liberal in the USA, and Liberalism does not exist either. Most of the so called Alt-Left are just a bunch of reactionaries, recalcitrants,  and similar to the right winger. Leninist which is the real leftists do not support the so called Alt-Lett

    Marcos wrote:
    That conception of Alt-Left is just a stupidity, there is not a movement or an organization in the USA called Alt-Left, anything that  opposes the Republican Party, or the right wingers, is called Alt-Lef, it is like the term Liberal  that is being for all  kind of situation, except for the real ones, there are not liberal in the USA, and Liberalism does not exist either. Most of the so called Alt-Left are just a bunch of reactionaries, recalcitrants,  and similar to the right winger. Leninist which is the real leftists do not support the so called Alt-Lett

     There is a FB group called "Alt-Leftist Empire" which has over 10,000 members and calls itself a subset of liberals and leftists distinguishable from the "regressive left" – it is purportedly in favour of free speech ad opposed to Antifa and the Alt Right.  I tried to join the site to exchange ideas but it didnt allow me in.  My suspicions are that it is a front for Ancaps of various kinds

    robbo203 wrote:
    Marcos wrote:
    That conception of Alt-Left is just a stupidity, there is not a movement or an organization in the USA called Alt-Left, anything that  opposes the Republican Party, or the right wingers, is called Alt-Lef, it is like the term Liberal  that is being for all  kind of situation, except for the real ones, there are not liberal in the USA, and Liberalism does not exist either. Most of the so called Alt-Left are just a bunch of reactionaries, recalcitrants,  and similar to the right winger. Leninist which is the real leftists do not support the so called Alt-Lett

     There is a FB group called "Alt-Leftist Empire" which has over 10,000 members and calls itself a subset of liberals and leftists distinguishable from the "regressive left" – it is purportedly in favour of free speech ad opposed to Antifa and the Alt Right.  I tried to join the site to exchange ideas but it didnt allow me in.  My suspicions are that it is a front for Ancaps of various kinds

    That is not a Leninist group. Alternative Left would be the integration of several Leninist groups. Those are  peoples opposed to the Republican Party but they support the Democratic Party which is considered as a leftist party in the USA


    Many workers in the USA are willing to lose their Medical Benefits, ( Medicaid, Medicare ) Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, free education, Retirement Benefits, Disability Benefits, to Lose all their  Unions because they are considered as measures created by the leftists and the communists. Those capitalists or social democrat measures run by the state is considered as communism. Those are normal reforms that exist in a small capitalist  country like Costa Rica Many used the expression 'Big Government" without knowing that the real term is state capitalism, the same one that existed in the Soviet Union, like the New deal created during the government of RooseveltSome newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post are considered as  Communists newspapers.( Alt-Left )  La Jornada of Mexico and  Claridad of Puerto Rico  would be considered the Iskra of the Bolsheviks


    The Democratic Party is not a party of the left, they are right winger too, therefore, they are not  Alt-left. The Leninists and others so called Socialists and communist groups belong to the left. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Al Gore, Bernie Sanders, and others are not part of the left. Conservative is a nice expression used to avoid being called reactionary, recalcitrants, counter-revolutionary, anti-communists, pro-capitalists,   and rightists. Only peoples who are totally confused can be proud of being called members of the right. We do know that right and left are relevant, and both are the same. Only right wingers and left wingers want to establish a difference, furthermore, the ICC has a term known as the left of capital which is also wrong


    The only genuine Socialist-Communist Party that exists in the USA is the World Socialist Party of the US and it is not part of the left and it is not Alt-Left, it is a companion party of the World Socialist Movement, and  it is an alternative to Capitalism

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