Afghan War Denialism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Afghan War Denialism

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  • #220640

    The US and UK and Canada sends back the troops.

    USA 3000 troops returned, the UK, 600, Canada unspecified Special Forces, to assist in the evacuation of foreign nationals as town after town, city after city, fall to the Taliban

    UK defence secretary, Ben Wallace, assures us that this is not panic but part of the plan.

    Britain is relocating its embassy from the outskirts of the secure Green Zone to a safer location closer to the centre of the capital.

    I doubt we will witness scenes similar to the Fall of Saigon, one reason being the media are not going to be present to film it.


    There is not any safe location for the US and British troops in Afghanistan, the Taliban are occupying the whole country and they are very strong at the present time, and they are going to occupy the capital too.

    The Western powers are glued to that place and they do not want to accept that they have been defeated.

    All Western powers are going to be kicked out from the Middle East.

    The Chinese capitalists are sharpening their knifes to take over and to establish their own market in the Middle East, it is going to be part of the new silk road, or the Belt and Road initiative.

    Afghanistan has many minerals that China needs to develop its industry

    The security forces trained by the USA are almost completely wiped out and they are giving up and they are integrating themselves to the civilian population, and the Talibans have taken many weapons, trucks, hummers and helicopters.

    The main purpose of this new troops sent by the USA is in order to detain the advancement of the Taliban and to avoid the same humiliating situation which took place in Saigon, and it looks like it is going to be a repetition of the same event. That embassy has more 4,200 employees


    Afghanistan is “heading towards civil war” as the UK prepares to withdraw its citizens, allies and troops, the defence secretary has said.

    Umm…and what has been going on for the past 10 years but a civil war with one faction supported by foreign troops

    I’d rephrase that stupid statement to read “Afghanistan is heading towards the end of a civil war as the Taliban prepares for victory”


    And the war against the Soviets troops, wasn’t that a civil war too ? The USA and England also financed the Talibans, they were called the Freedom Fighters. They Afghans have been carrying civil wars for many years, that is the reason why it is called the Graveyard of Empires


    “This is manifestly not Saigon,” the US secretary of state Antony Blinken told ABC’s This Week. “We went into Afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission in mind, and that was to deal with the people who attacked us on 9/11, and that mission has been successful.”

    Still very much in denial

    Re-writing history before it even gets into the history books


    This situation looks worst than Saigon


    Pentagon spokesman John Kirby also said he was confident that the US could move “thousands” of people out of the Afghan capital once the US had regained control of the airport.

    “Capacity is not going to be a problem,” he said at the press conference.

    Still in denial


    Joe Biden said that the Taliban were not going to take Kabul or Afghanistan because there were 350,000 militaries and police heavily trained by the USA against 80,000 of the Taliban, but the military and police trained by the USA gave up and surrenders their weapons and some joined the Taliban and others joined the civilian population, and others left the country, and the Taliban took all the weapons and military hardware and they took over the whole country. According to some reports, those militaries had not received salaries for several months. This time there were not people jumping to helicopters like in Saigon but instead, they were people climbing to big military planes and some fell to the ground and killed themselves. If this situation does not look like Saigon it might look like Berlin during WW2 or 1989


    At least the US is trying to do better than Germany when it was being defeated at the end of the last world war and had to withdraw from the countries they had conquered. They left those who had collaborated with them to their fate.


    When the Soviet Union withdrew its troops from Afghanistan they left all their collaborators without any protection. Lately the Russians have been collaborating with the Talibans


    We have two threads on Afghanistan. I think both should be combined into one thread only

    J Surman

    I refer back to my post on this thread on July 22nd, as I have just read (link below) Engel’s commentary on the British ‘war’in Afghanistan in the 1830-40s mentioning Alexander Burns, the main character of the book written by Craig Murray full of details of that time. What would Engels be writing about the current situation I wonder!

    Afghanistan | By Frederick Engels


    Talk about history repeating itself. In those days Afghanistan included modern Pakistan. Which might explain Pakistan’s role there, the frontier between the two states cutting across areas inhabited by people with the same language and culture.


    At the beginning of the 2001 war, the government of Pakistan was an allied of the USA and its territory was used as a catapult, and they received millions of dollars in military aid from the USA, and as always the friend of the USA becomes enemy, like in Iraq and Libya ( Probably, in the future Saudi Arabia will take the same route ).

    There are too many capitalists groups struggling for their own interests in Asia, and the Middle East ( North east Africa ) it is not 1940 when Japan was the sole dominator of the Asian region, even more, Japan is developing its own armaments and they can become a power empire again and might take an independent road and turn itself against their own so called ally

    As in Vietnam the real winner was not the Vietcong, it was China, in this case the winner are not the Taliban but Pakistan who also provided aid to the Talibans, in the same way that the Ho Chi Min trail was financed by China

    The Chinese capitalists and the Russian capitalists are waiting like hawks to benefits themselves from the consequences of this retreat. There are more than 3.1 trillions in natural resources in Afghanistans, resources they are going to be needed for the technology of the future and military manufacturing.

    The left-wingers just sees it as a defeat for the ‘yankees’ but they eliminate the class struggle in this situation and the hegemonic struggles of the superpowers, there is not any single country in this world who can obtain independent and internal capitalist development by itself


    And then the “Chavistas” are saying that Marx and Engels never wrote anything about others countries, culture and colonialism, the problem is that Marx exposed the real Simon Bolivar

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