All Lives Matter

September 2024 Forums General discussion All Lives Matter

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  • #204125

    If All Lives Matter?

    Where are the protests about this? If All Lives Matter. Unless it is just a political sound bite by bigots. Yemen my bad

    ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING distressing images.

    I have removed link . It shows emaciated starving children.

    It can be found here

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by james19.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by james19.

    That should be the real concept because peoples of all colours of their skin are being affected by capitalism including peoples who have pale skins, and we are all wages slaves, millions of humans beings around the world are living in a budget of less than one dollar a day and eating from trash bins and public dumpsters.

    Palestinian are not the only ones who are suffering discrimination, hunger, and death in the Gaza strips, also thousands of Israelites also would like to emigrate to other countries because they are also suffering from oppression, hunger, unemployment, and discriminations, especially the Sephardic and black Jews

    The left also forgets that Israel like any other society is divided between workers and capitalists, oppressed and oppressors, on the side of the Palestinian there is also one bourgeoise class like there is a bourgeoise class within the Afro American community of the USA and Africa, and they are anti-communists and right-wingers


    And the nonhumans who die in their millions in vivisection labs, are butchered for “sport” in the bush, exterminated to species extinction to clear jungle and forest for profit.



    Of course, without plants we all die, and without diversity of other animal species we all die.

    But if ALB posted the above link in order to negate my plea for fellow animals, be it known: plants do not have a central nervous system.


    Before the emerge of Heart surgery and bypass thousands of dogs were killed in Medical laboratory, and the same conditions that little children had known as a blue baby syndrome were created on them, but thanks to Dr Vivien Thomas ( a self-educated surgeon ) thousands of human lives were saved but later on, it became a very profitable business. He did not receive the proper merits because he was a poor black man who started to work as a janitor and then he learned Medicine and he was able to teach other doctors graduated from Harvard and Yale. It clear injustice was committed against Vivien Thomas including his friends that received all the merits, after 20 years he received a Juris Doctor degree when he was not a lawyer, but a physician and a surgeon, who operated with his eyes closed, because he knew the general  anatomy of animals and human beings


    No ALB didn’t post that link to negate your plea. He just felt that you left yourself open to that comment.

    You need to be more precise with your slogan which (it seems) should be:


    Having said that, Lord Finklestein in his column in today’s Times enunciates a sensible rule;

    ”Every ridiculous view has at least one person that supports it, and every person supports at least one ridiculous view, and it’s not necessary to take part in every ridiculous argument.”


    So, saying nonhuman lives matter, and not only human lives, is a ridiculous argument?


    No. It’s arguing about whether vegetable lives matter that is. But you have already derailed this thread enough. Best to go back to the animalist thread.

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